So, I finally got around to typing up "Of Spirits and Demons." I fixed the beginning. Well, part of it. The whole start was pretty dreadful. It needed a lot of work. I'm almost done fixing it up. Sigh.
Oh, for the "Shadow Split" thing, I'm approaching the climax! Just so's ya know. But since this is the one I'm handwriting (so I can write when I go places) this means that I'll have to type it all too. And it's my longest so far, so typing is gonna take a lot of work. I really should only hand-write shorter stories. Grumble. It's no fun to type the whole thing out.
Monday, April 27, 2009
I didn't mean to sound like I was blaming you. It's hardly your fault that it died. I'm just sad that my first RP experience didn't do to well.
The only games I remember you were trying to make were the Freesia one with Pokemon. And then you mentioned something about a dragon one, but I don't know anything about that. You should actually try to finish one! I'd like to try one of your games.
Well, I'm glad you had fun at your prom. We had more fun in the limo ride than we did at the actual prom. It was a small place, and they played LOUD OBNOXIOUS MUSIC the whole time. I hate that kind of music. Why couldn't they play something nice?
The only games I remember you were trying to make were the Freesia one with Pokemon. And then you mentioned something about a dragon one, but I don't know anything about that. You should actually try to finish one! I'd like to try one of your games.
Well, I'm glad you had fun at your prom. We had more fun in the limo ride than we did at the actual prom. It was a small place, and they played LOUD OBNOXIOUS MUSIC the whole time. I hate that kind of music. Why couldn't they play something nice?
Sunday, April 26, 2009
This and That
What? Why are you blaming me now?
Not that I'm really offended, but I wanted to introduce you to something I thought you would like since it's similar to what you do when writing. Actually there's Acornrack v.2 now, but I haven't used it much. I haven't been writing much of anything lately for stories or roleplaying. One of the things about roleplaying is that there can be a high chance that it'll die out unfortunately. Some last longer than others. I could try and tell about all the sites I've seen die, but it'd be too long. Still, the experience is there, and you get something out of it. :3 People keep on roleplaying even if stuff dies out, they'll start over.
It's been so long I'm not sure I even remember which site I was trying to make. There was a gryphon/dragon one, a dragon one, and a city one I think... Tara probably remembers better than me what the specifics were. I haven't worked on them (except for some concept work) since we probably last talked about them. It's alright, you helped me out even if you thought it was irrelevant. I'm not sure if my ideas are very roleplay compatible so others can be involved.
I've come up with some of other unrelated ideas since then. Actually I haven't been very internet active as I used to. I'm no longer on any roleplay sites, though sometimes I wish I had the time and motivation to follow through with roleplaying and writing more.
Recently though I went to prom and I've been getting ready for college. :3 Prom was pretty fun (I heard this years was better than last years). It was at the San Francisco Galleria. We were running up and down the stairs to the balconies most of the time and there were glass elevators so we could see into them whenever they came by. Also I've pretty much planned out my classes for the next 6 months in college even though I don't have a major in mind yet. All I need to do now is take some really easy math placement test, meet a counselor, and register for classes on May 1st. I can hardly wait! Next I just need to get a job so dad doesn't have to pay for all of it. How's college life going for everyone else?
Not that I'm really offended, but I wanted to introduce you to something I thought you would like since it's similar to what you do when writing. Actually there's Acornrack v.2 now, but I haven't used it much. I haven't been writing much of anything lately for stories or roleplaying. One of the things about roleplaying is that there can be a high chance that it'll die out unfortunately. Some last longer than others. I could try and tell about all the sites I've seen die, but it'd be too long. Still, the experience is there, and you get something out of it. :3 People keep on roleplaying even if stuff dies out, they'll start over.
It's been so long I'm not sure I even remember which site I was trying to make. There was a gryphon/dragon one, a dragon one, and a city one I think... Tara probably remembers better than me what the specifics were. I haven't worked on them (except for some concept work) since we probably last talked about them. It's alright, you helped me out even if you thought it was irrelevant. I'm not sure if my ideas are very roleplay compatible so others can be involved.
I've come up with some of other unrelated ideas since then. Actually I haven't been very internet active as I used to. I'm no longer on any roleplay sites, though sometimes I wish I had the time and motivation to follow through with roleplaying and writing more.
Recently though I went to prom and I've been getting ready for college. :3 Prom was pretty fun (I heard this years was better than last years). It was at the San Francisco Galleria. We were running up and down the stairs to the balconies most of the time and there were glass elevators so we could see into them whenever they came by. Also I've pretty much planned out my classes for the next 6 months in college even though I don't have a major in mind yet. All I need to do now is take some really easy math placement test, meet a counselor, and register for classes on May 1st. I can hardly wait! Next I just need to get a job so dad doesn't have to pay for all of it. How's college life going for everyone else?
Calvin Hobbes
So, Calvin and Hobbes is one of the few comics I like. The other is the Far Side.
So, I've scanned some of them for you.
Here's the background.
Calvin is a little boy who's usually a brat, but some of his dialogue is too sophisticated for someone his age. He hates school and homework, ex. He's very strange and likes to gross people out sometimes. He has a stuffed tiger named Hobbes. And Hobbes seems to be alive, but only Calvin can see it.
So, I'm going to post some of their deeper comics (not just the ones where he throws snowballs at Susie, the girl that lives near him).
The author is environmentally conscious, so I like that.

