Friday, December 26, 2008
Light of the Sun Trailer
It starts out with Will narrating: "Doesn't life just seem so pointless sometimes? You wake up, go to school, come home, do homework and chores, go to sleep, and start all over again the next morning. Why can't there be some ADVENTURE in life?"
As he's saying this, a few images flash by.
The beginning of the book, where Laney turns away to look at the full moon and turns back, grinning as her fangs begin to elongate (dramatic pulsing sound in background). She's starting to turn into a werewolf.
Wadjet, the cobra, hissing, coiling, and then striking towards the screen.
Draven turning into a vampire monster and flying up into the dark sky.
Bast, the cat, comments lightly, "aren't you forgetting someone?"
Then we get a shot of Will wearing a hat. Suddenly the hat floats up off his head. He turns and snatches it out of the air, shouting in annoyance, "Erika!". Erika, a ghost, materializes behind him, giggling (she had been invisible and was making his hat "float" to bug him).
Then we get a shot of all of them surfacing in the middle of a lake, looking out over El Dorado.
It ends with the image of the amulet resting on it's golden pyramid pedestal (the chain is coiled around the top, like in my drawing a while ago). It flashes, whiting out the screen.
Duh dududah!
How do you write that anyway?
I have in image of the trailer in my head, but I don't know how good it sounded as I wrote it on the computer. Tell me, okay?
Thursday, December 18, 2008
The Language of Thoughts
So, I thought I'd talk about why I like the Language of Thoughts so much that it keeps showing up in my stories. Well, partly because I love the idea animals being able to communicate with people. But, here we go.
So, part one. Native americans and other such humans have tales about speaking to spirits and even trees and animals. Not using their mouth the way we think of talking, but something deeper. Something similar to the Language of Thoughts.
Part two. Animals seem to have that much-debated sixth sense. I've read countless tales and seen other examples myself. Dogs that always know a minute before their human comes home, even if it's at an irregular hour. Animals that can sense the approach of storms and get out of the way, or even warn humans about the storms. Some animals understand human speech. And then there are stories of pets who get separated from their human families and travel sometimes hundreds of miles, maybe even to a place they've never been before to become reunited with their friends. There's even one story of a dog who climbed on a boat and rode to a DIFFERENT COUNTRY (there's 2 really cool books about amazing things animals have done. I'll tell you the titles-"The Strange World of Animals and Pets" by Gaddis and "The Psychic Power of Animals" by Schul. I know the last one sounds weird, but it's still pretty cool). Animals aren't stupid. I HATE it whenever anyone says that. Just because they can't use computers doesn't mean they're not smart. They have a very different sort of intelligence than we do, and if we ever tried to match their type of intelligence we'd find ourselves positively stupid. They can think, reason, and show emotions just like humans. Koko, a gorilla, learned sign language and was able to hold an intelligent conversation with a human. I saw a video of an elephant painting a picture. I'll post this on the blog once I'm done raving.
And whether or not you chose to believe it, there are people out there who claim to be pet psychics. They're sort of the people I used to base the Language of Thoughts after.
Now, I'll tell you about a book. I found it at a thrift store. It doesn't have an exact plot, and there are some seemingly random ramblings throughout the short book. It's not EXCITING exactly, but in its own way, it's FASCINATING. I've heard several people say that this little book has changed their life. I'm one of them.
It's called "Kinship with all Life" by J. Allen Boone. If any of you happen to read this and want to learn more, you're more than welcome to ask me. Or, you could look up the works of Penelope Smith.
Okay, I think I'm done. I'll post a couple videos proving my point that animals are AWESOME!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Heheh. Dream catchers!
And I just started another story a couple days. Gasp! I forgot to post about it! Okay, I'll do that now.
I think I said that I was going to start it-the one where the magical races from Magic-Earth along with a dragon from Soreina get dragged into our Technology-Earth. Last night I finished the first part. The first several chapters are short because each character has a short chapter that introduces them and tells about their powers. They're going about normal life, and then they just vanish after seeing/hearing something odd. The next part will be what happens when they realize that they're on a completely different planet. The poor dragon's going to panic and get into some trouble.
And once everyone gets reoriented, then they have to start finding each other so they can figure out exactly WHY they all got "kidnapped."
I'd better add it to my list of current works, huh? I'll work on the title. Just bear with me for now an the crazy temporary title on my list.
Oops! I have to keep studying for my finals!
Story Catchers
Congrats on finishing "Spirits and Demons". You've working so hard while I've been slacking off as usual. Those cyber-pets were cute by the way. I'm all up today on the blog reading now.
I really like using short summary pieces to 'grab' people with stories too. Yours are looking good! They don't give away too much but they tell enough to get you interested and want to find out how it ends.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Of Spirits and Demons Catcher
(A Magic-Earth story)
Briena is thrilled when she's selected to learn magic at the mage temple. The year proceeds as at would at any normal school, with friends and bullies and teachers and lessons. But then Briena and her friends discover a demon that poses a great threat to one of her friends and things only get more complicated from then on out. It soon becoms a battle between the magic of spirits and demons.
