Ooh, cool Steff! I'll have to check it out. It'd be neat to see your heiroglyph dictionary, but it's possible my dad already has one, so I'll have to ask him. Oh yeah! Put up pictures of the cool creatures you made! As you saw, I tried to re-draw some of them, but there nowhere near as good as your originals. You saw what we did to NIcole. We'll keep bugging you until you get them up. Wheee!
Yeah, so I was having a conversation with Ellen today at lunch. Her character Saleera is good with a sword, as is my minor character, Ginger, who I've mentioned before. Ginger's had absolutely nothing to do for the past three years except practice with her sword and bow, so she's undefeated at both. But Ellen says that Saleera' really good too (I know she's good). I suggested that they have a duel, but I'm afraid that we'd never agree on who would win. So, Let's call the whole thing off. I'll just have Ginger go out and kick some random person's butt.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Egyptian Deities
I happen to know more than average about Egyptian mythology and I have a useful site or two that might be able to help you Tara with your story. It's a fairly accurate site and even has some random things I haven't even heard about.
I also have an Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic dictionary if you want any words drawn from it. :D Let me know!
I also have an Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic dictionary if you want any words drawn from it. :D Let me know!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Dragon's Pen Mascots
Okay! So I worked very hard on this picture (I did it during school) and I finally tried experimenting with some highlites to give my characters a bit more depth. Thanks for putting it up, Ellen! As usual.
So, First of all, the characters. The wolf's name is Dark Fang. He's Fern's friend. I don't know if I ever mentioned him or not. Then the girl, I guess she could be me. And that thing on her head is supposed to be a squirrel monkey. But it was really hard because it was so small. It just looks like a blob with a big tail. Squirrel monkeys are cute. I watn one! Then the dragon. I think that if I could turn into a dragon, that's what I would look like. I was toying with the idea of sticking Reein in there, but I couldn't find a good place to fit him in.
Yes, the dragon is writing jibberish. And yes the wolf is lying on the grass, not running like Danielle thought. And Dad thought that behind the trees was a brown and green wall. It's not a wall. It just represents the rest of the forest and I was too lazy to draw in infinite trees. Well, I hope you enjoy it. I'm going to attempt to find a way to put this picture as a sort of welcoming picture. Maybe right under the blod title. I hope I can do it on my computer.
So, First of all, the characters. The wolf's name is Dark Fang. He's Fern's friend. I don't know if I ever mentioned him or not. Then the girl, I guess she could be me. And that thing on her head is supposed to be a squirrel monkey. But it was really hard because it was so small. It just looks like a blob with a big tail. Squirrel monkeys are cute. I watn one! Then the dragon. I think that if I could turn into a dragon, that's what I would look like. I was toying with the idea of sticking Reein in there, but I couldn't find a good place to fit him in.
Yes, the dragon is writing jibberish. And yes the wolf is lying on the grass, not running like Danielle thought. And Dad thought that behind the trees was a brown and green wall. It's not a wall. It just represents the rest of the forest and I was too lazy to draw in infinite trees. Well, I hope you enjoy it. I'm going to attempt to find a way to put this picture as a sort of welcoming picture. Maybe right under the blod title. I hope I can do it on my computer.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Mark Twain
Here's the quote I promised to get you! Enjoy.
Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot.
Per G.G., Chief of Ordnance.
Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot.
Per G.G., Chief of Ordnance.
Will's Story
So, I'm going to do a summary another of my incomplete books. This one still doesn't have a title, but I've mentioned it a couple times in previus blogs. So, I'll try not to give anything away in this summary.
The story starts out at night. A full moon has yet to rise and two people- a young woman and a young man-are standing out in the middle of nowhere, waiting for someone (suspenseul, isn't it?). They're supposed to make a trade, but it goes off badly. Laney, the woman, knew that this would happen, and reveals her colors as the full moon rises. She changes into a werewolf and takes care of the guy that tried to trick them. But she still needs to get the item that she was supposed to trade for.
It's night. Erika can't sleep. She decides to go for a walk. But she stumbles upon a group of shady-looking chartacters and decides to watch them to see what they're up to. They're making a big fuss over a little item that some guy is carrying. Then one of the men sees her. A gun shot rings out ofver the city. Erika's ghost is left alone in the dark.
