

Friday, December 29, 2017

Remember Me

I live near a cemetery. When I was in middle school, I had a fort there with a friend of mine named Olivia.
A relative of mine was buried there, so whenever we visited the cemetery, I would leave her a flower.
Olivia didn't know anyone there, so she picked out a grave that looked forgotten. His name was Frank de Mara. She would leave flowers there.

These days every time I'm in the cemetery, I visit four graves.
One is the grave of my relative (my aunt's mom).
The second is a little girl that I've never met. But she was the daughter of one of my dad's students. She was only a year old.
Third is a boy that died while I was in high school. I didn't know him, but I did know one of the boys who was in the car with him when the accident happened. There's a sign at my school to honor that boy.
And finally I visit Frank's grave. I continue to leave flowers there.

Yesterday I walked up to the cemetery with my Dad. I hadn't been there in a while and I gathered four flowers before we walked up.
During this cemetery visit, I couldn't stop thinking about Coco.
I made my usual rounds, and finally ended up at Frank's grave. He died in 1909. He wasn't old either. A bit less than 40. I've never seen any other offerings there.
Who was he? What did he do? Why did he die? What kind of person was he? Is this guy forgotten?
Now more than ever I want to know something about him.

Before Coco even came out, this kind of stuff had been on my mind.
A couple years ago, during my Young Adult Fiction class for grad school, we read a book called "Love Letters to the Dead." One of our assignments was to write a letter to a dead person.
I wrote my letter to both of my Grandpas. I never met either of them (I did grow up with a grandpa - the best Grandpa ever - but he wasn't actually my blood Grandpa. My Grandma married him before I was born, after her first husband died).
I think that letter is when I started wondering a lot more about people that I'd never met.
Maybe that's one reason why Coco affected me so much.

Another thing that affected me about Coco was Mama Coco. I cannot see her without thinking about my Grandpa - the Grandpa who may not be related to me, but was as good a family as you could hope to get.
He died last year. He had alzheimers.
Even when he didn't know who we were, he still remembered his music. The last time I saw him alive, he sang Amazing Grace, and Red River Valley.
So that duet at the end of Coco hit pretty hard.

I think that might be one of the worst things ever. Even if your body hurts, you still have your mind. But alzheimers takes that mind away from you. It takes away memories of the people you love and scrambles the memories that are left.

There's a scene where Mama Coco looks at her daughter and says, "who are you?" A couple people in the audience laughed.
Let me tell you something. That is not supposed to be funny. If their own mother didn't recognize them, I doubt they'd be laughing.

Anyway, I recommend going to your family and asking about the people who are gone.
It's amazing what you can learn. And I'll bet your family will be glad for the chance to pass on what they remember about their loved ones.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

I'm Only Un Poco Loco

Disney heard my wishes and a few days ago they posted the full clip of this song.

This song makes me want to dance. Though even the best dancer can't do what Hector does. Actually, I like his normal dancing even more than his loco dancing where he builds himself upside down and out-of-order.
You even get a glimpse of the beautiful Pepita in this clip.
How long can I go without mentioning Coco?
Who knows. I haven't had the chance to gush about this movie to anyone who's seen it. Except Dad. He's probably heard me go on about it enough already.
Which is why I'm gushing on my poor blog.
Might as well go on for a while, try to burn some of it out of my system. Usually writing stuff down means it stops speeding through my head.
Singing the songs would probably help too, but my voice still hasn't returned fully from my cough even though I'm otherwise recovered. Hopefully soon though. I've been learning them, so I'll be ready!

So, you may want to skip the rest of the post.

When I noticed that Hector had suspenders, I thought it was funny because I guessed skeletons needed them to keep their clothes on. But not so! You can see in this video that he takes them off in order to take his bones apart. Which means that his suspenders are not for his pants. They're to keep his bones together! XD
His clothes are so patched and he's so battered that his bones fall apart more than the other skeletons. Especially the arm without the sleeve, and the leg where the pants are torn off at the knee.
Also, I just realized he can take off his hair? And his goatee (which he then twists back on). @_@

Can I mention his goofy grins?

Plus his commentary on his photo is "muy guapo, eh?" He is actually guapo (handsome, if you don't speak español). It's just not really... reflected in this particular photo.
Imelda is beautiful while she's alive. Not quite so much when she's dead, but Hector looks cool both alive and dead.
Imelda is pretty awesome at the end. Do not mess with the people she cares about XD
And Miguel is cute too! "Dimple, no dimple! Dimple, no dimple!"

Angry flower shark

Maaan, his story is so freaking sad though. Even before he knows the whole story. But he's not a broken person. He must have had some terrible days though.
He may be, well, kinda unreliable at times (Why the heck would he lose that poor guy's femur?). But he's also super caring and outgoing. You can tell he has some self esteem problems, and that's not surprising at all. When Hector and Miguel are stuck together, he calls himself a sorry excuse of a person. TT^TT
He also takes pretty bad care of himself (and bad care of his stuff).

Plus people are so mean to him.
Miguel unintentionally makes fun of his limp. And other people taunt him for theoretically choking to death (Which feels even worse when you've seen the full movie). And that one lady almost drops a freaking staircase on him.

As I first watched the movie, I slowly liked Hector more as the story progressed. By the end I knew he was one of my favorite characters from the movie. But it wasn't until the next day that my brain had processed enough to go, "Man, I freaking love this skeleton!"