Light of the Sun Catcher
(Not related to Magic-Earth or Soreina. Just a random alternate-Earth sort of place.)
Will is sick of school and family, but he soon gets torn out of his old life when he meets a ghost, vampire, and werewolf who are all searching for a lost amulet. The medallion is supposed to have the power to bring magic into their torn world. Throughout the story, the Egyptian animal gods team up with the strange miss-matched band to help them look for the medallion, and eventually they end up in the last place they expect to find the ancient Egyptian artifact.
Shifter Catcher
A future-world story
Katy thinks her pet rabbit is just a normal rabbit. So, when one day her rabbit transforms into a little furry alien named Reein, Katy is more than a bit startled. And her surprise only increases when Reein tells her that an alien race is plotting to take over Earth. Though Katy wants to believe her furry little friend, she finds that trust is rarely that simple and that you should never judge a book by its cover.
How dramatic. ^-^
Wings of Wyverns Catcher
( Soreina Story)
Clara lives in a palace. Though this would excite most people, she hates her life there. And when she tries to escape, she finds herself carried off by a wyvern-the huge dragon-like monsters that infest the woods. But the wyvern doesn't eat her. Instead Clara finds herself befriending the entire flock of wyverns and they decide that it's their duty to free the people from their oppressive emperor.
"Spirits and Demons" has been COMPLETED!
And I didn't even have to stay up that late to finish it! Only until about 10:45, amazingly. Which is good because I had a doctors appointment this morning. Bla. They had to take a blood sample. I've never had one taken yet. It didn't hurt but it was still freaky...Bla. -_-
But, I'm getting off topic. So, yeah. It's all hand-written and it's almost 170 pages. That means it'll take me FOREVER to type it. But at least the first draft is finished. Now I can start handwriting my next story. It's nice to have a binder I can carry around with me since it's not very easy to carry my computer around.
There's a few I really want to start, but I think I'll go with the one I was talking about a little while ago. The one where people from Magic-Earth get dragged into our planet. That's the one I've been obsessing over most in my mind recently. I should write about some of the others I have in mind...
Ooh, I got a cool idea! You know how books have catching summaries on their back covers? I should try and write some of those for my stories! Let's see if I can make them sound interesting, huh?
Saturday, November 29, 2008
"Light of the Sun" Drawings
So, brief explanation. It's a sort of cover for "The Light of the Sun." The boy is will. The girl is a ghost named Erika. I tried to make her look somewhat transparent. The wolf is actually a werewolf-Laney. It's hard to make a wolf face lok good from a front view. I could not get the mouth right. Then I screwed up the shading. The bat is a vampire-Draven. They're all in the hidden chamber at El Dorado. The Medallion of Ra is hanging on the Pyramid pedestal, and some of the Egyptian guardians are there-cat=Bast, cobra=Wadjet, scarab=Khepri.

Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
A New Life
In the book, they caught a bad guy and erased his memory. They then had to give him memories of a new life so he'd think he was a completely different person. So, they give him a pretty miserable life. Now, as a bad guy, he probably deserved a bad life. But they just erased that old life. He's a different person now. There's no use in getting revenge on a person who doesn't have his old memories and doesn't know what he did wrong. Would you rather create a miserable life, or would you rather give that person a life that would actually be useful to the world? If I had the option of giving a bad guy a new life, I wouldn't make it miserable. I'd make him a nice person and I'd give him a role in life that would help the planet in some way.
So, if you ever get to erase someone's memory and give them new memories, keep that in mind, huh?
I've been wanting to write a story for a while now. I forget if I started talking about this at all. One of each of the magical races from magic-earth get sucked into technology-earth, as does a dragon from Soreina. They team up with a unicorn (an inter-dimensional being) and have to complete a quest. I had a few ideas about what this quest would include, but they were only general skeletons. Now, remember me saying how hot showers are good for ideas? Well, that happened to me last night. I finally came up with a good idea for the quest all these magical people need to do in our Earth.
In addition to Magic-Earth and Soreina, I have recently created another realm. The First Great Shift occurred at the dawn of man-Earth split into two halves-Technology Earth and Magic Earth. Then when our Earth, TE, started spreading technology and religion, which brought much more violence into the world, the Second Great Shift Happened. Technology Earth Split again to create Soreina as a haven for all the magical creatures that were being killed by "modern" humans. That's why the old stories talk about dragons and unicorns, ex, as though they were actually real. Back then, there was still a little overlap between TE and ME. Which is why there are stories of wizards such as Merlin. But they too mostly vanished at the creation of Soreina. There isn't much overlap right now, but there is still a bit of magic in our planet. Ever heard of pet psychics? They still possess the "language of thoughts" that people in TE and Soreina can use-telepathic communication with animals, plants, and even spirits.