They're not always very subtle though...

Yeah, I volunteer at the humane society feeding baby birds, squirrels, ex, so I had to put this one up.

I like zoos, but I do feel bad for the animals.
Calvin really hates tests and school.

So yeah. You can wish big, but don't get your hopes up.

Here's Calvin's parents. His dad is always telling Calvin strange answers to questions he doesn't know the answers to.

Okay, this one isn't deep at all, but I like it!
So, I've scanned some of them for you.
Here's the background.
Calvin is a little boy who's usually a brat, but some of his dialogue is too sophisticated for someone his age. He hates school and homework, ex. He's very strange and likes to gross people out sometimes. He has a stuffed tiger named Hobbes. And Hobbes seems to be alive, but only Calvin can see it.
So, I'm going to post some of their deeper comics (not just the ones where he throws snowballs at Susie, the girl that lives near him).
The author is environmentally conscious, so I like that.

They're not always very subtle though...
Yeah, I volunteer at the humane society feeding baby birds, squirrels, ex, so I had to put this one up.

I like zoos, but I do feel bad for the animals.

So yeah. You can wish big, but don't get your hopes up.

Here's Calvin's parents. His dad is always telling Calvin strange answers to questions he doesn't know the answers to.

Okay, this one isn't deep at all, but I like it!

Saturday, April 25, 2009
Gov Thieves
Here's something I never understood, but I heard of a few times.
So, someone starts a company and it's... theirs. You know, their company. And then someone (the government? I really don't know) takes it away from them. How can someone take a business/company away from the person who made it? Or if someone invents something and the government takes it. I've heard that they sometimes do that with stuff that they can make weapons out of or something.
I really know nothing about these topics, really. Just curious.
So, someone starts a company and it's... theirs. You know, their company. And then someone (the government? I really don't know) takes it away from them. How can someone take a business/company away from the person who made it? Or if someone invents something and the government takes it. I've heard that they sometimes do that with stuff that they can make weapons out of or something.
I really know nothing about these topics, really. Just curious.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Care of Dragons?
This is something I never mentioned. Not that it's really important.
I blame Stephanie.
She had me sign up for this website called acorn rack where people make games. Role play games. I had no idea what they were until I tried one. So, it's a lot like what Ellen and I are doing for our story,. Moon Dragon. You and your partner switch off writing stuff. It was called "Concerning the care of Dragons" And they had a bunch of dragon species. Some of them were actually pretty cool looking. Maybe I can find the pictures I salvaged...
I tried writing a couple stories with people on that site, but after a while, the two people I tried writing with sort of... disappeared. It wasn't exactly a big site. Only about 10 people? And apparently the person who made it stopped doing stuff with it, so it died. Sigh. My first RP experience wasn't too good. But I like the one I'm doing with Ellen! It's fun cause I never know what she's gonna write.
Steph is trying to make a couple games on Acorn Rack. I think I mentioned this already, a while ago. I said I helped her, but I didn't know what a RP game was when she told me that's what she was making, so I had no idea what I was doing. I was throwing out all these random ideas that (against my knowledge) were completely irrelevant to RP games. Sorry Steph! How are you coming on those games? I'll try playing again if you finish!
I blame Stephanie.
She had me sign up for this website called acorn rack where people make games. Role play games. I had no idea what they were until I tried one. So, it's a lot like what Ellen and I are doing for our story,. Moon Dragon. You and your partner switch off writing stuff. It was called "Concerning the care of Dragons" And they had a bunch of dragon species. Some of them were actually pretty cool looking. Maybe I can find the pictures I salvaged...
I tried writing a couple stories with people on that site, but after a while, the two people I tried writing with sort of... disappeared. It wasn't exactly a big site. Only about 10 people? And apparently the person who made it stopped doing stuff with it, so it died. Sigh. My first RP experience wasn't too good. But I like the one I'm doing with Ellen! It's fun cause I never know what she's gonna write.
Steph is trying to make a couple games on Acorn Rack. I think I mentioned this already, a while ago. I said I helped her, but I didn't know what a RP game was when she told me that's what she was making, so I had no idea what I was doing. I was throwing out all these random ideas that (against my knowledge) were completely irrelevant to RP games. Sorry Steph! How are you coming on those games? I'll try playing again if you finish!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Ok, so I just read a book called Temeraire. It was actually really good. I want to read the sequels. So, it takes place during Napoleon's time in Britain. They're at war with ships and... dragons!! Temeraire is the name of the main dragon.
So, I found some cool pictures of Temeraire. Here they are! (Oops! Forgot to take down the link where I got them again! Sorry!)