I wonder what Pixar's process was to figure out the skeleton faces. Sometimes it feels strange that their bone is also their lips. But it works.
Their level of research, on every level, is mind-blowing. They were accurate with the guitar, and everyone says they nailed the culture and the holiday. Which I know from experience is not easy to do. XD
Plus Disney has a history of not being very respectful to some of their subjects... Hence my initial worry about the movie.

I also wonder how written stories would affect the spirits in the Land of the Dead. For example, what if someone had a diary filled with stories about their family? Doesn't that count as having your family pass down stories about you? Would a skeleton be safe there as long as there was some kind of written record about them? But I guess not, because there seem to be written records about most people. I guess the stories have to be passed down directly.

I love that there are Español words and phrase scattered all over. Though there are a couple that I need to look up (once I can watch the movie with subtitles).

I also wish that they didn't have the term "final death." It would have been more powerful if it didn't have a name, I think. (Edit: Just learned that "the third and final death" is an actual thing, so I take this back).

I just saw Coco again today, with some of mi familia. When we stepped out of the theater, I went "Group family hug!" And bundled everyone together XD
Watching anime makes me use random Japanese words. Watching Coco makes me use random Spanish words (Except the Spanish is a lot easier for me since I studied it for three years XD). I am easily influenced by what I watch.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas Stories

Merry Christmas everyone!

Wow, last night I did something that I haven't done in years.
I wrote one of Fern's stories.
I have a huge notebook full of outlines and stats and allies and everything. But I haven't actually written one of her stories in years. Possibly not even since high school.
Mostly I just play them in my head, and write down the basics.
It was kinda fun to do.
Though I really need to solidify the group she works with. Heh.

(My aunt got me a tree fern for Christmas! )

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Four Years of Drawing

Aah last night I finally finished the sketchbook I started back in 2014 XD
I go through sketchbooks pretty slowly, but I do have a few different sketchbooks for different topics, which makes it go even slower.

I like the idea of sharing my favorite pictures from my sketchbooks. I'd like to make a tradition of it, at least for my main sketchbooks.
So here we go again~

A color pencil picture of a werewolf version of Fang. The pose is taken from another artist, so I can't really take full credit for it XD
(That's probably true for most of the upcoming pictures, actually @_@ )

This is an image from Avatar: The Last Airbender that I had to redraw.
Zuko joining in the Dragon Dance.

I can actually take full credit for this one XP
The Phoenix dragons that appear (though briefly) in Katani's story.

This is a scene I redrew from Steven universe: Jail Break.
"I think you're just mad cause you're single!"

And finally

Another I can take full credit for!
Muffet from Undertale. I really like how this one turned out. It might actually be my favorite. But that background killed my hand XD

I already have several sketches in my next book. Only a couple of them are colored, and my next project is to finish the others.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Taking Over the Brain

So, if you're obsessed with a movie and can't stop thinking about it, is it better to try and avoid it? Not watch any clips or listen to music so you don't add fuel to the fire?
Or should you go crazy and get as much of it as you can so you burn yourself out faster?

The first option has never really been that successful for me. XD
Or maybe my self-control just sucks.

I thought I'd write a couple short stories before I start my next Katani edit. I've had a couple of them in mind for a long time now.
Without thinking, I picked out the oldest short idea to start with. It's a scene that takes place after Katani's story. I started yesterday and wrote most of it (The day before was spent on a different writing project).
The moment I started writing, I realized that it was an oddly appropriate, yet inconvenient choice. Because this short story takes place during a Day of the Dead celebration. Not Dia de los Muertos. It's based off of some of the Asian day of the dead celebrations.
So of course that made me think of Coco all the more. And then I compare them, and mine seems much more dull XD (Although that may also be because I started coughing yesterday, and I haven't stopped all day, so everything seems a bit hazy).

I've got three short stories to think about.
If I can stop getting distracted by Coco.
I really want to see it again. But for now I have to make do with the clips and stuff on Youtube.

I freaking love Hector's animation.
Heck, I freaking love Hector.
I found a few clips from the movie. He is totally suspicious at the beginning XD
Poor guy.
I wonder how his bones got all battered. And then I think that it's probably just because he does stuff like chuck himself off a balcony so he doesn't have to take the stairs.

Sunday, December 17, 2017


I finished the first draft of Evva's story.
First drafts are always the most fun and exciting to write. With each additional edit, it gets a bit more tedious XD

But for now I'm stepping away from Evva's story. Time to let it sit while I work on a different project.
Which probably means one more read through of Katani? There's three things I need to check out, but those three things will probably require an entire read-through. I imagine I'll find some other stuff to fix while I'm at it.

I'm also toying with the idea of maybe starting a new story too. We'll see. I'll probably go through Katani once more, at least.

Stars and Skeletons

Wow, usually when I write the big finale of a story, I'm totally sucked into it.
But last night was not that way.
I kept getting distracted . Not even by the internet or anything. I just couldn't keep my mind on what I was writing.
The finale sort of comes in three parts for Evva's story. And last night I wrote the last part of it (I only have the end chapter left - the resolution).
I was surprised that I was having so much trouble with last night's scene. It was a scene that had been in mind since the very beginning.
But I guess in hindsight, it's not that surprising. Because I think I kind of hate what I had to do XD
I came damn close to crying, which I don't think has ever happened to me while I'm writing. It happened while I was the letter that Sol leaves for Evva.

