I finally got Ellen and Kelly to post! Hahah!
Oh, Kelly said I was dancing Heheh. One of my favorite songs was playing on my computer while I was making Kelly post, so I started doing a silly dance to it. Music does that to me. I'm listening to music right now!
Beware. Some time very soon, I'll put up an explosion of pictures I found on the internet. It's fun to do! It makes my blog so colorful!
Yes, so it's summer, and my friends are finally back! So I get to see all my old high school buddies! I got college buddies too, but I still miss my old friends during the school year. I'm glad they're back! I have to invite people over every day!! Ellen and Kelly came over to do archery. Archery is so fun! I got two bulls-eyes today!!!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I'd rather pass on posting, thank you....
but i really havent posted since... ever....
Tara is dancing right now.... its kinda funny
uhh... yah... thats it...
Ha! it kinda counts as a post so HA!!!
XD i'll try to remember to do a better one later this summer
Well it's been a while since i posted ^__^ and I'm at Tara's house right now and she told me to post something....so tada! Something!!! I'll be making a game soon, which is news I guess. Maybe I'll post it somewhere sometime...maybe :D Oh and the story Tara and I are writing is almost kinda sorta not really done. But we're getting there! I'll probably write another story of my own after that. That's all for now!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
State Parks
So, we seem to be in the middle of a stupid economic crisis. It's still beyond me how Arnold Shwarzenagger (I have absolutely no idea how to spell his name) got elected to a democratic state, but he's been destroying all the budgets for schools from teachers wages to sports to art and music programs. And now he wants to shut down all of our beautiful state parks! So there will be no rangers to protect our beautiful habitats and they're going to get all run down. So when they re-open them, it will cost more to clean them up than it will if they'd just left them open.
If you shut down out beautiful parks, I'll send my dragons to terrorize you! Stop screwing with our state!!! All you stupid politicians!!! (Not the good politicians though).
If you shut down out beautiful parks, I'll send my dragons to terrorize you! Stop screwing with our state!!! All you stupid politicians!!! (Not the good politicians though).
Hey, I just went to a thrift shop and heard this. From now on, all thrift shops have to buy REALLY expensive machines to test all toys for lead! So none of the thrift shops can afford these stupid machines so none of them can sell toys anymore! That's so stupid! They don't make lead toys anymore. Maybe 10 kids in the whole state have ever been hurt by lead in toys that they got from thrift stores. So now no kids can go to get used toys anymore!
I really hate politicians sometimes...
And my next post will complain about this too...
I really hate politicians sometimes...
And my next post will complain about this too...
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Ok, so I just got through watching Titanic.
It's a beautiful movie, but tragic too. Of course, based on actual events and there are so many details about the movie that are from real life.
It's has great acting, and beautiful music.
Though I hope you all know about the Titanic, here's a brief summary Remember, it's all true.
In 1912, the largest, grandest ship in the world was built in Europe. It was famous all over and everyone bragged about how the beautiful Titanic was unsinkable. From the rich to the poor, passengers embarked for the maiden voyage from England to America. Titanic made headlines all over.
At first, the voyage went off without a hitch. The largest ship in the world with its load of 2200 people was making excellent time.
But the low temperatures of the Pacific meant that icebergs were a real danger. And the ship was going too fast and didn't have very good turning capabilities. They saw the iceberg too late. The ship scraped along the iceberg, punching holes along the hull. And the unsinkable ship started to take on water. Women and children were quickly loaded onto lifeboats, but there were only enough boats to fit half the passengers. After all, who needs lifeboats on an unsinkable ship? And as the Titanic sinks beneath the surface of the Pacific ocean, 1500 people are taken down with it.
The movie follows 2 characters throughout this tragedy: Rose, the rich spoiled daughter in a rich family, and Jack, a penniless boy who, despite their differences in status, fall for reach other.
Ooh, that was a really weird review... Don't mind me. Just watch the movie.
Ooh, here's a funny little note. In my story, "Grip of Faith" (Written quite a while ago!) The two main characters have this thing they always say to each other-"I'll never let go." I got that from this movie. Heheh. I'd probably watched it just before writing that story.
It's a beautiful movie, but tragic too. Of course, based on actual events and there are so many details about the movie that are from real life.
It's has great acting, and beautiful music.
Though I hope you all know about the Titanic, here's a brief summary Remember, it's all true.
In 1912, the largest, grandest ship in the world was built in Europe. It was famous all over and everyone bragged about how the beautiful Titanic was unsinkable. From the rich to the poor, passengers embarked for the maiden voyage from England to America. Titanic made headlines all over.
At first, the voyage went off without a hitch. The largest ship in the world with its load of 2200 people was making excellent time.
But the low temperatures of the Pacific meant that icebergs were a real danger. And the ship was going too fast and didn't have very good turning capabilities. They saw the iceberg too late. The ship scraped along the iceberg, punching holes along the hull. And the unsinkable ship started to take on water. Women and children were quickly loaded onto lifeboats, but there were only enough boats to fit half the passengers. After all, who needs lifeboats on an unsinkable ship? And as the Titanic sinks beneath the surface of the Pacific ocean, 1500 people are taken down with it.
The movie follows 2 characters throughout this tragedy: Rose, the rich spoiled daughter in a rich family, and Jack, a penniless boy who, despite their differences in status, fall for reach other.
Ooh, that was a really weird review... Don't mind me. Just watch the movie.
Ooh, here's a funny little note. In my story, "Grip of Faith" (Written quite a while ago!) The two main characters have this thing they always say to each other-"I'll never let go." I got that from this movie. Heheh. I'd probably watched it just before writing that story.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
+ Anima Pictures
Well, I haven't posted in a couple days. So, I was bored a couple days so started fishing around for pictures. I think I put one or two up a little while ago. But when I find cool pictures... I really got nothing else to do with them so I usually end up putting them on the blog. You may have noticed. Well, these are from + Anima again. All the comics are in black and white, so I thought these color pictures were a nice change...
General + Anima pictures...