It's night (yet again. I'm not sure whether to make all these events happen on the same night or not-I might space them out a bit to better time the full moons for Laney's use). In a dilipaded old building, a young vampire named Draven (dray-ven) is sick of his fellow vampires. He decides to leave them and create his own life.
Will is sitting at his computer, writing an essay (more on essays later, I promise). He's sick of analyzing this stupid poem so he decides to go for a walk. He meets a woman named Laney and she tells him about a fantastic medallion-the Medallion of Ra. It's said to contain all the knowledge of magic that the planet has lost over the past vew hundred years. Laney belongs to an organization that is trying to recover the medallion and return magic to the earth. So Will decides to help, along with the ghost girl, Erika.
The Medallion of Ra is an ancient egyptian artifact (there is no such artifact. I made it up). It was transported to another part of the world and locked with three keys. These keys are hidden with other egyptian artifacts. Laney already has one, and a rival organization (this one is evil. I know it's cliche. I can't get that stupid accent over cliche!) And she has no idea where the third key is.
Laney, Will and Angela manage to steal the second stone, and then they meet up with Draven who also agrees to help (at this point, WIll knows draven is a vampire and Erika is a ghost, but he has no idea that Laney is a werewolf).
This is as far as I've gotten in the story, but I'll tell you what I have in mind for the rest at least.
They get a riddle (what good quest doesn't have a riddle?) which leads them to the old Egyptian capitol, Memphis and the third key. I'm going to have to research Memphis because I have no idea what it looks like. But I need to use the alabaster shpinx that's located there. It's going to be odd to write about a place that I've never seen...
Then they manage to find the temple where the medallion is. I don't know how I'm going to get them to this point yet... I'm making it up as I go.
Throughout the story, Laney, Will, Erika and Draven run into several Egyptian animal gods. The first one they meet is Khepri-the scarab god who is said to push the sun across the sky every day.
Then they meet Bast-the cat goddess.
Next comes Wadjet, the cobra goddess.
They have yet to meet Horus, a hawk,
Anubis, the jackal god of death,
Thoth, the babboon god of writing,
Sobek, a crocodile,
Heket, a frog,
Taweret, a hippo,
Serkut, a scorpion,
Apis, a bull,
And Sekhmet, a lioness goddess.
I'm going to do a little more research about these upcoming animal gods. I'm going to have to.
Oh just so you know, the Medallion of Ra belonged to the Egyptian sun god, Ra. That's what Ra means, for those of you not familiar with egyptian mythology. I like their animal gods, which is why they have several parts in this book.
Ooh, now I get to rant and rave about essays. The first time we meet WIll, he's writing an essay about a pitchfork. More accurately, it's about a poem about a pitchfork (but close enough). Now, (ask Ellen and Nnicole and Brian and anyone else in my class) we actually had to write this exact same essay for english class earlier this year. Now, say this to yourself. We had to WRITE AN ESSAY ABOUT A PITCHFORK. Does that not seem like a complete waste of time? No offense to my english teachers. I like my english teachers, I just don't like analyzing. Now, analysis of stories drives me absolutely crazy. I HATE analyzing! Thinking about it makes me fume. I love to read, but whenever they tell me to analyze something, I start smoking. If you want to analyze, go ahead and make up fake meanings for all the stuff authors write. BUT DON'T MAKE ME DO IT!!! Why on earth do we have to spend four years on analysis in high school when so few people will ever analyze stuff for a living? I'll never use analysis in my life unless the apocalypse comes. Why can't we learn something useful? And it doesn't help that every single book we ever read in high school I absolutely hate. Well, Shakespeare was at least tolerable, and I liked Huckleberry Finn. It was the only happy book we read (besides Shakespeare comedies).
I suck at analyzing, and I think that half of the stuff analyzed was never intended by the author. I prefer not to read too much into books. I'd rather enjoy them as they are on the surface. So, if you ever read any of my stories and think there's a deeper meaning to them (other than the obvious) then you're delusional. If I ever do anything fancy like that, I'll tell you! Mark Twain had a really good quote about that. I'll have to find it for you eventually. I love it! He's a good author. It was actually in the front of Huckleberry Finn, and we read it in school. He was very clearly telling us NOT to analyze his work (again, I'll find the quote for you) but you know what the teacher said? by telling you not to analyze, he MAKES you want to analyze. What the hell does that mean?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? And they made us analyze it anyway! Gragh!