Anyway, while I was supposed to be writing the final battle, I kept stopping to think about Coco.
I saw it yesterday, and I loved it. It's the first Pixar I've loved since Up (about eight years ago). I don't think I can resist writing at least a little about it.
Sure, it had its problems. It was fairly predictable, in the Disney way (At least for me. Plenty of other people were surprised by the twist).
Dante was on about the same level as the rooster in Moana (except Dante was a lot more useful than Heihei).
The whole "NO MUSIC!" thing was a lot like how Moana wasn't supposed to go to the ocean.
(And spoilers in these parentheses. The bad guy setup was a lot like in Up.)

Either way, I couldn't avoid getting sucked in.
The animation was outstanding. I've always loved Dia de los Muertos and the combination of skeletons and flowers and bright colors. I was excited to see they were making a movie about it. But I also didn't have a lot of hope. I also got exited when I saw the trailers for Brave, and that movie disappointed me.
This movie did not disappoint!

My Grandpa would have loved this.

Pepita was freaking gorgeous!

I also really liked Hector. I can't even pin down why I like him so much. I guess the combination of his character and his animation? But I loved Hector.

Except for some reason I cannot remember his name XD . I kept having to look it up the first day. And I still have to think about it. Hector! It's Hector!
Man, my first impression of him was way off. I didn't think I'd care about him much at all. Sneaking around, getting arrested and stuff. He just seemed like a suspicious trouble-maker.
Well, just a little bit XD

I feel like I'm finding a lot of awesome skeletons recently. I never used to think about them that much.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Designing a dragon

Since I've designed 14 different dragon species, I've come up with a sort of template about the different features you might consider while building your own dragon.
Of course, dragons can be whatever you want. The sky's the limit. These are just to get you started~

1. Body Type:
There's the western variety of dragon which is more or less like a winged lizard.

Then there are the bat-shaped dragons, like wyverns

And finally the long eastern-style dragons.

2. How many legs do they have? Are they like South American dragons, which have no legs?
Do they have only two legs? Maybe only hind legs. Or possibly just forelegs.

Maybe they have more than four legs.
Do they walk on their hind legs, or on all four feet? Do they have to slither like a snake if they're on the ground?
How many toes do they have? In China, only the emperor was allowed to wear anything with five-toed dragons on it.

3. Wings
Do they have wings, or do they float? Maybe they don't fly at all.
Do they bat-like wings, or bird-like wings? They might me insect-like wings.
If they have bat-like wings, how many fingers do they have? Usually there are one or more thumbs on the wing which they can use to walk on or grab things. And then there are the longer (usually more flexible) fingers that the skin membrane stretches between.
Do they have more than two wings?

4. Covering
Do they have scales, feathers, skin, or fur? Or a combination of them?
What colors is the dragon?

5. Head
What shape is it? Square, triangular, or more rounded.
Is the snout thick, or sharp?
How long is the snout?
How many heads do they have?
What shape eyes do they have? What color? What shape are the pupils?

6. Tail
They probably need a tail for balance while walking and during flight. What kind of tail? Lion-like? Lizard-like? Bird-like?
Does it have spikes at the end? A club,? A blade,? Maybe a spade end. Or a tuft of feathers or fur. Or frills to help it steer.

7. Horns and spikes
Do they have horns?
How many?
What shape? Think of curled ram horns, stag antlers, bull horns, antelope horns, etc. Do they curve down or up or forward? Do they curl or branch or twist?
Do they have any other kinds of spikes on their head? Anywhere else on their body, like ankles or shoulders?

8. Back ridge
Dragons often have something that run down the center of their back. It might be a mane, or a line of spikes or frills.

9. Ears or anything else on the head
Do they have ears?
Frilled ears? Cat or dog ears? Scaly shell-shaped ears?
Do they have any other kind of frills or ornaments anywhere else on their head? (Or anywhere else)

10. Ability
Finally, do they have magic? Do they breathe fire? Spit acid? Maybe they have some other elemental power. Breathing ice, spitting lightning, breathing poison gas, blasting wind.

Can they speak?
Can they use telepathy?
Can they control waters?

Anything else?
How big are they?
Are they benevolent, or chaotic?
Do they hoard treasure, or guard the rivers?

Have fun!

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Of Course I Knew it!

I read Bakuman a while ago, and enjoyed it a lot.

It's cool seeing how people form stories, and I learned a lot about the manga process.
Manga is very different than writing a book. Obviously.
But especially because manga are published one chapter at a time. The author doesn't get to go back and revise older parts of the story to improve them or fix continuity.

I've had a bit of experience with that through fanfiction. But even then I have been known to jump back and tweak things once in a rare while.

I learned that the authors of Bakuman were the same guys that wrote Death Note, which was popular while I was in high school. But it took me until this year to read it.
Since I read Bakuman first, I could almost feel a lot of their thought process throughout Death Note.

But the battle between the geniuses got rather annoying. Mostly because they always seemed to be reading each others minds in miraculous ways.
"Hah! I knew you would do this, and I prepared the perfect counter attack!"
No one could predict things that well, even if you can understand someone else's thought process.

