According to Ellen, this is the sound effect for excitement.
I got an interesting package in the mail today. It it turns out to be nothing, I'll never mention it again. But if it does turn out to be important, you'll be hearing about it very soon.
Until then, let the curiosity of the matter consume you!
Just kidding. Even though Stephanie's probably the only one reading the post anyway. Heheh. Sorry Steph.
PS Happy Thanksgiving! (It's tomorrow)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Psych Out!
You know what would be really fun to do? Is to make a movie. And then you show that movie to someone. But the thing is, you'd make 2 versions of that movie and they would each have completely different endings, though the differences would start out subtly. So when you showed someone the first version, then you'd show them the second version to psych them out. Cause at first they'd only notice the little differences because most of the movie would be exactly the same. And then suddenly at the end-WHUMP. Different ending.
I's so evil. ^-^
I's so evil. ^-^
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Lion Dragon redone
Friday, November 20, 2009
You Can Save the World
I will do an educational post. This is IMPORTANT. So if you're there, read it. Not enough people know this stuff. And it can help turn Earth around.
So, a couple days ago in my environmental science class, we watched a movie. And I must say, it made me feel ashamed to be human. Humans are destroying the planet. Humans suck.
All the air pollution we're causing-first of all, it's destroying the atmosphere and the climates and ecosystems that are fragile to changes in temperature. And even for the people who don't care that we're making thousands of species go extinct, this is hurting US too. All these little kids are getting asthma because of pollution, and pollutants are getting into pregnant mothers and messing with their babies brains so they can't learn things as well.
And all these people say that it's going to be so expensive to switch all our resources to stuff that isn't as horrible to the planet. But honestly, all the negative impacts that we're having are MUCH MUCH MUCH worse than any difficulties gas companies would face if we found a less destructive source.
And coal is horrible too. It's our main source of power, and it seems to be the worst. One of the worst environmental disasters in america was when a lake of coal sludge broke and spewed all down river. It was much worse than the Exxon Valdez oil spill, and yet no one knows about it. I'd never heard of it either. Almost every time you use electric appliances, you're burning coal. And lots of it. Mainly in freaking waistfull countries like America. and America isn't really doing much to help. Look at Holland. They're trying to stop killing the planet. But America-the "most powerful country in the world"-isn't hardly doing a thing.
And it's not like we can't do anything to help!
Here's I'll list some simple things anyone can do to stop wasting so much. If you do all this-and if everyone makes these simple changes-then it will have a huge positive effect (although major changes still need to be made in our energy sources.)
And for some reason, no one ever talks about over-population. But that's one of the biggest problems of them all. There are TOO MANY PEOPLE. Mainly in poor countries. It's true, no matter what you hear-or lack thereof. And then they make TV shows about people with 8 kids. It's horrible. Don't have that many kids! Have a couple and then adopt or foster or something. Those kids need your help too. But... I digress.
I was going to list simple changes. Here they are.
Plastic is bad for the environment. When you pack a lunch, don't use plastic bags. Use tupperware containers. In the past week I have slowly started putting my food in little containers instead of bags. And don't bring your lunch in a paper bag. Buy yourself a pretty little lunch box. All that money for a new paper bag every day will eventually cost more than just buying a real lunch box.
Turn off appliances when you're not using them. People leave computers and stuff on over night. Don't do it. And turn off lights and TVs when you're not in the room.
Unplugging stuff is important too. Lamps, computers, everything still drains energy even when it's not plugged in. Not as much as when it's on, but what a waste! That TV that's sitting there turned off is STILL using your energy and your money.
Recycle. As much as you can. Seriously, it helps a lot.
Water. There's LOTS of problems with our water now. When you're heating up water to wash your face (Mom did this all the time until I shouted at her enough that she took my advice) put a bucket under the tap while you're waiting for your water to heat up. Do it in the shower too. And then use that water to water your garden or just dump it on the dirt outside if you don't have a garden. At least put it back into the earth instead of letting it go down the drain.
Switch your light bulbs to compact flourescent. Those curly-cue shaped ones. The energy they save for you will cover what you pay for it.
Use reusable grocery bags when going shopping. Don't take their paper/plastic bags.
Buy organic food. Most farmers use TONS of pesticides. And they kill everything-not just the pests. Did you know that almost of our food is genetically modified?
Meat. Don't eat so much of it. Not only is a lot of it bad for you (you should really only eat it a couple times a week-people who eat more are more likely to get cancer, heart attacks, ex, because animal products-dairy too- have a LOT of fat and stuff. Some is okay, and even good for you, but not too much). Mainly it's the most developed countries that eat a lot of meat. The developing places of the world depend on rice, corn, ex. That's because almost all grain in the united states goes to feeding our livestock. Every 12 pounds of grain you feed to a cow will get you only 1 pound of beef. What a waste of resources! When all those people in Africa are starving or suffering from malnutrition...(and us not doing a THING to help them). And the way meat animals are raised is absolutely HORRIBLE. MOST of them are raised in terrible conditions. They are crammed together in cages so tight they can't turn around. They are fed food they're not supposed to eat (and people feed cattle grain instead of grass so the cattle"emit a lot of gas" which is also very bad for the climate). They live in such terrible conditions that I can't even begin to describe it without getting depressed again. You can learn about it in more depth. And they emit a lot of waste too. All I'm saying is eat less meat. That doesn't mean you have to become a vegetarian. Don't eat as much meat. Just a couple times a week. For special occasions or something. Be careful with dairy, eggs, ex, too. They're good in moderation, but don't eat them excessively. (Egg-laying hens are raised horribly too, as can milk cows).
You community can help too by switching traffic lights, exit signs, ex, to LED lights which use less energy.
Here's some bigger changes to make.
Start a compost bin. Don't just throw away all those orange peels. There is so much stuff that ends up in landfills where it sits and petrifies. Stuff in landfills doesn't ever decompose. The conditions aren't kept right. And they drop a lot of sludge into our ground water if we're not careful. Try not to waste anything that will end up in a landfill.
Talk to your energy company. Try to figure out if you can switch SOME of your energy to clean energy.
Energy star appliances. If you need to replace a fridge (they're BIG wasters of electricity) or something, get energy star (toilets too-waste lost of water).