On a side note, we did a mock trial in english freshman year where each of us acted as some famous person. I ended up being Mark Twain. I had a fake moustache, but the bottle of actors glue wouldn't open (someone even stomped on it in an attempt to get it open), so I stuck it on with glue from my gluestick. It tasted nasty. I don't suggest it. But either way, the trial sucked. I'll write more about this later. It concerns another of my fierce beliefs...
The story starts out at night. A full moon has yet to rise and two people- a young woman and a young man-are standing out in the middle of nowhere, waiting for someone (suspenseul, isn't it?). They're supposed to make a trade, but it goes off badly. Laney, the woman, knew that this would happen, and reveals her colors as the full moon rises. She changes into a werewolf and takes care of the guy that tried to trick them. But she still needs to get the item that she was supposed to trade for.
It's night. Erika can't sleep. She decides to go for a walk. But she stumbles upon a group of shady-looking chartacters and decides to watch them to see what they're up to. They're making a big fuss over a little item that some guy is carrying. Then one of the men sees her. A gun shot rings out ofver the city. Erika's ghost is left alone in the dark.
It's night (yet again. I'm not sure whether to make all these events happen on the same night or not-I might space them out a bit to better time the full moons for Laney's use). In a dilipaded old building, a young vampire named Draven (dray-ven) is sick of his fellow vampires. He decides to leave them and create his own life.
Will is sitting at his computer, writing an essay (more on essays later, I promise). He's sick of analyzing this stupid poem so he decides to go for a walk. He meets a woman named Laney and she tells him about a fantastic medallion-the Medallion of Ra. It's said to contain all the knowledge of magic that the planet has lost over the past vew hundred years. Laney belongs to an organization that is trying to recover the medallion and return magic to the earth. So Will decides to help, along with the ghost girl, Erika.
The Medallion of Ra is an ancient egyptian artifact (there is no such artifact. I made it up). It was transported to another part of the world and locked with three keys. These keys are hidden with other egyptian artifacts. Laney already has one, and a rival organization (this one is evil. I know it's cliche. I can't get that stupid accent over cliche!) And she has no idea where the third key is.
Laney, Will and Angela manage to steal the second stone, and then they meet up with Draven who also agrees to help (at this point, WIll knows draven is a vampire and Erika is a ghost, but he has no idea that Laney is a werewolf).
This is as far as I've gotten in the story, but I'll tell you what I have in mind for the rest at least.
They get a riddle (what good quest doesn't have a riddle?) which leads them to the old Egyptian capitol, Memphis and the third key. I'm going to have to research Memphis because I have no idea what it looks like. But I need to use the alabaster shpinx that's located there. It's going to be odd to write about a place that I've never seen...
Then they manage to find the temple where the medallion is. I don't know how I'm going to get them to this point yet... I'm making it up as I go.
Throughout the story, Laney, Will, Erika and Draven run into several Egyptian animal gods. The first one they meet is Khepri-the scarab god who is said to push the sun across the sky every day.
Then they meet Bast-the cat goddess.
Next comes Wadjet, the cobra goddess.
They have yet to meet Horus, a hawk,
Anubis, the jackal god of death,
Thoth, the babboon god of writing,
Sobek, a crocodile,
Heket, a frog,
Taweret, a hippo,
Serkut, a scorpion,
Apis, a bull,
And Sekhmet, a lioness goddess.
I'm going to do a little more research about these upcoming animal gods. I'm going to have to.
Oh just so you know, the Medallion of Ra belonged to the Egyptian sun god, Ra. That's what Ra means, for those of you not familiar with egyptian mythology. I like their animal gods, which is why they have several parts in this book.
Ooh, now I get to rant and rave about essays. The first time we meet WIll, he's writing an essay about a pitchfork. More accurately, it's about a poem about a pitchfork (but close enough). Now, (ask Ellen and Nnicole and Brian and anyone else in my class) we actually had to write this exact same essay for english class earlier this year. Now, say this to yourself. We had to WRITE AN ESSAY ABOUT A PITCHFORK. Does that not seem like a complete waste of time? No offense to my english teachers. I like my english teachers, I just don't like analyzing. Now, analysis of stories drives me absolutely crazy. I HATE analyzing! Thinking about it makes me fume. I love to read, but whenever they tell me to analyze something, I start smoking. If you want to analyze, go ahead and make up fake meanings for all the stuff authors write. BUT DON'T MAKE ME DO IT!!! Why on earth do we have to spend four years on analysis in high school when so few people will ever analyze stuff for a living? I'll never use analysis in my life unless the apocalypse comes. Why can't we learn something useful? And it doesn't help that every single book we ever read in high school I absolutely hate. Well, Shakespeare was at least tolerable, and I liked Huckleberry Finn. It was the only happy book we read (besides Shakespeare comedies).