Do I have a point here?
Well, sort of. I guess for those creating stories, try not to make stuff sound too forced.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses

Last night I went to the first concert I've been to in a long time.
And when I say that, I mean as someone who bought a ticket, because I play in a couple concerts a year (Our band concert was on Thursday, actually).

Because I went to the Legend of Zelda concert.

It was awesome.
I kept thinking what it would be like to sit in that orchestra XD I guess I'm spoiled since I'm usually right in the center of all the music.

You may or may not know, but in high school I wrote a "Zelda Symphony." Not technically a symphony. I think there were twelve musicians in it. But I arranged eleven songs from Ocarina of Time (All the Ocarina songs plus Sheik's theme) into a ~10 minute arrangement. We performed it during our band concert.
It was a lot of fun.
I couldn't not go to a professional Zelda concert.

I wish they had a soundtrack of it (You can find it on Youtube though).

I'm not gonna lie. The best part was when the conductor pulled out a Wind Waker baton and used it to conduct the Wind Waker medley.
The whole thing was awesome though. Everyone was excited, and there were a bunch of people in Zelda cosplays.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Evva Update

Most of Evva's story is a journey. Yesterday I reached the end of the journey. The rest of the story will take place at the "destination."

I didn't really know what was going to happen at the destination. I knew in general, but I knew none of the details. This afternoon everything fell into place once I started writing.
Everything fits! Wow, even someone writing a story can be surprised by how stuff works out.

I realized today that one of my older ideas didn't really make sense for the world they're in. And a new idea popped into my head to replace it.
It solves the problem of Evva's animal partner. Up until this morning, I assumed that she wouldn't get her animal partner until after this story had ended.
But now it's suddenly working its way into this story.

But I'm also afraid that this new idea will come off as a bit tacky.
My story has unicorns in it. The traditional sort of unicorn that you see in old tapestries.

And now it also has the typical modern unicorns - the horses with horns that you see in movies like Harry Potter and Narnia.

I've known for a while that I wanted both of these creatures in my worlds. I've also known that the "horned horses" wouldn't really be unicorns. Instead they are horses that have been granted power by unicorns. Much like certain magical people might grant part of their magic to other people (or animals).

But having both real unicorns and "fake" unicorns together in the same story feels tacky somehow XD
Ah well. I guess most people who see any unicorn in a book will automatically think it's tacky.

I wonder if having crazy monsters in this book will balance it out for anyone who doesn't like unicorns.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Location Location Location

Heheh, I set a record for writing today. I haven't written this much in one day for quite a while. It feels awesome~

But ohmagawd, writing about "falling in love" and stuff feels so sappy @_@

At least I'm pretty much past that part (for now).

And it's so complicated to set a story that's based off an actual place. Evva's story takes place in my own world, but it is a world that parallels Earth. Very closely in some places.
Which means that I have to figure out the distances between places, how long it would take to travel between them in a horse-drawn cart, and what kind of weather and habitats they have. And even what stars are visible form them, since that's important in this story. @_@
Since this isn't Soreina, I can't just make this stuff up myself XD

Luckily I'm rather familiar with the setting for the last half of the story. Not so much for the first half. It will require a road trip at some point in the future.
I hope I don't have to do a road trip alone. Heh. I wonder if I'll be able to get someone to come with me.


Had to do a shout-out here, since it involves a person who wrote some blog posts here a while back.
Stephanie got engaged!
They're both creative writers. The guy does the best freaking voices when he reads aloud.
It's awesome! They guy is awesome too, so I'm super happy for them @_@

Wednesday, November 29, 2017


Okay, I think I've slipped into something I can actually write about. Hopefully this will last through the rest of the story XD
Damn, this is so hard to write!
I suck at romances. Even though this isn't an actual romance. So far I've just been writing out a vague account of this romance-ish part, with the intent to fill it out later. Since I'll have a basic skeleton, I should be able to fill it in as time passes.
But what I have now still kinda feels like cheating XD

Usually when I'm writing a story, I won't know a lot of the details until I sit down and am writing. But this is eluding me almost entirely.
It's never been this bad XD

Eeeeh, I thought it would be okay since this isn't a real romance. But it seems I suck at anything that even approaches it @_@

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Shiny Week

Random fun update.
A couple weeks ago, I was playing Pokémon Sun, and a blue Pinsir appeared in my Poké Pelago.

I was excited. Shiny Pinsir! Awesome! I hadn't run into a shiny on Poké Pelago yet. Although I had been dreading it, because only half of those Pokémon decide to stay.
And this guy was gone the next day, despite my attempts to bribe him into staying.
I wasn't going to accept this. What kind of evil game shows you a shiny, makes you drool over it, and then lets it leave without ever giving you a chance to keep it? (I hear it's decided by random number generator whether they go or stay).
So I went to my Alpha Sapphire game and cracked out my Poké Radar. I've had luck with that before (to hunt down a shiny Girafarig, which I'd lost way back in the Gold and Silver games). While I took a break to watch a movie, I hunted Pinsir in the Safari Zone. And by the second day, I'd found my blue beetle.