So, I found some cool pictures of Temeraire. Here they are! (Oops! Forgot to take down the link where I got them again! Sorry!)

Sunday, April 19, 2009
Oh! I love this part! This is the best part of the whole movie!!!
From "The Rescuers Down Under." Whoever put this clip on Youtube sure knew how to get the best part of the movie!! It's awesome! So, quick explanation-the boy is trying to save the eagle from a poacher's trap. It's in Australia. And this is a sequel to "The Rescuers" but this is a rare instance where I like the sequel better than the original (and another example-the second X-Men was the best).
From "The Rescuers Down Under." Whoever put this clip on Youtube sure knew how to get the best part of the movie!! It's awesome! So, quick explanation-the boy is trying to save the eagle from a poacher's trap. It's in Australia. And this is a sequel to "The Rescuers" but this is a rare instance where I like the sequel better than the original (and another example-the second X-Men was the best).
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Budget Cuts
OK, so everyone knows the economy is a bit funky right now. So, people cut money from some stuff. Some REALLY important stuff. And while they're wasting tons of money on some pretty useless things, they're taking it from things that really need it. Acknowledging that there are other important things losing money, I'm going to talk about schools right now.
So, schools have been getting budget cuts almost since we've got the Governator in California-Arnold and whose last name I can't spell right now. I still don't understand how a republican was voted governor of a democratic state... Probably because he's so famous as an actor (a rather muscle-bound one). Yeah, I'm not crazy about politics. I'll leave that to my uncle. He's good at it.
So HELLO people!!! Schools need money! Stop wasting money on stupid stuff and use it where you need to! For example, professional sports players get paid like thousands of dollars! School teachers get paid hardly anything! I say this because my dad is a part time yoga teacher at a few different universities. Since he's part-time, he's always getting screwed by all those freaks above him. And the thing is, all his students really like him, so he's obviously a good teacher. He's gotten awards and everything, but the university system continues to screw him. And my mom too. SHe does other stuff in addition to teaching, but she gets it too.
And I don't really care about watching sports (I don't mind playing them, but watching them is boring) so I CAN'T understand why professional athletes get paid about 100 times more than teachers. Teachers are in charge of educating the next generation. Athletes (some, definitely not all) can be stupid, rude, and all they can do is run at top speed and slam into each other.
Yeah, I know some of you people disagree about athletes, but my overall point is that people should stop taking money away from schools. Professional entertainment is only one of many examples for money black holes (it's probably not a very good example either, but it's all I can think of right now). And then schools have to cut back on all their special programs like music or art and even sports.
So STOP screwing schools you freaks!!!
Okay, I'm done complaining for now. You'll get more complaining later, I'm sure, but not now. I have to do chores.
So, schools have been getting budget cuts almost since we've got the Governator in California-Arnold and whose last name I can't spell right now. I still don't understand how a republican was voted governor of a democratic state... Probably because he's so famous as an actor (a rather muscle-bound one). Yeah, I'm not crazy about politics. I'll leave that to my uncle. He's good at it.
So HELLO people!!! Schools need money! Stop wasting money on stupid stuff and use it where you need to! For example, professional sports players get paid like thousands of dollars! School teachers get paid hardly anything! I say this because my dad is a part time yoga teacher at a few different universities. Since he's part-time, he's always getting screwed by all those freaks above him. And the thing is, all his students really like him, so he's obviously a good teacher. He's gotten awards and everything, but the university system continues to screw him. And my mom too. SHe does other stuff in addition to teaching, but she gets it too.
And I don't really care about watching sports (I don't mind playing them, but watching them is boring) so I CAN'T understand why professional athletes get paid about 100 times more than teachers. Teachers are in charge of educating the next generation. Athletes (some, definitely not all) can be stupid, rude, and all they can do is run at top speed and slam into each other.
Yeah, I know some of you people disagree about athletes, but my overall point is that people should stop taking money away from schools. Professional entertainment is only one of many examples for money black holes (it's probably not a very good example either, but it's all I can think of right now). And then schools have to cut back on all their special programs like music or art and even sports.
So STOP screwing schools you freaks!!!
Okay, I'm done complaining for now. You'll get more complaining later, I'm sure, but not now. I have to do chores.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Bunny Fur
So, a quick explanation. I love my bunny, but she sheds a lot. A LOT. And her fur floats. It's much lighter than my cat's fur. So, Nicole is terrified of rabbit fur now. So I think it was Ellen that threatened to send a box of bunny fur to NIcole while she was at college. So I drew this in honor of Nicole.