I suck at analyzing, and I think that half of the stuff analyzed was never intended by the author. I prefer not to read too much into books. I'd rather enjoy them as they are on the surface. So, if you ever read any of my stories and think there's a deeper meaning to them (other than the obvious) then you're delusional. If I ever do anything fancy like that, I'll tell you! Mark Twain had a really good quote about that. I'll have to find it for you eventually. I love it! He's a good author. It was actually in the front of Huckleberry Finn, and we read it in school. He was very clearly telling us NOT to analyze his work (again, I'll find the quote for you) but you know what the teacher said? by telling you not to analyze, he MAKES you want to analyze. What the hell does that mean?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? And they made us analyze it anyway! Gragh!
On a side note, we did a mock trial in english freshman year where each of us acted as some famous person. I ended up being Mark Twain. I had a fake moustache, but the bottle of actors glue wouldn't open (someone even stomped on it in an attempt to get it open), so I stuck it on with glue from my gluestick. It tasted nasty. I don't suggest it. But either way, the trial sucked. I'll write more about this later. It concerns another of my fierce beliefs...
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Water dragon
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Whole new appreciation

Well I've been rather bored lately what with AP tests and finals coming up. And naturally I've been procrastinating instead of studying and working on the endless projects my teachers have been assigning. So I've decided to turn the story Tara and I are working on into a manga! Yeah for boredom. So here's the cover page for Ch 1. Yay! That's Tara's character Arith.
Because I decided to take on this little "side project" I've developed a whole new appreciation for those people who turn books into movies. It's hard! Well at least turning written stuff into a comic is hard. There are so many ways a book can describe something with a narrator, but movies dont have that!!!! They have to establish the whole society through the characters, and that's a pain.
So, I fixed a couple little things on the blog. I had to stay after school to use the library computers to do all this stuff, but things are better now. For example, I flipped the little black wyvern upside down, so he's now diving down instead of up. And I "personalized" all the pictures I "stole" from the internet. Because when you draw a picture directly from the internet, if your "host website" takes the picture away, it disappears from your blog too. My picture of Ashitaka disappeared already, so I had to find a new, not as good one. So, what I did was save the pictures on the computer, then I loaded them to the blog. So, hopefully, I've got these pictures on here permanently.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
When an Author Goes Bad
So, how can you tell that an author has gone bad? Well, a while ago, Brian, Ellen and I were talking about that. I forget which one of them said it, but one of them commented that once a writer THINKS they're good, then they cease to be good. And I think there's some truth in that. It makes sense. It's called over-confidence, or cockiness. Now, therte's a difference between hating your work, and not being sure if it's great. For example, sometimes I think my work's good, and other times I'll think it's absolutely horrible. Hmm. Oh well.
Ah, and another indicator that an author has "gone bad" is when they start getting published by multiple publishers. Because that's a sign that now they're only in it for the money, not for the joy of writing. So, when you see a whole shelf full of the same book done by different publishers, think a moment, will you?
Ah, and another indicator that an author has "gone bad" is when they start getting published by multiple publishers. Because that's a sign that now they're only in it for the money, not for the joy of writing. So, when you see a whole shelf full of the same book done by different publishers, think a moment, will you?
Friday, May 9, 2008
When a Story Boggs Down
So, I think I'll write about how a story can become lame. I'm sure you've been there. You start reading a book, and it starts out good, but then it turns out to suck at the end. So, what makes a story bad?
Well, I'll outline a few things I've noticed. If you think of anything else, you're wecome to add them. And if you disagree, then sorry. This is my opinion.
So, #1 is detail. Don't get me wrong. Detail is great. You want detail. You want to be able to see/hear/smell the story you're reading. You want to get sucked into it (I love getting sucked into a good book! That's why I read slowly, so I can appreciate it). But too much detail can really make a book drag along at a boring pace. Some older books did this a lot. They'd spend an entire chapter explaining a person's shoes, or something like that. It gets very boring.