I named him Buck, because I'd stopped at Starbucks earlier that day XD

Less than a week later, I was exploring a mirage spot on Omega Ruby. The Poké Radar reacted. I almost always follow those, since there's a higher chance of a shiny.
A shiny Petilil popped out of the grass.
I'd just set the game down to grab something. I heard that telltale flash and dashed back to the game. I'm glad I did, because her shiny colors aren't too different than her normal colors. I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't heard it.
I evolved her, and now she's part of my Nuzlocke team XD

Her name is Rain. Not because it was raining, but because I was thinking of geraniums (ran-rain) which grow at my Grandma's house. I was at her house earlier that day.

The very next day (the day before Thanksgiving), I was playing Ultra Sun in the car.
And a shiny Igglybuff popped out of the grass. My first shiny in any of the Sun and Moon games.
She's a Jigglypuff now, and I'll evolve her into a Wigglytuff as soon as I've progressed enough to get a Moon Stone.

Her name is Moon, after the town we'd just passed through. It's a very appropriate name for the round gal.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Family Movie Time

Watching a movie or series with my parents is incredibly different than watching something with friends.

For example, I played a bit of Steven Universe for Dad a while ago. And he decided he wanted to watch the series with me. He had a lot of fun watching it. But he had no grasp of story and character progress (admittedly the overall plot is rather slow through the series, but he generally sucks at following plots).
He also doesn't notice anything that happens under the surface. For this example, I'll use The Last Unicorn, which we just watched a couple days ago. I grew up with that movie, and he's seen it a couple dozen times (he loves it too). (SPOILERS) But a couple days ago, I asked if he know why the last unicorn was able to stand up to the red bull, when hundreds of other unicorns failed to do so. He didn't know. So I explained how she was the first unicorn to ever know what love was, and that gave her what she needed to fight back. And he goes "How do you know this stuff?"
(Edit - I told mom the thing about the unicorn's love leading her to victory, and she said she'd never realized that either XP )

Mom is different. I'm usually pretty good about figuring out what she'll like, but her tastes fly all over the place. She's good at following plots and such. But she also doesn't seem to grasp what kind of stuff I'd like.
She asked me if I wanted to listen to a book on tape she had. I asked if I'd like it. She said she didn't know.
It ended up being very bland, and I had zero interest in it XD

(Neither of them are great at critiquing my story stuff. Heh)

Also, a funny side note. My cousin said that no matter how many times she sees a movie, the next time she's watching it it will be like a new movie all over again. Because she doesn't remember what they're about XD

I guess a viewing experience is different with every person.
That's not even getting into movie theaters (like when the Crowd started Chanting "YODA, YODA!" The very first time he pulled out a lightsaber in episode 2. Or when a little girl started crying during Zootopia, when Nick gets shot with the savage stuff. Or when everyone was weeping during Les Miserables).

And it's a beautiful thing when you watch a friend see a big plot twist for the first time.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Can't Help Falling In Love

It really snuck up on me, but I've finally reached the part of Evva's story where "someone" falls in love.

I've tried to drop hints that it was starting to happen, but now I actually have to show it getting a lot stronger.
The problem is I've never been in a relationship. And I have no idea how to write someone falling in love. @_@

Well, this is a first draft. I'll just have to do my best, but also keep it simple. In later drafts, I'll have a better idea of pacing and timeline, and I can fix it up.

Environmental Plots: Over-Harvesting

Our next environmental plots post is over-harvesting.
This can refer to any way that humans take too many of the Earth's natural resources.

First of all, let's talk about hunting.
There have been some impressive accounts of humans hunting species to extinction. For example, flocks of passenger pigeons used to be so massive that they darkened the sky from horizon to horizon. And yet today, there isn't a single one left. Humans killed all of them.

Here's a quick topic to think about. A keystone species is a species that is essential to its habitat. If that species disappears, the entire area will be drastically changed. For example, when sea otters almost disappeared along the California coast, it dramatically changed the kelp forests. Otters eat sea urchins. When otters disappeared, sea urchins multiplied like crazy and ate all of the kelp. No kelp, no kelp forests.

Sometimes people hunt for meat. Sometimes they hunt for trophies. And sometimes it's for some medicinal property that may or may not actually be effective.
If people hunt for meat, that is understandable. But even that can be damaging depending on what animals people are hunting, how they hunt, and how many people are hunting.

Humans can act as predators, but we don't usually hunt in a way that promotes natural selection. A hunter who's going out to shoot a buck usually wants the biggest stag with the fanciest horns. Whereas a mountain lion will go after the sicker looking animals. So, humans are more likely to kill off the biggest and strongest animals, which can lead to an imbalance in a species.
Some hunting is legal. But when people hunt animals that are protected, or they hunt in areas where no hunting is allowed, it's called poaching. There is little danger of humans hunting deer to extinction (at least at current rates). But when it comes to elephants or rhinos or any other rare species, every individual that's killed puts the species at greater risk. Large animals like elephants reproduce very slowly. It's harder for them to bounce back when their numbers are low.
And a species that has a low population also has a lower genetic diversity. This means that if a disease comes along, they are less likely to have individuals that are resistant to it.
Despite measures to protect endangered species, people still kill elephants to make ivory carvings, or rhinos to grind up the horn into so-called medicine. These are only a couple examples.
Eastern medicine is especially notorious for this, because many of these "medicines" call for parts of rare animals. Many animals are being pushed to the brink of extinction for fake medicines.
Some animals, like bears whose bile is prized for medicinal reasons, are kept alive so their internal fluids can be harvested through tubes. I don't know if that's better or worse than being killed outright, but it's terrible either way.