If you need to remodel your house, go with a green plan. It will save you a lot of money in the long run. There's TONS of things you can do to increase the efficiency of your house. Insulation, heating, ex. All can be fixed. And have a south-facing house That gets the most sun.
For water heaters/coolers. There's this cool setup where you get some pipes installed underground. And the natural temperatures of the Earth heat and cool your water for you so you don't need a water heater or anything. You get natural temperature regulation without wasting all that electricity for a heater.
So, a couple days ago in my environmental science class, we watched a movie. And I must say, it made me feel ashamed to be human. Humans are destroying the planet. Humans suck.
All the air pollution we're causing-first of all, it's destroying the atmosphere and the climates and ecosystems that are fragile to changes in temperature. And even for the people who don't care that we're making thousands of species go extinct, this is hurting US too. All these little kids are getting asthma because of pollution, and pollutants are getting into pregnant mothers and messing with their babies brains so they can't learn things as well.
And all these people say that it's going to be so expensive to switch all our resources to stuff that isn't as horrible to the planet. But honestly, all the negative impacts that we're having are MUCH MUCH MUCH worse than any difficulties gas companies would face if we found a less destructive source.
And coal is horrible too. It's our main source of power, and it seems to be the worst. One of the worst environmental disasters in america was when a lake of coal sludge broke and spewed all down river. It was much worse than the Exxon Valdez oil spill, and yet no one knows about it. I'd never heard of it either. Almost every time you use electric appliances, you're burning coal. And lots of it. Mainly in freaking waistfull countries like America. and America isn't really doing much to help. Look at Holland. They're trying to stop killing the planet. But America-the "most powerful country in the world"-isn't hardly doing a thing.
And it's not like we can't do anything to help!
Here's I'll list some simple things anyone can do to stop wasting so much. If you do all this-and if everyone makes these simple changes-then it will have a huge positive effect (although major changes still need to be made in our energy sources.)
And for some reason, no one ever talks about over-population. But that's one of the biggest problems of them all. There are TOO MANY PEOPLE. Mainly in poor countries. It's true, no matter what you hear-or lack thereof. And then they make TV shows about people with 8 kids. It's horrible. Don't have that many kids! Have a couple and then adopt or foster or something. Those kids need your help too. But... I digress.
I was going to list simple changes. Here they are.
Plastic is bad for the environment. When you pack a lunch, don't use plastic bags. Use tupperware containers. In the past week I have slowly started putting my food in little containers instead of bags. And don't bring your lunch in a paper bag. Buy yourself a pretty little lunch box. All that money for a new paper bag every day will eventually cost more than just buying a real lunch box.
Turn off appliances when you're not using them. People leave computers and stuff on over night. Don't do it. And turn off lights and TVs when you're not in the room.
Unplugging stuff is important too. Lamps, computers, everything still drains energy even when it's not plugged in. Not as much as when it's on, but what a waste! That TV that's sitting there turned off is STILL using your energy and your money.
Recycle. As much as you can. Seriously, it helps a lot.
Water. There's LOTS of problems with our water now. When you're heating up water to wash your face (Mom did this all the time until I shouted at her enough that she took my advice) put a bucket under the tap while you're waiting for your water to heat up. Do it in the shower too. And then use that water to water your garden or just dump it on the dirt outside if you don't have a garden. At least put it back into the earth instead of letting it go down the drain.
Switch your light bulbs to compact flourescent. Those curly-cue shaped ones. The energy they save for you will cover what you pay for it.
Use reusable grocery bags when going shopping. Don't take their paper/plastic bags.
Buy organic food. Most farmers use TONS of pesticides. And they kill everything-not just the pests. Did you know that almost of our food is genetically modified?
Meat. Don't eat so much of it. Not only is a lot of it bad for you (you should really only eat it a couple times a week-people who eat more are more likely to get cancer, heart attacks, ex, because animal products-dairy too- have a LOT of fat and stuff. Some is okay, and even good for you, but not too much). Mainly it's the most developed countries that eat a lot of meat. The developing places of the world depend on rice, corn, ex. That's because almost all grain in the united states goes to feeding our livestock. Every 12 pounds of grain you feed to a cow will get you only 1 pound of beef. What a waste of resources! When all those people in Africa are starving or suffering from malnutrition...(and us not doing a THING to help them). And the way meat animals are raised is absolutely HORRIBLE. MOST of them are raised in terrible conditions. They are crammed together in cages so tight they can't turn around. They are fed food they're not supposed to eat (and people feed cattle grain instead of grass so the cattle"emit a lot of gas" which is also very bad for the climate). They live in such terrible conditions that I can't even begin to describe it without getting depressed again. You can learn about it in more depth. And they emit a lot of waste too. All I'm saying is eat less meat. That doesn't mean you have to become a vegetarian. Don't eat as much meat. Just a couple times a week. For special occasions or something. Be careful with dairy, eggs, ex, too. They're good in moderation, but don't eat them excessively. (Egg-laying hens are raised horribly too, as can milk cows).
You community can help too by switching traffic lights, exit signs, ex, to LED lights which use less energy.
Here's some bigger changes to make.
Start a compost bin. Don't just throw away all those orange peels. There is so much stuff that ends up in landfills where it sits and petrifies. Stuff in landfills doesn't ever decompose. The conditions aren't kept right. And they drop a lot of sludge into our ground water if we're not careful. Try not to waste anything that will end up in a landfill.
Talk to your energy company. Try to figure out if you can switch SOME of your energy to clean energy.
Energy star appliances. If you need to replace a fridge (they're BIG wasters of electricity) or something, get energy star (toilets too-waste lost of water).
If you need to remodel your house, go with a green plan. It will save you a lot of money in the long run. There's TONS of things you can do to increase the efficiency of your house. Insulation, heating, ex. All can be fixed. And have a south-facing house That gets the most sun.
For water heaters/coolers. There's this cool setup where you get some pipes installed underground. And the natural temperatures of the Earth heat and cool your water for you so you don't need a water heater or anything. You get natural temperature regulation without wasting all that electricity for a heater.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Sun Dragon-mascot
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Calvin and Hobbes Again
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Rowing Over Flowers

