Tyra is being tugging at Katani's hair, and he's just looking at her like "what are you doing?"
Spent all evening coloring it. Gasp gasp.
I think Katani and Tyra turned out pretty good. Though the background could have been better. The water feels lacking. The sand is... decent at least.
I hadn't drawn Tyra before, so it was good to get her on paper. And my other picture of Katani was kinda lame. His legs were too short.
I only used the computer for one thing on this picture: to accentuate the lock of hair that Tyra's tugging at. It got a bit smudged.

There's still lots of manga pictures I want to draw, but I also want to draw a lot of my own characters.
SOOOO MUCH STUFF TO DO. How can people ever be bored?
And with 2 contests on Deviatart, and my Pokémon fanfic, and Katnai's story... plus I was planning to edit my Midna fanfic, and there's Briena's old story that's on paper that I still need to finish typing, and I wanted to edit that Under the Masks thing, which really needs help, and Ellen and I need to go over Arith and Saleera's story again...
But today I drew my picture for my second Pokéventure paragraph. I just gotta color it. And Crystal's working on the illustrations for out Wisp entry. It's due in just a couple days.
Ellen and Nicole! Post on the blog about your chapter! I don't know what you're doing! Nicole! You still owe a blog post!