Poachers can be extremely dangerous and have been known to kill rangers.
But on the positive side, people that used to be poachers can actually turn around and become rangers. Some of the best rangers are poachers, because they understand how poachers think.
Most people don't poach because they hate animals and want them to all disappear. They're just trying to provide for their families. If they're given a different way to do that, they won't have to poach anymore.
Helping local communities support themselves is an excellent way of protecting the wildlife that live around them.
Many native people used to live in perfect balance with nature until "modern humans" screwed everything up for them.

A different kind of poaching doesn't have to do with killing animals, but with capturing them. There is a fierce exotic pet trade in some parts of the world. It exists in plenty areas of the united states. A lot of states don't really have restrictions on owning something like a lion. Some of them don't even have many guidelines for it (It's bad in Illinois, Ohio, and Texas, for example).
It's one thing if a person can provide for the full needs of an adult lion throughout its entire life. Including space and enrichment. But most zoos don't even do that, let alone individual owners.
When animals are caught from the wild, it is usually very destructive and inhumane. About 90% of wild caught pets die before they are even sold. And then many more die because people have no idea how to care for them.

Here's a different one. Buddhists will sometimes buy and release animals. The idea is of course to save an animal from captivity or consumption. But this has become horribly twisted in some places.
There are people that go out and catch wild animals specifically to sell to people who will release them again. And many of those animals are harmed or killed in the process. Some animals are simply caught again once they've been set free.
And many of these animals are set free in places that they can't survive in, so they die soon after their "release."
And in some cases, released animals can take over and destroy the habitat.

It's not just animals that suffer from poaching. People will strip moss and lichen from wet forests, to sell as decorations.
And they will hack up ancient redwood trees to harvest the beautiful knotted bruls that grow on the trunks.

Do you think that ancient tree will survive something like this?

War is another terrible thing for wildlife. For example, some parts of Africa are hit hard by multiple civil wars. And the armies will go out and kill all of the wildlife to feed their soldiers. War can spell doom for wildlife preserves.

Then of course there's deforestation, which leads to countless other problems. Trees regulate our climate. They remove carbon dioxide (a greenhouse gas) from the air and store it in their wood and leaves. They also pull water up through their trunks and out through their leaves, which adds moisture to the air. When we cut down huge stretches of forests, we are making a drier climate with more carbon dioxide.

We are still clearing massive amounts of rain forest every day. A lot of it is to make way for farmland. And rainforests have very poor soil, which means they are terrible for growing crops.

What is there to do?
After all, I don't think you're out there chopping down trees or poaching animals.
For this, it's very important that we're aware of where our products come from. Try not to buy stuff with palm oil, which is a major crop that is planted where there used to be rain forest.
The problem is these ingredients are in everything, and they go by many different names It's very difficult to avoid them, and it takes some research. Some markets try to offer products that avoid harmful products like palm oil.
Palm oil is one of many things to avoid. I won't list all of those here though. That will require more research than I have time for at the moment.

What stories have used the theme of over-harvesting? (Or related topics I've discussed)
Well, this is a popular topic.

Princess Mononoke
Fern Gully
The Lorax
Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home
The Rescuers Down Under
The Tiger Rising, by DiCamillo
The Jungle Book, by Kipling (specifically the Kotik story)
The Two Towers, by Tolkein
Endangered, by Schrefer

How would you use this theme in a book?
There are plenty of examples to draw from.
There are plenty of stories about deforestation, like Princess Mononoke, Lord of the Rings, Avatar, Fern Gully, and The Lorax. They usually end up being a fight between people who want to cut down trees, and people that want to protect trees. Princess Mononoke is one of the few that brings out the complexities of the battle. It's satisfying to have evil people want to destroy nature, but that's not usually how it works in real life.
Movies like The Rescuers Down Under take on poaching.

The Tiger Rising looks at people who keep big animals, like tigers. Spoilers: Most people who want a pet tiger just want to look macho, and they have no business taking care of an animals like that.
Bambi, of course, is one of the iconic works against hunting. Honestly, I don't see hunting as a bad thing. At least, no worse than killing a cow for a hamburger. If people are against hunting deer, then they should also be against raising animals for meat (brief digression - in my opinion there's nothing wrong with eating some meat, since it does have some important nutrients. The problem is that we eat way too much meat).
Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home takes on the extreme end of over-harvesting: Extinction. In this movie, it turns out that humpback whales have some friends that live off-planet. So when humpback whales go extinct, those off-planet friends bring havoc to the Earth.
What other ideas can you come up with?

Monday, November 13, 2017

I Don't Want to Murder My Darlings @_@

Oh heck, I just realized something as I was writing Evva's story.
There's a character that I really love. But I just noticed that if he were gone, it wouldn't really affect the story.
Which puts me at a crossroads. I could just cut him out right now before I get any farther on the story. Or I could keep writing and hope that I'll find a way to make him essential (beyond some symbolic stuff about relationships). But then what if I end up having to delete him anyway? @_@
And though I love this character, he's kind of hard for me to write. Maybe that's why he seems kind of buried.

I've been writing Evva's story again. I really need a break from editing Katani, though I do need to go through it at least once more to address a couple final things (things that are important throughout the entire book, and will be complicated to fix).
I'd been away from Evva's story for so long that I'd lost track of what I'd done and where I was going. Not entirely, but enough that it was tricky to pick up the threads.