And today, we are in the middle of the Third Great Shift. You may have noticed how there are many strange problems throughout our world. People are really paranoid-a criminal will break into a person's house, get bitten by their dog, and they'll sue the owner of the dog even though they were the one breaking into their house. Terrorists kill people who don't share their exact ideas. Atomic bombs (though not as high a threat as they were during the Cold War) could still easily destroy the planet. Some people think the government is keeping secrets from us. Global warming and deforestation threaten the planet as well. So, Earth decides to split again, creating the Darke Realm. This realm is opposite ours. A parallel world. Their light is shadow, and their shadows are light. Their sun is darkness. It is a realm of healing for torn and ripped spirits to recover. When they are healed, they return to the Lyte Realm to try again. Earth hopes that after spirits spend time in the Darke Realm, when they return to Earth, they will make it a better place.
Remember, Soreina and Magic-Earth know of the each other and of TE, but TE doesn't know about any of the other realms. We're blinded by too many things, especially by science. And none of the worlds know of this growing Darke Realm. But the unicorns do.
So, now that the Darke Realm is starting to form, how does this connect to the story I was talking about earlier? Well, during the formation of this Darke Realm, something happens to severely shock Earth. Possibly an atomic bomb, or something. And this jolts the Lyte and Darke Realms to start to blend, threatening the existence of both worlds. So, all these people that got pulled into TE need to find the one person strong enough to save the worlds-Merlin. But hundreds of years ago, Merlin was trapped inside a tree by the Lady of the Lake. Only her descendant can release him. So, why would these people care if anything happened to TE? Because if anything happened to Technology Earth, the other planets would soon follow. They're all connected. IF one Earth goes down, it won't take long for the other planets to go too.
Friday, November 21, 2008
"Of spirits and Demons"
So, what do you think?
And, I'm approaching the climax of this story, which means that I work on it a lot faster than usual because it's getting exciting! Since I'm handwriting this one, (so I can bring it places to work on) I still have to type it up afterwards. But I should be complete with the first draft soon! Wheeeeee!!
But it's long, so it'll take a long time to type... Oh well. I'll get it eventually.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Don't give Nicole sugar!!!!! WAAAH!!
I gots the soundtrack to August Rush if you wants a copy for Christmas!
Nicole, I tried the first part of the movie you mentioned.... and it's really weird.
Yeah, I've seen August Rush and LOVE IT! I love all the songs, but it's cool that you put one of them on the blog. I had fun listening to it. AND CELLO! MWAHAHAHAHA! @.@ WE SHALL TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!! *cackles*
lmao. i had suger...
Mmmmmkay. I'll ask her if she's interested in illustrating some stuff. Her name's Neveen, btw.
O_O Nicole actually posted! Gasp!
How was that?
Hahah! Well, I could start the guides whenever anyone wants me to. When I get started on a project and really get rolling, it's hard to stop. So ask her if she wants to be added to my blog so we can keep in touch about drawing. She could redraw the dragons pen mascot. Yeah. I'm just making random suggestions. My drawings tend to be a little flat... She could put pictures up if she wanted, but from what you showed us, she already has a website to put her pictures up. It's just fun to have my blog decorated by lots and lots of prettiful pictures (yes, that's supposed to sound weird). And that way if I ever become a famous author (I wish), I'll have links to a few famous artists (We've seen some of Ellen's and Stephanie's drawings).
Kay. I'm rambling again. But I can add her to the blog if she wants. We'll have to protect her from Ellen's strangeness, huh? My strange guides would include a lot of dragon pictures and other odd creatures. So, yeah. Ask her.
Nicole! Ellen made me watch a movie called August Rush. It's a good movie! Have you seen it? It's a music movie too. So, I said I'd rave occasionally, so I guess I'll rave. Why not?
So, I'll see if I can do this movie justice with my description.
It's about a boy (named August Rush, well, it's actually a nickname) who can hear music in everything. He's trying to find his parents, and he thinks that music will help them find each other, so he follows the music.
And Nicole, his mom plays cello! And for all you who don't know, Nicole plays cello (flute's better! HAHAHAHA!). So, you should watch it! It's a really sweet movie, and the music in it is GREAT! Hang on, I'll see if I can get a copy of the song August writes. It's a REALLY COOL SONG!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Tara, if you want, I can ask my friend if she'd like to illustrate for your story. She's so good with backgrounds too...yeah, now I want to ask her. She'd do an amazing job. So how about it? Want me to ask?
Monday, November 10, 2008
Guides to keep you from being EATEN!
Hahah! I just thought of something! Nicole just told Ellen and I (If you want to get fancy with grammar) that she met a really good artist at her college. I should go and hijack her!
Yeah, it's be fun to write that, but I don't think I can really do anything with it yet...
