I am making a reference to Stephanie's phrase she used in a post a LONG time ago. "Raving rabid plot bunnies." She was referring to when you're struck with a good idea for a story/plot. So far I've been lucky. If I'm patient, I'll get an idea eventually. So far, I haven't been struck by writer's block (knock wood) and I hope I never find out what it feels like. So, I've been bitten by Stephanie's rabid bunnies.
I've been wanting to write a story for a while now. I forget if I started talking about this at all. One of each of the magical races from magic-earth get sucked into technology-earth, as does a dragon from Soreina. They team up with a unicorn (an inter-dimensional being) and have to complete a quest. I had a few ideas about what this quest would include, but they were only general skeletons. Now, remember me saying how hot showers are good for ideas? Well, that happened to me last night. I finally came up with a good idea for the quest all these magical people need to do in our Earth.
In addition to Magic-Earth and Soreina, I have recently created another realm. The First Great Shift occurred at the dawn of man-Earth split into two halves-Technology Earth and Magic Earth. Then when our Earth, TE, started spreading technology and religion, which brought much more violence into the world, the Second Great Shift Happened. Technology Earth Split again to create Soreina as a haven for all the magical creatures that were being killed by "modern" humans. That's why the old stories talk about dragons and unicorns, ex, as though they were actually real. Back then, there was still a little overlap between TE and ME. Which is why there are stories of wizards such as Merlin. But they too mostly vanished at the creation of Soreina. There isn't much overlap right now, but there is still a bit of magic in our planet. Ever heard of pet psychics? They still possess the "language of thoughts" that people in TE and Soreina can use-telepathic communication with animals, plants, and even spirits.
And today, we are in the middle of the Third Great Shift. You may have noticed how there are many strange problems throughout our world. People are really paranoid-a criminal will break into a person's house, get bitten by their dog, and they'll sue the owner of the dog even though they were the one breaking into their house. Terrorists kill people who don't share their exact ideas. Atomic bombs (though not as high a threat as they were during the Cold War) could still easily destroy the planet. Some people think the government is keeping secrets from us. Global warming and deforestation threaten the planet as well. So, Earth decides to split again, creating the Darke Realm. This realm is opposite ours. A parallel world. Their light is shadow, and their shadows are light. Their sun is darkness. It is a realm of healing for torn and ripped spirits to recover. When they are healed, they return to the Lyte Realm to try again. Earth hopes that after spirits spend time in the Darke Realm, when they return to Earth, they will make it a better place.
Remember, Soreina and Magic-Earth know of the each other and of TE, but TE doesn't know about any of the other realms. We're blinded by too many things, especially by science. And none of the worlds know of this growing Darke Realm. But the unicorns do.
So, now that the Darke Realm is starting to form, how does this connect to the story I was talking about earlier? Well, during the formation of this Darke Realm, something happens to severely shock Earth. Possibly an atomic bomb, or something. And this jolts the Lyte and Darke Realms to start to blend, threatening the existence of both worlds. So, all these people that got pulled into TE need to find the one person strong enough to save the worlds-Merlin. But hundreds of years ago, Merlin was trapped inside a tree by the Lady of the Lake. Only her descendant can release him. So, why would these people care if anything happened to TE? Because if anything happened to Technology Earth, the other planets would soon follow. They're all connected. IF one Earth goes down, it won't take long for the other planets to go too.