I'm still flailing a bit, but I'm getting steadier each time I write.

Thursday, November 9, 2017


Every now and then I help my dad deliver neighborhood watch flyers around the block.
It gives me a surge of pity for the poor mailmen in the world.

There's only a single house on my block that has a mailbox out near the street. Which I understand, since people don't want to walk out to the sidewalk to get their mail. Though it means a lot of extra walking for the mailmen.
There are three or four houses in a row where the mailbox is at the top of a steep flight of steps.
And there are a couple houses where the mailbox is very well hidden. A couple houses don't even seem to have mailboxes at all.

Plus every time I deliver the fliers I feel super awkward. Whenever a stranger comes up to my door, I want them to go away since they're usually trying to sell something. I don't like being the stranger that comes to the door XD

Also, I freaking stabbed my hand this morning with a screwdriver. Which did a lot more damage than I would have expected, considering I wasn't trying to use it as a weapon. I just wanted to take the blade off a pencil sharpener in an attempt to fix it @_@
The dangers of fixing old stuff instead of getting new stuff.

It huuurts! And usually these kinds of things don't bother me. But the thought of grinding a screwdriver into my knuckle bone has me rather freaked out at the moment. I'll feel better when I wake up and it's not infected, I think. And hopefully tomorrow I'll actually be able to form a fist. Hopefully.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Sticking Around

It makes me disproportionately happy to find that some of my old fanfic followers are happy to see me post a new fanfic XD

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Part 6

Well, I finally did it. I've been thinking about it for months. Maybe more, actually.
Over the past week, I threw together the first chapter of my next Pokémon fanfic.
I don't have too many ideas for this one, but I'll just roll with whatever comes up.
It'll probably go pretty slowly too. This is a very low priority project. Mostly just a break from tedious editing XP
Anyway, it was amazingly fun to write. I wonder if any old readers will show up to look at it XD

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Losing Names

I spent quite a bit of time finding names for all of the characters in Katani's story. I went through websites that had names from different countries, as well as their meanings. And when I found a name that worked for the character, I wrote it down on my character chart.

The problem is, I didn't always write down where the name was from, or what it meant.
So, once of my recent projects was to try to dig up the origins and meanings of the names I chose.
The problem is, some of the names in my story are also words that I make up (and claim that those made-up names are local to their world, not necessarily our world). Katani himself is an excellent example of a name I made up.

While I did manage to re-discover a lot of the names I'd chosen, I don't think I managed to get all of them.
So, I guess the moral of this story is to keep records as you go, if it's something that could have meaning for your story.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Reading a millioon times over

When a writer says that they have done ten (or 80) revisions of their work, I wonder what they mean. Have they entirely re-written the entire project that many times? Or is that the number of times they've read through it and fixed anything that needed fixing? Even if that's only a small percentage of the writing.
And then of course there are some parts of the story that you edit more than others (The first chapter is notorious for being over-edited).

I do think I need to take a break from Katani soon. I'm getting kind of burned out about editing this.
My last in-depth rewrite took most of the summer. I had a page of notes - filled front and back - with comments that I wanted to think about and address.
The problem is with that many comments it's easy to forget about some of them.
What I've found myself doing is picking one of my comments, and then scanning through the entire story with just that one comment in mind.
It's tedious and time-consuming, but I think it's working. Since I'm only thinking about one problem, I can figure out the best places to work it into the story.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Farewell Twilight

A while ago, I thought I'd edit a couple more chapters of my old Twilight Princess fanfic. It would be a break from more serious writing.

But as I started re-writing the next chapter, I realized that I'd lost interest in the project. Pulling actions and dialogue from a pre-made story feels so restrictive now. The chapter I just edited feels stiff.
If I were to make it more alive, I'd probably have to rework the entire thing. And I don't think that's something I'll ever want to do.
Especially considering I have a million other writing projects that are my original ideas.

Maybe this is why novelizations of movies are rarely awesome. There's not much creative freedom for the writer to spread their wings.

However, I may try to rewrite a few more chapters of my Pokemon fanfic. That may take place in the Pokemon world, but the story is mostly my own. I just grabbed bits and pieces from games and cartoons.

I did rewrite the first Pokemon chapter a few months ago, and it was surprisingly fun (mostly because the original was so lame XD ). I'll probably post that soon, once I go through it once more.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Twig Fingers

Wow, it's hard to type after rock climbing, and your fingers feel like wood.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Turtles all the Way Down

I finished reading Turtles All the Way Down. John Green's new book.

One of the things I like about his writing is the dialogue. Sure, it's not really realistic how the characters talk. But I still like it. How it's often poetic or philosophical or both.
I also love some of the ideas he uses.
(Though The Fault in Our Stars is still my favorite of his books - other than that one, his stories aren't usually to my taste even if I do love moments of them).

It probably wasn't the best timing for me to read this book though. This year has been the most anxiety-filled year of my life. Every time I think it's getting better, something new pops up.
It's not because I've finished school. And all the summer craze only caused a fraction of the stress, though there were some pretty crazy times. Like getting evacuated. And when I was leading one ride along, and helicopters flew right toward us and freaked the horses out. And when one guy was nearly crushed when his mule fell down a hill - and another horse got spooked and ran straight toward the highway. Luckily no one got hurt though it was really really close (I actually didn't see any of that. I was leading the ride, and we were around a corner. I heard screams behind me, but I couldn't go back to see what was happening because I had to take care of the people in front).