PS I'm trying something. I don't know if it will work (I've mentioned something about this a LONG time ago, but I still don't know if it's worked). And since I DON'T know if it will work, I'll wait till I get some word about it before I tell anyone.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Okay, that's not what I was going to post about. This is.
I told you a while ago that I'd start raving about good movies/books/songs. And I don't have anything better to do now (well, I have homework, but who cares? It's not due tomorrow). So, I thought it would be a good idea to start with the Studio Ghibli movies (especially the ones by Miyazaki). A lot of people know them. And almost everyone who knows them likes them a lot (we LOVE them don't we?) But there's a lot of people who don't know them. I think the most well-known one is Kiki's Delivery Service. If I ask a person whether or not they've seen the Ghibli movies, usually they'll recognize the name Kiki's Delivery Service.
Let me list some of my favorites.
Howl's Moving Castle. It's really hard to pick favorites with these movies, but I think this is probably my favorite. There are a few strange parts (such as Howl throwing the tantrum), but it is such an AWESOME movie!
Castle in the Sky. I love this movie. Laputa is so pretty!
Kiki's Delivery Service. I pretty much grew up with this one. It's one of Miyazaki's more tame movies and is really good.
My Neighbor Totoro. Another one I pretty much grew up with. I love the cat bus!
Spirited Away. Without a doubt, Miyazaki's strangest movie. But AMAZING! I LOVE the dragon! You may recall I've already put up some pictures of him on he blog.
Princess Mononoke. A really good movie. A bit bloodier than his others, but still really amazing.
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. The first time I saw this , I didn't like it. But now I do. Teto is adorable. And the bugs are awesome! There's a lot of war, but it has a great environmental theme (Mononoke is environmental too).
On Your Mark. I've mentioned this before. The music video that I wrote a fanfic about.
Whisper of the Heart. Unlike the others, this one is a life-like story. And I apporove of it because the girl in this movie likes to write and she wants to become an author.
Future Boy Conan. A silly TV series that I saw on Youtube. It's cute though. I like it.
The Cat Returns. A rather silly movie. It relates to Whisper of the Heart.
Lupin 3: Castle of Cagliostro. This one's really different from the others. But it's not bad.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Heheh. Kitty dragon. Put it on the blog when you draw it!
Friday, October 31, 2008
aww...a kitty
Monday, October 27, 2008
Go Away!

Aww! He thinks he's so big and tough! And he's only about as big as a cat. Not to mention his coloring. Yes, he is a dragon in case you can't tell. A front view (Yes, someone couldn't tell that he was a dragon, so I am telling you). He says "GO AWAY!"
Heheh. Yes, Ellen. I rarely count a picture as finished unless I color it. Sometimes I do better than others...
For some reason, the scan sort of screwed up some of the coloring. Mainly in the grass/sky. Oh well. SIgh.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Link and Haku
Friday, October 17, 2008
Under the Masks
So, I asked her permission to use some of her creatures. Mainly the bird masks in the third post and the other strange creature just above them. Right now they're acting as monsters because they're being controlled by something evil. But they'll be freed soon! Don't worry Steph! I won't keep your creatures evil for long! They're too cool!
I've asked her to help me with a few other things with this story too. So, even if she doesn't WRITE ANYTHING, she is being helpful. I just thought you should know that.
Oh, just because I can, I'm going to post the links to her games in case she ever FINISHES them. Hahah! It's fun to capitalize words!
And here's the one I was helping her with.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Last "tidbits" from "Light of the Sun"
So, here goes.
You know, it's hard to write about places like Egypt and the Amazon when you've never been there. I wish I could go there to get first-hand experience, but it would be kinda expensive. My uncle went to Egypt, and he did actually almost get pick-pocketed by a gypsy. She was standing in front of him, waving her hand in his face. An as he was distracted, she got his wallet out of his pocket. But Uncle Rob realized that he didn't feel his wallet in his pocket anymore and he got it back from the gypsy. So, whatever the "Hunchback of Notre Dame" tells you about gypsies, there are at least some out there who will try to steal your wallet. And some friends of the family, I think it was in Italy, had gypsies break into their house. Beware when going abroad.
Will says he can't take naps. Well, neither can I. And it almost always takes me over 2 hours to fall asleep in the night. At least I don't have to worry about falling asleep during school... What really bugs me is that my dad can fall asleep in 30 seconds. I've timed him. It's really fun. Count to 30 and then say really loudly "ARE YOU ASLEEP YET?"
Oh yeah. I complain about airports in this story too. I hate all the security and waiting in lines and everything. A few jerks had to ruin everything for us by trying to blow planes to shreds. And now we all have to put up with all the security. It's really insane, most of it. All you do in airports is WAIT WAIT WAITTTTTT! But at least the flying part is fun.
Oh, I complain about cell phones in my story too. I hate cell phones. My mom got one for me to bring to college, but I never use it except to call Jenny at lunch and find out where to meet her. And that's only every few weeks. They're so complicated and annoying... I don't like them. I mean, they're good for emergencies, but some people LIVE on their cell phones. I swear. I'm old-fashioned in a lot of ways. Despite my age.