#2, adding unnecessary details. Again, detail is good. But some things you'd rather not picture, and you just don't want to elaborate on certain things. You read it and you think "I didn't need to hear that," groaning in disgust. Don't get too much into dirty, mucky details. Just leave those out and keep the good stuff.
#3 excessive romance. Sure, a little romance is fine. I'm not saying it's bad. Some of it can be sweet. But when an action story turns into a love story, it can sometimes turn out very disappointing. For example, Tamora Pierce used to be my favorite author. I read all of her books. But then I started to notice that her books weren't as exciting as they once were. They were getting stuck in romance. And getting a little too detailed about it too, if you know what I mean. Not to mention that she included the dirty details mentioned above. It was a disappointment to me to notice that she got lost in the romance. It's not like I hate her now, but I don't enjoy her books as much as I used too before the LUVE stole the plot. There doesn't need to be love in everything, you know. Some books can just have friendship between a boy and a girl. But some people insist that all girl and guy characters have to hook up in the end.
So, to all of you, if I ever turn against my own advice, I give you permision to whack me.
Well, I'll outline a few things I've noticed. If you think of anything else, you're wecome to add them. And if you disagree, then sorry. This is my opinion.
So, #1 is detail. Don't get me wrong. Detail is great. You want detail. You want to be able to see/hear/smell the story you're reading. You want to get sucked into it (I love getting sucked into a good book! That's why I read slowly, so I can appreciate it). But too much detail can really make a book drag along at a boring pace. Some older books did this a lot. They'd spend an entire chapter explaining a person's shoes, or something like that. It gets very boring.
#2, adding unnecessary details. Again, detail is good. But some things you'd rather not picture, and you just don't want to elaborate on certain things. You read it and you think "I didn't need to hear that," groaning in disgust. Don't get too much into dirty, mucky details. Just leave those out and keep the good stuff.
#3 excessive romance. Sure, a little romance is fine. I'm not saying it's bad. Some of it can be sweet. But when an action story turns into a love story, it can sometimes turn out very disappointing. For example, Tamora Pierce used to be my favorite author. I read all of her books. But then I started to notice that her books weren't as exciting as they once were. They were getting stuck in romance. And getting a little too detailed about it too, if you know what I mean. Not to mention that she included the dirty details mentioned above. It was a disappointment to me to notice that she got lost in the romance. It's not like I hate her now, but I don't enjoy her books as much as I used too before the LUVE stole the plot. There doesn't need to be love in everything, you know. Some books can just have friendship between a boy and a girl. But some people insist that all girl and guy characters have to hook up in the end.
So, to all of you, if I ever turn against my own advice, I give you permision to whack me.
Monday, May 5, 2008
On Wings of Wyverns Tidbits
Time for some more of my "tidbits". This time it's for "On WIngs of Wyverns," in case you can't tell from the title of the post.
So, The first one is that Clara has a little hideaway inside a bush that is sort of hollow in the middle. Well, outside Foster City Rec, there's some trees and when you climb up in them, the branches strecth over you in a sort of canopy and it's hollow in the middle, leaving you free to scramble around on the branches. So, that's where the bush came from. I just took the tree and shrunk it down to shrub form.
Oh, and when the Emperor finds her hiding in the bush, at first I had him be really mad. But Ellen and Nicole told me it would make him seem more evil if I had him PRETEND to be nice, while really being very sinister underneath. So, I did that, but I'm not sure how good a job I did. Hmmm... that's something else I need to work on.
And when CLara's at the nesting grounds, I mention that the ground's covered in rocks. I don't know if you've ever tried to walk cross ground like that, but even if you have good balance, it's hazardous. You never know if one of the rocks is loose, and it's easy to have your foothold suddenly slip out from under you. Granted, it's not quite as bad as trying to walk across river rocks that are covered in slime, but still...
And how would it take something as big as wyverns hatch? I have the wyverns coming out of their shells pretty quickly, but some birds take a very long time to hatch. Well, my excuse is that wyverns, dragons, ex, spend a long time in their shell developing, so when it's time to come out, they have to leave their shell quickly to avoid suffocating. And when do these guys learn to fly, huh? Well, I tend to have my dragon/wyvern species learn to fly rather quickly to move the story along. Hatch small, grow fast.