Ah, I finished. Took me all weekend to color it. And I drew it during class. When I was on the train reading my homework on thursday, a line in the reading made this pop into my head. It is an old piece of literature from Japan, I think. It might have been China. We had two readings that day... But the guy was going on a pilgrimage and he said something about a cherry tree and "rowing over flowers." So I though it could either mean that there are petals in the water, or that there's a REFLECTION of a cherry tree above them. So that's what I went with . Dad says it's one of the best things I've ever drawn. I dunno. It makes me feel kinda peaceful though. I want to go there...
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Ugh... I'm so tired right now. I've been messing about with my schedule for next semester... and it sucks the life force right out of you. No kidding. I destroys your will to live. Well no... you get the idea.
Actually, I'm not sure how many people know about it except people who are in college, or school in general, in California. But our governor - the muscle dude whose name I can't spell that was in that Terminator movie (Arnold Schwarzenager and I know I spelled that wrong)- is destroying our schools. I honestly don't know why he's our governor... except that people like him as an actor. Well, either way, he and our government are destroying the California school system. Right now, I envy Brian who's going to school in Missouri... And I used to think it was strange going way out there... Sigh.
They're slowly leaching all of the money out of the schools. I've only been in college a year and a half, and already the costs of going to school have sky rocketed. And more fees keep popping up. THis is the first semester where I have to keep paying stuff even after I pay for registration. This semester is HORRIBLE. They have all these furlough days now too. And I know the students don't really care because they get days off of school. But it's killing the teachers because they're forced to take days off where they don't get paid and they CANNOT do anything related to work. They can't check emails or messages or even come to campus.
The bottom line is, we as students aren't learning as much as we are entitled to get out of our classes, and we're paying even MORE to learn less. And half of us don't get the classes we want because there are fewer teachers and the classes are smaller.
*^&%$*@&$*@$%&#!@*$&!#* WHY!!!!?!!!?!?!???!?!?
My dragon's gonna eat someone soon if this keeps going on...
Actually, I'm not sure how many people know about it except people who are in college, or school in general, in California. But our governor - the muscle dude whose name I can't spell that was in that Terminator movie (Arnold Schwarzenager and I know I spelled that wrong)- is destroying our schools. I honestly don't know why he's our governor... except that people like him as an actor. Well, either way, he and our government are destroying the California school system. Right now, I envy Brian who's going to school in Missouri... And I used to think it was strange going way out there... Sigh.
They're slowly leaching all of the money out of the schools. I've only been in college a year and a half, and already the costs of going to school have sky rocketed. And more fees keep popping up. THis is the first semester where I have to keep paying stuff even after I pay for registration. This semester is HORRIBLE. They have all these furlough days now too. And I know the students don't really care because they get days off of school. But it's killing the teachers because they're forced to take days off where they don't get paid and they CANNOT do anything related to work. They can't check emails or messages or even come to campus.
The bottom line is, we as students aren't learning as much as we are entitled to get out of our classes, and we're paying even MORE to learn less. And half of us don't get the classes we want because there are fewer teachers and the classes are smaller.
*^&%$*@&$*@$%&#!@*$&!#* WHY!!!!?!!!?!?!???!?!?
My dragon's gonna eat someone soon if this keeps going on...
Friday, November 6, 2009
Lockheed Again
Ok, so I was talking to Nick yesterday, and somehow we started talking about X-Men. And then I recalled Lockheed. So I told him I'd put a few Lockheed pictures up.
So, this is the first time we see Lockheed. They're on a different planet and Kitty is fighting some strange insect alien things. And then this creature appears. Looks big and scary, huh?