And clothes! I REALLY DON'T UNDERSTAND why some people think some clothes are cool. Will complains about how this happens with his sister. The object is NOT to show off as much of your body as possible, please. And boys, I don't want to see your underwear hanging out from over your pants. Did you know that "fashion" originated in jail because the prisoners didn't have any belts to hold their pants up? Some "cool" clothes are absolutely disgusting. Here's another example. I'm not saying that jeans are bad. I wear them all the time. But why would you want to pay $1000 for a pair of jeans with holes in them? It seems the worse clothes are, the more expensive they are. Well, not always. There are some good expensive clothes out there too.
Alcohol. I don't understand it. How could anyone want to drink it? I've never tasted it, but it SMELLS TERRIBLE!
Oh, Sobek, the crocodile, says something to Will and co. He says that he's not allowed to take them to El Dorado, but he won't stop them from holding on as he swims towards El Dorado. My english teacher last year, Mr. Thurtle, inspired this quote. On the day of the AP exams, all the students were asking if we had to come to class that day. Mr.Thurtle kept saying "I'm not allowed to tell you that you can't come to class." But it was obvious that he didn't care if anyone came to class. I went to class just because I'd feel bad skipping. And guess what? There were only 2 of us in class that day.
OOH, the riddle. All good treasure hunts need a riddle, right? The riddle really wasn't that hard to write, amazingly. I really want to know if a real person could figure out my riddle if they had access to internet sources and everything. If anyone who hasn't read the story can find out the riddle, I'd be really really impressed:
The riddle itself be a clue.
For during a certain place and time,
This creature be a fierce gatekeeper.
Only those quick-witted enough
To reply “man” may pass,
While those with falseness on their lips
Will not escape with their lives.
Our version of this creature sits a sentinel
Who has lost one of his five senses.
The younger brother to our guardian
Remain in his mother country,
Though the old capital be much changed.
Though he be water-logged,
He of the alabaster skin
Waits for you to greet him.
Shake his paw
And look him in the eye.
If he likes what he see,
Only then will he release the key.”
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
/ \
And yes, yes, let me say it for you: "Finally! You've posted! What the heck's wrong with you?! What have you been DOING all this time! Post more often! Geez, Nicole!"
Sunday, October 12, 2008
If you look at Kriayshun just right, it almost looks like a face. And I noticed that Haminal looks like a human a bit. I didn't see the shooting star.
hee hee ^_^
Was wolf's rain really that bad? I like the story line and the art style. Admittedly the ending kinda sucked, but I liked the bit when it changed to our world setting and all the characters were back. :D
Anyway I liked my ideas for the other continents ^_^ Haminal looks like a shooting star, and a person...kinda. And Kriayshun looks like a hand or the moon. I had way too much fun with this :D
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Climaxes, you Idiots!
If you're going to spend that much time building a plot and everything, can't you at least give the readers/watchers a decent and SATISFYING ending?!?!?!?!
It's like that stupid book I read! It was a LONG book! And the whole last part was building up to a person who could change the whole world just by writing something. And another guy who was collecting power to try and save everything. And then the girl says "I don't think I'm going to write the world into a better place," and the guy says "I think I'm going to throw away all this magic I've been collecting. I won't even use it to stop the FREAKIN HURRICANE that's coming!"
No, I won't mention names of books/series, but that kind of stuff makes me MAD! I hate spending all that time watching/reading only to have everything just go splat at the end!
Stop doing that to the endings, you freaks!!!!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Haminal and Kriayshun

Soreina, Magic-Earth, and Earth Connections
So, now we get to Soreina (the dragon planet). As you may have heard, in the past, dragons and other such creatures were not thought of as mythology, but as real-life creatures. But there was a turning point when humans started killing all the magical creatures. So, Earth split again to form Soreina as a haven for them. In addition to taking all of the magical creatures, she also placed several humans on the planet so some dragon-friendly could continue to live in peace with the magical creatures.
So, there are only 2 types of creatures that can easily pass between the worlds. Wizards/magicians/witches/druids/whatever you want to call them can learn to open doorways between the worlds. But unicorns are also inter-dimensional beings. They can freely jump between worlds. I may have said this already, but I'll reiterate.
So, there ya go.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Dad's Movies (again)
Monday, October 6, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
On Your Mark Completed
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Light of the Sun "Tidbits"
So, ya gotta wonder, don't ya? When we read stories or legends written in the past, they talk about magic (and even dragons) as though they were real. I'll take dragons as a good example. Cultures all over the world that had absolutely no connection to each other had dragons. Different kinds of dragons, yes. But they spoke about them as though they were real. Just like in the legend of king arthur. They had wizards like Merlin and everything. It's nice to think that there was once magic in the world.