Ooh, cooking food over a fire. Have you ever tried it? I don't mean marshmallows. I mean REAL food (but marshmallows are good). I did it with a hot dog once. The problem was that when we speared it on the end of a stick, it would break in half and fall into the ashes of the fire. I was the only person that didn't end up dropping mine in the end. And it DID taste like smoke. But a good kind of smoke, if that makes any sense.
Ah, starting a fire without a lighter or matches. Now that's hard. Flint is hard enough, but if you don't even have that... I tried that once too. All kids have tried rubbing two sticks together. Well, that doesn't work. We made a sort of bow and spun a branch back in forth against another piece of wood. We got smoke, but not a fire. Oh, but we did start a fire with a gun once. At a camp, we were going to have a campfire, but we were too lazy to get our matches. So the guy took out his gun, emptied the gun powder from one of the bullets onto a piece of paper, and shot it with a blank. It smoked for a very long time, then finally it caught flame.
How about nerves? Ever spoken in front of a big group, like Clara has to do near the end? Well, I've had to play a couple solos in band, and sitting there before the concert can be pretty nervewracking. And the weird part is, sometimes I"m not nervous at all, but I'm still shaking. Stupid shiver reflex. It makes it really hard to sound good on the flute...
So, The first one is that Clara has a little hideaway inside a bush that is sort of hollow in the middle. Well, outside Foster City Rec, there's some trees and when you climb up in them, the branches strecth over you in a sort of canopy and it's hollow in the middle, leaving you free to scramble around on the branches. So, that's where the bush came from. I just took the tree and shrunk it down to shrub form.
Oh, and when the Emperor finds her hiding in the bush, at first I had him be really mad. But Ellen and Nicole told me it would make him seem more evil if I had him PRETEND to be nice, while really being very sinister underneath. So, I did that, but I'm not sure how good a job I did. Hmmm... that's something else I need to work on.
And when CLara's at the nesting grounds, I mention that the ground's covered in rocks. I don't know if you've ever tried to walk cross ground like that, but even if you have good balance, it's hazardous. You never know if one of the rocks is loose, and it's easy to have your foothold suddenly slip out from under you. Granted, it's not quite as bad as trying to walk across river rocks that are covered in slime, but still...
And how would it take something as big as wyverns hatch? I have the wyverns coming out of their shells pretty quickly, but some birds take a very long time to hatch. Well, my excuse is that wyverns, dragons, ex, spend a long time in their shell developing, so when it's time to come out, they have to leave their shell quickly to avoid suffocating. And when do these guys learn to fly, huh? Well, I tend to have my dragon/wyvern species learn to fly rather quickly to move the story along. Hatch small, grow fast.
Ooh, cooking food over a fire. Have you ever tried it? I don't mean marshmallows. I mean REAL food (but marshmallows are good). I did it with a hot dog once. The problem was that when we speared it on the end of a stick, it would break in half and fall into the ashes of the fire. I was the only person that didn't end up dropping mine in the end. And it DID taste like smoke. But a good kind of smoke, if that makes any sense.
Ah, starting a fire without a lighter or matches. Now that's hard. Flint is hard enough, but if you don't even have that... I tried that once too. All kids have tried rubbing two sticks together. Well, that doesn't work. We made a sort of bow and spun a branch back in forth against another piece of wood. We got smoke, but not a fire. Oh, but we did start a fire with a gun once. At a camp, we were going to have a campfire, but we were too lazy to get our matches. So the guy took out his gun, emptied the gun powder from one of the bullets onto a piece of paper, and shot it with a blank. It smoked for a very long time, then finally it caught flame.
How about nerves? Ever spoken in front of a big group, like Clara has to do near the end? Well, I've had to play a couple solos in band, and sitting there before the concert can be pretty nervewracking. And the weird part is, sometimes I"m not nervous at all, but I'm still shaking. Stupid shiver reflex. It makes it really hard to sound good on the flute...
Friday, May 2, 2008
Dragon's Pen
So, I finally thought up a new name for my blog. Wings of Wyverns was a little too vague, and only focused on that one book. Depending on what mis amigos think of this name, I might possibly change it again. But I think I like this one. Because I love dragons, and they have parts in a lot of the stories I'm planning/writing. And it kind of sounds like dragon's den. but instead it's like the dragons have the pen and they're writing... so I don't know. Tell me what you think, please!
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