And here's some of Cooro.

Here's Husky:


Aww... I don't seem to have a color picture of Senri... well, he's above anyway.
General + Anima pictures...

And here's some of Cooro.

Here's Husky:


Aww... I don't seem to have a color picture of Senri... well, he's above anyway.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Bleeding Hearts
Okay, so for "Of Spirits and Demons," the first chapter is called "bleeding hearts". I thought I should explain why. So, as it says in the chapter, bleeding hearts are a type of flower. But sad stuff also comes from this chapter, so it's like a dual meaning. But either way. The flowers. Briena's using her magic for the very first time to make a flower from this bush bloom. These flowers really are cool looking and they really do look like bleeding hearts. So, here's some pictures I took of the bleeding heart flowers in my backyard. Now you know what bleeding hearts are.

Saturday, June 13, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
So, I thought I'd write a sort of teaser thing for the movie Ladyhawke. I came up with a really dramatic one a few days ago, but I forgot part of it. So, before I forget all of it, I better try to write at least some of it.
No one has ever escaped from the dungeons of Aquila. Not until Phillipe the pickpocket, anyway. Little Phillipe quickly becomes one of the most wanted men in Aquila, so it's only a matter of time before the soldiers capture him.
But suddenly a man with a hawk perched on his arm appear and rescue Pillipe. The man, Navarre, says that he needs to break into Aquila and only Phillipe can help him do it. Phillipe doesn't really want anything to do with this man and his hawk, but for the moment he has no choice.
That night, Phillipe was sent out to fetch firewood for this strange warrior, Navarre. Suddenly a huge black wolf appears. Phillipe, terrified, runs back to camp, but Navarre and the hawk are gone. Instead there is a beautiful woman, Isabeau. Isabeau ignores Phillipe's warning and goes out to meet the wolf. The wolf greets her like a friendly dog.
Why are the hawk and Navarre always gone at night? And who is the beautiful woman with the wolf?
Phillipe has gotten caught up in deep dangerous magic. The only way to end the curse on Navarre and Isabeau is to break into Aquila and confront the cruel bishop...
Hmm... I might have screwed it up. But either way, it's a good movie, if a little dramatic at spots. So, you should watch it.
No one has ever escaped from the dungeons of Aquila. Not until Phillipe the pickpocket, anyway. Little Phillipe quickly becomes one of the most wanted men in Aquila, so it's only a matter of time before the soldiers capture him.
But suddenly a man with a hawk perched on his arm appear and rescue Pillipe. The man, Navarre, says that he needs to break into Aquila and only Phillipe can help him do it. Phillipe doesn't really want anything to do with this man and his hawk, but for the moment he has no choice.
That night, Phillipe was sent out to fetch firewood for this strange warrior, Navarre. Suddenly a huge black wolf appears. Phillipe, terrified, runs back to camp, but Navarre and the hawk are gone. Instead there is a beautiful woman, Isabeau. Isabeau ignores Phillipe's warning and goes out to meet the wolf. The wolf greets her like a friendly dog.
Why are the hawk and Navarre always gone at night? And who is the beautiful woman with the wolf?
Phillipe has gotten caught up in deep dangerous magic. The only way to end the curse on Navarre and Isabeau is to break into Aquila and confront the cruel bishop...
Hmm... I might have screwed it up. But either way, it's a good movie, if a little dramatic at spots. So, you should watch it.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Spirits vs Angels
Oi, this is really annoying. As you amy know, I recently came up with a title for Briena's first story: "Of Spirits and Demons."
And then a movie comes out.
"Angels and Demons."
HUUH? It's practically the same thing! I'd never heard of that before. It was a book though. It's by the same guy that did the Da Vinci code, which was a very good movie. This one was pretty good too, actually. It's still strange that our titles are so similar... cause I didn't know about it till after I made up my title...
And then a movie comes out.
"Angels and Demons."