Anyway, Turtles kind of gave words to some of my anxiety. Not that I can to compare my stupid problems to Aza's (Or John's).

The book also made me sad, because I might know a couple people going through something similar (if not as bad) that Aza is going through.
When I went to that young adult fiction workshop earlier this yeas, one of the authors said something that links really well to this.
The parents of kids who have mental health problems are often shown as incompetent in media. But it's not that they're incompetent. It's that they're helpless.
Turtles made me feel really helpless in regards to people I care about.

I'll be some people would consider this self centered. But I want so much to help my friends/family feel better if they're stressed or anxious or sad or anything. I want to do something, anything, to brighten their day.
I can't stand it when the people I care about are hurting.
It makes me feel useless to think that I can't help at all.
(Heheh, I guess it's pretty obvious through my blog posts how much anxiety I've had this year).

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


I often multi-task when it comes to entertainment stuff.
For example, when I watch a movie or show, I'm almost always drawing or sewing or something (yes I know there's no such thing as multi-tasking, but they do say that doodling helps you remember some stuff better).
It probably annoys some people who watch movies with me. But my family is pretty used to it. And my cousins are more likely to watch me draw than to watch the TV.

For books, it's more difficult. I'll check out books on tape, so I can listen to them as I drive or clean my room or something.
But when I'm actually reading a book, I can't really multi-task with it. The only exception is if I'm traveling. When I'm on a train or plane or if someone else is driving, I'm reading.
I almost always have a book with me. Someone in band asked be about it a couple weeks ago, since I always read if we have a break during rehearsal. And I had one teacher during college who always teased be because I read between classes and always had a book.

Today I discovered a new way to multi-task with reading.

My dad just bought a stationary bike a couple weeks ago. Which is weird because we used to have one and we got rid of it ages ago.
Ah well. It's a good bike.

I posted yesterday about physical activity helping you focus better. So I was thinking of what activity to do today. Since I'd had enough of the TV screen for the day, a different thought popped into my head.
I can read my book while I'm riding the bike!
Since I usually use my real bike, that had never really been an option.

But when I told Mom about my awesome idea she went "Oh yeah I've heard of people doing that."
Heh. So much for being original.
Well, it's still a cool new way to do multiple things at once.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Energy Rush

I thought I'd share this video. I know it's easier for me to write when I've just been active, and this explains more about it~

Monday, October 9, 2017

Little Free Library

It turns out there is an official website for the little street-corner libraries!
It looks like you can actually buy and register little libraries to put in your neighborhood.
It would be cool to set one up near my house, but if I ever want to buy one, if won't be for a while @_@

Friday, October 6, 2017

Flood of Crazy People

So, this summer has been full of human chaos. More than I've ever dealt with.
And amazingly only a fraction of it came from guiding trail rides with people who have never been on a horse before.

In books or movies, sometimes you'll see a character that mutters nasty stuff under his breath, as if no one can hear him.
Well, I actually met someone like that. I worked with him during the summer.
This guy dragged quite a bit of chaos in his wake. One example: He managed to flip our golf cart over. And this golf cart is incapable of driving over 25 miles per hour. And yes, he did get hurt, but luckily it wasn't serious.

Also this summer, I discovered a guy that I really want to punch in the face. I've never met anyone that I wanted to punch before. And he would so freaking deserve it. My god... I just pray he didn't do any lasting damage to that poor kid.

And while I don't swear (at least not in public) there are a couple that I really want to cuss out.

Among other stuff.
I guess the overall thing is that I'm far too trusting of people.
That guy I want to punch in the face? I originally liked him. And that concerns me a lot.

Also, half of the people I worked with hate kids and Asians.

They hate kids because kids are almost never able to control their animal. They're just not strong enough.
And they hate Asians because, in their view at least, Asian people don't speak English, and they also can't seem to control their horses.
Which ignores the fact that there were plenty of non-Asian people who couldn't speak English. And plenty of Asians that spoke perfect English because, you know, Asian people live in America too.
And there were plenty of Non-Asians who had absolutely no control over their animals.

An actual conversation (with the inevitable curse words cut out):

Old Cowboy: Chinese don't know anything about horseback riding. They're all samurai.
Me: Samurai are Japanese.
Old cowboy: Whatever.

Yeah, in a nutshell.
I mean, that conversation is a blatant lack of respect for other cultures.
I get that it makes your job harder when people can't speak English. You need to give them instructions and look after them on the trail. But do you really have to be a jerk about it?
At least most of the Asians that rode with us had some understanding of English. I bet if he ever went to another country, he wouldn't bother to learn any of the language.

This resulted in me trying to take look after the Asians and kids, so they wouldn't be guided by someone who is secretly disgusted by them.
Probably a dumb, futile gesture. I'm good at those.

Generally, folks, it's better if you don't hate your customers, yeah?
Your customers are the reason you have a job.

In other news, over the summer I got to talk to people from all of these countries (and more):

United Kingdom

Not to mention states all over the country.
It's super cool hearing about where people are from and what their travels have been like. So many people do these awesome California road trips. Now I want to do one too.