More random notes:
If you had a chance to go on a really awesome quest? Do you think you'd team up with strangers? Like Will does? I guess it depends on who they are.
And after an adventure is over, how do you go back to normal life? This doesn't come up so much in my book, but you really get it in "Lord of the Rings." Frodo goes through all that and gets scarred in many ways. And when it's all over, he gets dropped back into normal life. That would be really strange. I just can't help but wonder...
Cats. Like Bast in my book. They always seem so superior, don't they? Hahah!
On to another topic. So, there's a lot of different types of vampires, werewolves, and ghosts. So, I selected traits of them that I liked and tried to come up with good appearances for them. Yeah. A random little note.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Analysis! Blah!
Will groaned and sat back in his chair. He hated homework. Some of it just seemed so pointless! It was getting late, and he still hadn’t finished his English homework. He used to like English before they started analyzing literature. Analyzing was the most useless thing in the world! What did he care what the “deep underlying meanings” of a poem were? What was a poem about a pitchfork supposed to tell you about life? Why did he have to write an entire essay analyzing the hidden meanings in a pitchfork poem? And since there were no wrong answers as long as you provided evidence, that made the whole thing even more pointless. Why analyze things in a story that the author hadn’t intended? What if the author hadn’t wanted it analyzed at all? Will knew that if he ever wrote a story, he would never want kids to be forced to sit in a classroom all day, trying to figure out what “hidden meanings” he’d supposedly stuck in it. It was so easy to BS something that had no meaning whatsoever.
Will was about to graduate high school. He was tall with light brown hair and pale green eyes. Most people said he was very serious, and only his very close friends ever saw his more open side. He had learned to put up a sort of protective mask to shield himself from his family.
Will hissed in annoyance and shut off his computer. He had had enough of making up analysis for “The Pitchfork.” How did the teacher know that the author of the poem had any hidden meaning in the poem at all? What if the teacher was fooling the whole class into believing that authors stuck hidden information into their books? All the good books Will had read had seemed perfectly normal to him. As long as they were good stories that were written well, what did he care if they had “hidden meaning?
All the books they’d been forced to read in school were terrible. Well, Shakespeare had been at least tolerable. And Mark Twain was good. But what was with “Lord of the Flies”?! He absolutely loathed that book. And even though he had read it in freshmen year of high school-three years ago-he hated it as much now as he did then. Maybe more. Why would anyone want to read about a bunch of little boys getting stranded on an island and murdering each other? And why would anyone want to believe that humans were naturally evil? Humans were animals, and no animal is evil from birth. The only reason humans sometimes seem evil is because society has trained them to be selfish and greedy.
Will sat still for a minute, gazing longingly out of his bedroom window without seeing what the view held. He felt an incredible longing to get out of this crazy routine of life: wake up, go to school, learn things you’ll never need in real life, come home, work for hours on homework that is completely pointless, and then go to sleep. Why couldn’t he have some adventure! Would the rest of his life be so pointless? What would happen if he flew out of his window, away into the night?
So, this is pretty much me (except for the appearance and the stuff about his family, and the fact that I'm not a boy). Everything he says here I agree with. But the thing is, my english teachers are awesome! I have nothing against them. Just about analyzing. In fact, my english teacher in my sophomore year of high school, Mr. Daniel, has read a lot of my stories and given me good advice about them. (I'm basing a character off of him for the story about Briena. I do that with a lot of my characters) I sent him Shifter a little while ago, even though I don't go to high school anymore. I'm a college person now.... sigh. But I still go back to visit people. I know more people there (Like Stephanie and Kelly) than I do in college yet... Yeah. I like reading, and I like my english teachers. But I don't like analyzing. And I hated the books we had to read in high school. They were all really dirty or had characters that you ended up hating or both. For me to like a story, it has to be well-written AND a fun read. I don't care if it's written well if the plot is terrible. ANd even a great story can be ruined by a bad writer.
Oh jeez! Don't get me started on Lord of the Flies! I absolutely loathed that book! Who wants to read about a bunch of boys getting stuck on an island and murdering each other! I'm sorry if you liked this book, but I really hated it. And I HATED how they said that humans are naturally evil. That is so not true! Society is what makes humans jerks. And if you disagree, just contemplate this. As much as we'd like to think otherwise, humans are animals. And no animal is ever born evil. I had a nice long debate with George about this. And nothing anyone says will change my mind. No offense, but if you believe humans are evil, don't tell me about it. That always ruins my day when someone says something like that to me. Ok... I'm cool. I'm calm. Got it.
And I swear, we had to write an essay about a pitchfork. Ask Ellen. Or Nicole. Technically it was about an essay about a poem about a pitchfork, but still. THink about that. "An essay about a pitchfork." Not that I have anything against the poem, but I hate essays in general. Well, at least essays that involve analysis. And the teachers say that there's no wrong answer in an analysis as long as you can prove it, but not everyone's reading of a text is going to be the same, so they can't all be right! Grrr! I think they're hallucinating, or something. And how is learning to analyze going to help you in your life? That's what I want to know.