Well, actually he's not. Either big or scary. Except he breathes fire, and he can do plenty of damage when he needs to.

Then Lockheed vanishes for a while, Until he mysteriously reappears back on Earth at their mansion. Apparently he was a stowaway on their ship.

Can't I keep him, Professor? Needless to say, Kitty and Lockheed become fast friends.

He shows up occasionally throughout the comics. I haven't read all of them. Just the first few. Then they got too freaky. They weren't as funny anymore. They were just violent. So I stopped. But Lockheed is still awesome! And the movies were pretty good.
(On one last note that I keep forgetting to mention, when I was talking about that Wolverine movie and how he always seems to end up in movies where his girlfriend dies? Well, Nicole told me about one that was actually pretty good. At least it had a happy ending and the lady didn't die. Man, the others were so depressing! So, this is, like only the second movie I've seen him in where the lady doesn't die-Kate and Leopold.)
So, this is the first time we see Lockheed. They're on a different planet and Kitty is fighting some strange insect alien things. And then this creature appears. Looks big and scary, huh?

Well, actually he's not. Either big or scary. Except he breathes fire, and he can do plenty of damage when he needs to.

Then Lockheed vanishes for a while, Until he mysteriously reappears back on Earth at their mansion. Apparently he was a stowaway on their ship.

Can't I keep him, Professor? Needless to say, Kitty and Lockheed become fast friends.