HUUH? It's practically the same thing! I'd never heard of that before. It was a book though. It's by the same guy that did the Da Vinci code, which was a very good movie. This one was pretty good too, actually. It's still strange that our titles are so similar... cause I didn't know about it till after I made up my title...
Ok. I just got finished making my schedule for next semester at college. Phew. It went easy this time. I was lucky. Sometimes it's so frustrating that you're ready to throw the computer out the window.
So, I guess I've made my decision for my next fanfiction.
This stupid Pokemon thing has been sitting on my desktop for literally years. I want to do SOMETHING with it. Even though it's gonna need a LLLLLOOOOOOTTTTTTT of work. ANd pretty much all the Pokemon fanfictions I've seen are like this one: just people going off on their Pokemon journey. That's all mine is. So, I have to write it so well and make it interesting and different enough from all the others so that people will actually read it...
I now have high standards after "From the Eyes of the Twilight Princess." So, I have to do my best. I guess I'll start later this week.
I still need to go back and edit some of my Midna story.
So, I guess I've made my decision for my next fanfiction.
This stupid Pokemon thing has been sitting on my desktop for literally years. I want to do SOMETHING with it. Even though it's gonna need a LLLLLOOOOOOTTTTTTT of work. ANd pretty much all the Pokemon fanfictions I've seen are like this one: just people going off on their Pokemon journey. That's all mine is. So, I have to write it so well and make it interesting and different enough from all the others so that people will actually read it...
I now have high standards after "From the Eyes of the Twilight Princess." So, I have to do my best. I guess I'll start later this week.
I still need to go back and edit some of my Midna story.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Crazy Drivers
So, I may have mentioned this. I don't like driving. Call me old fashioned, but I'd rather have a horse. My theory is that if you have a car racing towards a cliff, it won't stop. But if a horse is racing towards a cliff, it will stop. Horses can reason. Even if they don't have the speed and endurance of a car...
Maybe it's because of all the crazy drivers on the road. I'm a very paranoid driver. I stay within the speed limit. And people zoom by me all the time on the days I commute to school. And then there are people who drive about 35 mph on the freeway. That's not good either. And then there's the people who just drive like maniacs. They cut people off, force themselves through gaps between cars that a horse would balk at, and swerve around at the last minute. I hate people who drive like that. New rule. If anyone drives like that around me, my dragon will lift their car, dump the people out of it, and crumple their car into a ball of tin. People who drive like maniacs don't deserve a car. And they risk other people's lives too.
Then there's those people who have a family of... like 3 people, and they get one of those monstrous gas-guzzling cars that's more like a tank, (like those ugly hummers! Ugh!) so they think they own the road and can do what ever the #$@%&*#@$ they want and take up 2 parking spaces and be jerks.
Maybe it's because of all the crazy drivers on the road. I'm a very paranoid driver. I stay within the speed limit. And people zoom by me all the time on the days I commute to school. And then there are people who drive about 35 mph on the freeway. That's not good either. And then there's the people who just drive like maniacs. They cut people off, force themselves through gaps between cars that a horse would balk at, and swerve around at the last minute. I hate people who drive like that. New rule. If anyone drives like that around me, my dragon will lift their car, dump the people out of it, and crumple their car into a ball of tin. People who drive like maniacs don't deserve a car. And they risk other people's lives too.
Then there's those people who have a family of... like 3 people, and they get one of those monstrous gas-guzzling cars that's more like a tank, (like those ugly hummers! Ugh!) so they think they own the road and can do what ever the #$@%&*#@$ they want and take up 2 parking spaces and be jerks.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
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