Hahahahah! I just realized how ironic this is! I'm sitting here, analyzing what I wrote as I explain it to you guys, and I'm also telling you that I hate analysis! But yeah. I promise, you don't have to analyze anything in my stories. Your teachers are fooling you if they tell you there's hidden stuff in my stories. They're just supposed to be fun to read. And If I have and "deep" stuff, I'll discuss it with you all on the blog. Or it will be really obvious.
And haven't you ever wanted to fly out our window and go on an adventure? I does! For that scene where Will's "gazing longingly" out of his window, I was trying to copy that image from Star Wars 4 where Luke is looking out over the double sunset, wishing he could get out his boring life as a farmer. I don't think mine is quite as poignant though. Sigh. Well, I'm done rambling for now.
On Your Mark
Ok. Now to get to the title of the post. There's a short Miyazaki music video set to the song "On Your Mark." At first I din't like it because there was a lot of shooting, but then it got a lot better. When the winged girl showed up! But I wanted to learn more about the characters! So, I'm writing On Your Mark out as a story, And I'll probably put it on fanfic. When I do, I'll post the link.
Stick people

Sunday, September 21, 2008
Here's another cool song. From the Last Unicorn.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Tara send me more of your stories! I'll work on my chapter...eventually!!! ^_^
Friday, September 19, 2008
Words are weird.
Well, here's the strange thing I found on the internet!
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty
uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal
pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a
rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't
mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the
olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer
be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl
mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed
ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling
was ipmorantt! Tahts so cool!
And here's a quote of wisdom...
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying 'Damn! That was fun!'
Mark Twain, a Mastermind
For example, in Year 1 that useless letter "c" would be dropped to be replased either by "k" or "s", and likewise "x" would no longer be part of the alphabet. The only kase in which "c" would be retained would be the "ch" formation, which will be dealt with later. Year 2 might reform "w" spelling, so that "which" and "one" would take the same konsonant, wile Year 3 might well abolish "y" replasing it with "i" and Iear 4 might fiks the "g
j" anomali wonse and for all.
Jenerally, then, the improvement would kontinue iear bai iear with Iear 5 doing awai with useless double konsonants, and Iears 6-12 or so modifaiing vowlz and the rimeining voist and unvoist konsonants. Bai Iear 15 or sou, it wud fainali bi posibl tu meik ius ov thi ridandant letez "c", "y" and "x" -- bai now jast a memori in the maindz ov ould doderez -- tu riplais "ch", "sh", and "th" rispektivli.
Fainali, xen, aafte sam 20 iers ov orxogrefkl riform, wi wud
hev a lojikl, kohirnt speling in ius xrewawt xe Ingliy-spiking werld.
Mark Twain (1835 - 1910), "A Plan for the Improvement of English Spelling"
College >.<
Friday, September 12, 2008
wah! title!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
The beginnings of "the Light of the Sun"
So, part one. How this story started out. Like others, I had no idea what was going to happen. It started out as an idea for a small part of the story. In this case, the first chapter.
Here's the idea that sparked this story.
(This actually started out as my character Fern who was bluffing that she was a werewolf just to spook someone). There's a person (Laney for this story) who is a werewolf. Obviously. And, the moon is about to rise. There's some bad guys nearby. And just as it looks like they're in trouble, the full moon peeks out over a hill. Laney turns and looks at the moon. When she turns back, she's smiling, and her teeth are growing sharper, like fangs. (And there's the whole pulsing sound effect, like a heart beating. Just for effect! :D )
So, I liked that image, so I started typing and the rest of the story sort of unfolded as I went along. The first problem was obviously that I needed a plot. Those help a lot. (Before you ask, this does not link in with Magic-Earth or Soreina).
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Insanely Complex Designs

Who invented Midna? That's what I want to know. Her patterns are so complex! And this shirt took me forever to paint. I had to look at the Midna trophy on Super Smash Brothers Brawl to get it right. I made a few little mistakes (and since I'm a crazy perfectionist, those mistakes drive me crazy, but it still looks decent, I suppose.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Anyone else is welcome to review things too.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
All these people...
Edited by Amy Goldwasser
Just a quick note. This is the title of a book that Erika, a girl I know, got an article published in. So, to support her, go buy the book and read her article.
By the way, I don't know if I mentioned it earlier, but a magazine published an article I wrote about mustangs. Not a big magazine, but still... It's called "Species Link." My article is called "Wandering Among Wild Horses."
Oh, my uncle Rob was in Vanity Fair a while ago! He's pretty well known in his field. He knows a lot of important people in politics. I'm not crazy about politics myself, but still. It's cool to say I have an uncle like that.