Sunday, April 12, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Tuck Everlasting
Okay, another movie rave. Tuck Everlasting.
It's a beautiful movie, yet also sad.
Let's see if I can explain it without giving anything away.
Winnie Foster is sick of her life as a proper rich girl. She decides to take a walk in the woods her family owns to get away from everything. On her walk, she finds a boy drinking water from a spring. When Winnie tries to take a drink from the spring, Jesse stops her and suddenly Jesse's brother appears and kidnaps her. But the Tucks aren't the kind of people to kidnap. THey're kind, and Winnie finds herself feeling more at home with them that she does at her real home. But it's obvious that the Tucks have a secret that they don't want anyone to know about, which is why they brought her with them-so they could gain her trust and she wouldn't give their secret away. It really is a beautiful movie with a wonderful message: You don't need to live forever. You just need to live a good life in the time you have. It has wonderful music too.
Ooh! I found the main music theme from the movie.
Main Title - William James Ross
It's a beautiful movie, yet also sad.
Let's see if I can explain it without giving anything away.
Winnie Foster is sick of her life as a proper rich girl. She decides to take a walk in the woods her family owns to get away from everything. On her walk, she finds a boy drinking water from a spring. When Winnie tries to take a drink from the spring, Jesse stops her and suddenly Jesse's brother appears and kidnaps her. But the Tucks aren't the kind of people to kidnap. THey're kind, and Winnie finds herself feeling more at home with them that she does at her real home. But it's obvious that the Tucks have a secret that they don't want anyone to know about, which is why they brought her with them-so they could gain her trust and she wouldn't give their secret away. It really is a beautiful movie with a wonderful message: You don't need to live forever. You just need to live a good life in the time you have. It has wonderful music too.
Ooh! I found the main music theme from the movie.
Main Title - William James Ross
Monday, April 6, 2009
Mage Uniforms
At the mage temple, the students have uniforms according to their rank. It's not very formal. They don't HAVE to wear the uniforms at all times, but they usually do, and they wear them during field trips and stuff.
So, green mages are the youngest. Their first year of training is just the most basic stuff. Even people with pretty weak magic can pass. The only way you can't make it to the next level of training is if you don't seem cut out to do magic for a living. People with evil hearts, ex, can't pass on to the next level. .
Here's the uniform for green mages.

Then there's fledgling mages. That's usually the second two years of a kids training. A lot of kids don't make it past green mage status, but most of them make it past this stage.

Then they become apprentices. The length of time they're in this stage varies. They graduate when their master says they're ready. Their uniform is usually a mini-cape that varies in color according to their specialty.

And when master mages are on duty, they usually wear a long cloak. Its color and pattern also vary according to their specialty.
The fabric of all the uniforms is magic, of course. So no matter what the weather-hot or cold, the mage is the perfect temperature.
So, green mages are the youngest. Their first year of training is just the most basic stuff. Even people with pretty weak magic can pass. The only way you can't make it to the next level of training is if you don't seem cut out to do magic for a living. People with evil hearts, ex, can't pass on to the next level. .
Here's the uniform for green mages.

Then there's fledgling mages. That's usually the second two years of a kids training. A lot of kids don't make it past green mage status, but most of them make it past this stage.

Then they become apprentices. The length of time they're in this stage varies. They graduate when their master says they're ready. Their uniform is usually a mini-cape that varies in color according to their specialty.

And when master mages are on duty, they usually wear a long cloak. Its color and pattern also vary according to their specialty.
The fabric of all the uniforms is magic, of course. So no matter what the weather-hot or cold, the mage is the perfect temperature.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Moon Dragon Design
Friday, April 3, 2009
Gun Control
Here's a strange topic.
Our founding fathers very clearly gave us the right to bear arms, yet people want to stop everyone from owning guns. But here's the thing. Say all the good law-abiding citizens gave up their guns. Then all the criminals out there would smuggle guns in and then they could do all the crime they wanted and no one would have guns to protect themselves. So, keep that in mind. Even if they're banned, criminals will still be able to use them, so only the good people won't have guns because they turned them in.
Our founding fathers very clearly gave us the right to bear arms, yet people want to stop everyone from owning guns. But here's the thing. Say all the good law-abiding citizens gave up their guns. Then all the criminals out there would smuggle guns in and then they could do all the crime they wanted and no one would have guns to protect themselves. So, keep that in mind. Even if they're banned, criminals will still be able to use them, so only the good people won't have guns because they turned them in.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
What happened to Disney?
You know, Disney used to make AWESOME movies! But all the movies they've made recently have been really lame. Why can't they make anything good anymore? I don't understand it. Not since Treasure Planet and Finding Nemo and Atlantis and the first Pirates of the Caribbean and stuff. Everything else they've made has been so stupid. What's wrong with those people?
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