He shows up occasionally throughout the comics. I haven't read all of them. Just the first few. Then they got too freaky. They weren't as funny anymore. They were just violent. So I stopped. But Lockheed is still awesome! And the movies were pretty good.
(On one last note that I keep forgetting to mention, when I was talking about that Wolverine movie and how he always seems to end up in movies where his girlfriend dies? Well, Nicole told me about one that was actually pretty good. At least it had a happy ending and the lady didn't die. Man, the others were so depressing! So, this is, like only the second movie I've seen him in where the lady doesn't die-Kate and Leopold.)
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Character People
You know what's kinda hard to do? To write a character that's based on a real person. At least it's hard for me. Maybe not other people. I've tried it several times-incorporating people I know into something I'm writing. And I can never feel like I'm getting them right.
You know the funny thing, in fanfictions, I don't have any trouble writing about other characters. I wrote the whole of Twilight Princess from Midna's point of view, and I got over 200 comments (!!) telling me how good it was. And That's not the only one. Whenever I write something with a character from a book, game, or movie, I can feel connected enough to them that I feel confident about writing their actions and dialogue.
I wonder why that is. That I can use other characters, but not real people. Maybe because in some way, characters in general are more shallow than real people. Or perhaps it's because that when you read or play or watch something, the person who made that tries hard to reveal that person's personality to the reader/player/viewer. So the viewer gets a better sense of what that character is like. While real people don't reveal their true selves all at once. If you don't know someone really well, in can take a long time to figure out what they're really like. Now some people, I can completely predict what they're going to do because I know them so well. I'm of course very good at predicting what my parents are going to do. I'm pretty good at doing it with some of my friends too.
Yeah. I'm curious as to what other people think. If you write about a real person, do you feel like you can accurately portray them? (If anyone is reading this).
You know the funny thing, in fanfictions, I don't have any trouble writing about other characters. I wrote the whole of Twilight Princess from Midna's point of view, and I got over 200 comments (!!) telling me how good it was. And That's not the only one. Whenever I write something with a character from a book, game, or movie, I can feel connected enough to them that I feel confident about writing their actions and dialogue.
I wonder why that is. That I can use other characters, but not real people. Maybe because in some way, characters in general are more shallow than real people. Or perhaps it's because that when you read or play or watch something, the person who made that tries hard to reveal that person's personality to the reader/player/viewer. So the viewer gets a better sense of what that character is like. While real people don't reveal their true selves all at once. If you don't know someone really well, in can take a long time to figure out what they're really like. Now some people, I can completely predict what they're going to do because I know them so well. I'm of course very good at predicting what my parents are going to do. I'm pretty good at doing it with some of my friends too.
Yeah. I'm curious as to what other people think. If you write about a real person, do you feel like you can accurately portray them? (If anyone is reading this).
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Under what mask?
KWAA! This is driving me slightly crazy.
For Under the Masks... I don't know what to do. I mean, I know what to do, but I don't know what to do.
See this is the story I was gonna write with Stephanie (And I bet you're reading this. Hey Steph, I'm gonna send you an email, so check, OK?)
So, either way, I planned the story to include some of Step's REALLY COOL creatures. I got her to put some on the blog a while ago. And again, now I'm on my own with this story (sorry to keep bringing this up, Steph. I should just shut up bout it.) And it feels so strange using Steph's creatures since she's not working on it with me... and I feel kinda bad for using them but now I can't figure out a way to substitute anything else for them... And it would require a lot of changing. And this story has undergone so much changing already... no kidding. I've been screwing with this poor thing for a few years, changing and changing it back, adding a bit more, going back and changing it again. If I ever end up finishing it, it's going to need MAJOR editing. But I've made it so long already that I don't want to abandon it... and there's some cool stuff in it. It's not exactly BAD, but just a bit broken.
But I don't know if I should try to make my own mask creatures or if I should just get rid of the mask idea altogether and do something else...
Bla. Maybe I'll think about that tonight while I'm trying to fall asleep... Actually I'd better go to sleep now. Good night.
For Under the Masks... I don't know what to do. I mean, I know what to do, but I don't know what to do.
See this is the story I was gonna write with Stephanie (And I bet you're reading this. Hey Steph, I'm gonna send you an email, so check, OK?)
So, either way, I planned the story to include some of Step's REALLY COOL creatures. I got her to put some on the blog a while ago. And again, now I'm on my own with this story (sorry to keep bringing this up, Steph. I should just shut up bout it.) And it feels so strange using Steph's creatures since she's not working on it with me... and I feel kinda bad for using them but now I can't figure out a way to substitute anything else for them... And it would require a lot of changing. And this story has undergone so much changing already... no kidding. I've been screwing with this poor thing for a few years, changing and changing it back, adding a bit more, going back and changing it again. If I ever end up finishing it, it's going to need MAJOR editing. But I've made it so long already that I don't want to abandon it... and there's some cool stuff in it. It's not exactly BAD, but just a bit broken.
But I don't know if I should try to make my own mask creatures or if I should just get rid of the mask idea altogether and do something else...
Bla. Maybe I'll think about that tonight while I'm trying to fall asleep... Actually I'd better go to sleep now. Good night.
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