And my dad made a documentary about eagles. He's not much of a computer person, so it's taken him many years to put it up for sale on amazon:
It's old footage, but buy it anyway to support dad. He even composed most of the music.
And he put up 2 clips from the movie. The first clip is the intro:
Yes, I am the little girl at the very beginning, along with my ex-neighbor Chloe. Ex because she moved to New York.
And the second clip is what he calls "eagle whispering." He's making friends with a wild golden eagle.
I tried to stick them on my blog so there they are. I'll have them up for a little while until I feel like taking them down.
And look! I even figured out how to make the first one a direct link to the pages! I'm so smart. But the second 2 wouldn't work and I'm too tired right now to try and fix it.
Oh yeah. I met a woman who wrote a book too. At a motel in Reno. At the hot tub. Ooh, hot tubs are nice. I might as well include her too.
Jolene Rabjohn
Sun Valley Architecture and Interiors
Monday, August 25, 2008
The Light of the Sun Shines at Last!
I finished my story! The one with the werewolf/vampire/ghost/normal kid. As you may have heard, I'm thinking about titling it "The Light of the Sun." I still have to edit it, of course. I know it needs quite a bit of work, but at least it's finished. And, like most of my stories, I finished it late at night. 12: 15 to be exact. Once I'm close to the end, I can't stop. I'll put up my crazy little "tidbits" eventually. It's pretty long, so I'll have to do them in stages. This is my longest official story so far (The Fern one is longer, but it's a sort of fanfic). It's 59 pages. A couple lines away from 60. It's such a nice feeling to finish a story! And now I only have about 7 stories I'm in the middle of instead of 8!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
What's the deal?
free lotto
lotto winners
bad credit loans
stock investment
lottery gambling
top stock pick
And more that I'm too lazy to list.
Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but these don't sound like real people. I think they're some robots or something. Now, if you are in fact real people, tell me and I'll apologize. But the stuff they say almost seems robotic too.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Lockheed and Brightwind
Yes, there's been a lot of pictures recently. We'll run out eventually. Don't worry.
Here's Lockheed. I want one! He breathes fire too!

And Brightwind. I want one of these too!

Sunday, August 17, 2008
I like your commentary. It's cute.
I can't believe it! Everyone's leaving to college! Everyone's going away! I only know one person going to my college! I'll miss everyone! I'll visit you who haven't graduated and the rest of you better keep in touch!
Future Image Dumps
Oh, and I'll be adding an article or two about the ideas I developed over the summer by some undetermined date. School's tomorrow. D; This year's gonna be boring without you guys.
Image Dump San[Three]
Image Dump Yon[Four]
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Image Dump Ni[Two]
NO STEALING, OKAY? D8< (for those art stealers out there)
And there are still a lot of pictures to put up. D:

Random picture I drew when I was up in Tahoe. We went to a river and there was a branch hanging out over the water. I sat on it and it was a great view. So, that's the background you see.

Image Dump Ichi[One]
# of expected image dumps: 2 (one more)
Are you ready for it? I have been more a hermit than Ellen, but to prove I've actually been breathing all that time, here's what I owned you!
Warning: Image heavy. I hope I don't kill your computers. :D

Friday, August 15, 2008
Okay. That's it. Just wanted to explain.
The Light of the Sun
First of all, the magic amulet that everyone's searching for contains the power of the sun (sort of).
So, I was going to write some of that story and I came up with two possible titles: "The Warmth of the Sun" and "The Light of the Sun." It was good that I wrote them down because I forgot about them very quickly. A little while later, someone was telling me a story about a girl and a lioness. The lion had a name in a different language (an african one) that meant "The light of the sun." Okay. A good name for a golden lion.
Then I went back to my werewolf story last night and saw the possible title I had written for it: "The Light of the Sun." And I thought "Holy Crud! That was the name of that lion! That's another of those weird coincidences. Maybe that should be the title for my story."
So, there you go. I may still change it if it doesn't grow on me too much.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Enough! Volunteer!
So, time for me to ramble some more.
Go and volunteer. Once a week for 4 hours I go to the local humane society and work in the wildlife department. Mainly with the baby birds. I feed birds, wash dishes, do laundry, clean cages, and lots of other stuff. I love the baby birds, as long as they're good and open their mouths so I can feed them (No, I love them all). So, I say that you go out and do some good for your society. And once I get better with animals I bet I won't have to wash as many dishes! Just kidding. But it really helps. Go do something. Go work with animals. They need it right now. Trust me. Or if you can't stand animals (How could you not love them?) do something else. Just do something.
Kay. I'm done nagging. But think of it this way. The more volunteers there are, the less work you have to do!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
More Samples
If this were full size, it would be a phoenix dragon. If it's bigger, it would be a sun dragon.
Some more sun dragons.
Some Moon dragons (previously known as imperial dragons). The red and gray ones could also be ruffled dragons if they were standing in their hind legs.
A two-headed lash dragon.
Dawn, earth and sun dragons.