Nick emailed asking for me to look at his flikr photos. I wanted to comment on a bunch of them, but I don't have an account. So I'll tell all of you to look at his photos too. He gets to go all these awesome places. TT^TT I'm so jealous.
He has some really cool wildlife shots too. I was with him when he took the zoo photos.
Come visit!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
The Story of Ulysses
I finished my comic! Actually, this isn't the end. I still need to do the interaction between Ulysses ad Mia, the Cubone. But I probably won't make that as a comic. I'll probably write that out, maybe with an illustration. But Mia will be fun to write.
I kinda ended up tying this into my Pokemon fanfic in my head. Like Ulysses is cloned from Cara's Braviary. Hence her showing up as an image when Ulysses is passed out. It's a memory overlap from Cara's Braviary. So after Mia decides to tag along with Ulysses, Ulysses decides to try to figure out where this memory came from. In the meanwhile, Cara knows that Team Rocket managed to clone her Braviary, and she wants to find the clone. But I really don't know what happens after Ulysses and Mia partner up (Ulysses doesn't want Mia around).
I hope you can understand what's going on!

I kinda ended up tying this into my Pokemon fanfic in my head. Like Ulysses is cloned from Cara's Braviary. Hence her showing up as an image when Ulysses is passed out. It's a memory overlap from Cara's Braviary. So after Mia decides to tag along with Ulysses, Ulysses decides to try to figure out where this memory came from. In the meanwhile, Cara knows that Team Rocket managed to clone her Braviary, and she wants to find the clone. But I really don't know what happens after Ulysses and Mia partner up (Ulysses doesn't want Mia around).
I hope you can understand what's going on!

Saturday, November 26, 2011
Dragons Pen!!
I finally did it! I finally redid the Dragons Pen picture! That thing at the top of the blog has been bugging me forever! I put it off because I figured I'd improve some more before I tried to redo it. But I finally did!
She took a long time. Especially because of the scales. She's almost all colored pencil, except for the sky. I probably would have screwed up the picture if I tried to do the sky with colored pencil. Since the sky kinda blurred out her scales, I had to place some clouds so you could actually see her. The clouds might look kinda forced... but I tried to make them look good.
Anyway, I shall go and change the picture right now!
She took a long time. Especially because of the scales. She's almost all colored pencil, except for the sky. I probably would have screwed up the picture if I tried to do the sky with colored pencil. Since the sky kinda blurred out her scales, I had to place some clouds so you could actually see her. The clouds might look kinda forced... but I tried to make them look good.
Anyway, I shall go and change the picture right now!

Friday, November 25, 2011
Speed and Distance
So, for a long time I'd been wanting to figure out the speeds my different dragon species. I knew which ones were faster and which were slower, but I wanted something a little more accurate than that.
So, finally a while ago I made Dad help me, since he used to work with birds of prey. I got tentative speeds for how fast each dragon species can fly at an easy cruise, a flying sprint, and a dive. I also tried to figure out how far each species could fly in one go.
I'm not gonna post them all here. But basically, the Moon Dragon is the fastest dragon. Frilled dragons are the best distance fliers. Sun dragons are pretty good at both. Titan and Lash dragons are the slowest.
So, finally a while ago I made Dad help me, since he used to work with birds of prey. I got tentative speeds for how fast each dragon species can fly at an easy cruise, a flying sprint, and a dive. I also tried to figure out how far each species could fly in one go.
I'm not gonna post them all here. But basically, the Moon Dragon is the fastest dragon. Frilled dragons are the best distance fliers. Sun dragons are pretty good at both. Titan and Lash dragons are the slowest.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
So, there is a sort of contest thing on DA for VengefulSpirits. Rules found here. It's a comic tryout thing. I thought it would be good practice for me even if I don't pass. Because I've never done a real comic before. Just those goofy practice things. And since it's a pokemon comic, it shouldn't be too hard because Pokemon are easy for me to draw.
So the plot is as follows:
Team Rocket is creating clones (known as 2nd Generation Clones) that have no emotions or anything and are like completely obedient machines. But there are also reject clones, which were experiments leading up to the perfect clones. These rejects often have problems with them, but have their emotions back and have escaped from Team Rocket. And Team Rocket's trying to hunt them down.
I'm using a Braviary named Ulysses. I asked Dad to give me names of a bunch of generals, and Ulysses seemed like a good name for him. Ulysses was almost to perfect clone level, but he's a reject because he escaped Team Rocket's influence. HEre's his reference page.
I've drawn out most of his comic and colored in part of it. I'll post the whole thing here when I finish. It's a lot longer than I thought it would be, but I want to finish this scene. Even if I don't pass, I might do the next scene also. Because I want to do something with the cute little Cubone that follows him around.
Here's his reference sheet, along with some of the info about him.
So the plot is as follows:
Team Rocket is creating clones (known as 2nd Generation Clones) that have no emotions or anything and are like completely obedient machines. But there are also reject clones, which were experiments leading up to the perfect clones. These rejects often have problems with them, but have their emotions back and have escaped from Team Rocket. And Team Rocket's trying to hunt them down.
I'm using a Braviary named Ulysses. I asked Dad to give me names of a bunch of generals, and Ulysses seemed like a good name for him. Ulysses was almost to perfect clone level, but he's a reject because he escaped Team Rocket's influence. HEre's his reference page.
I've drawn out most of his comic and colored in part of it. I'll post the whole thing here when I finish. It's a lot longer than I thought it would be, but I want to finish this scene. Even if I don't pass, I might do the next scene also. Because I want to do something with the cute little Cubone that follows him around.
Here's his reference sheet, along with some of the info about him.

Skyward Sword
Yaay! I picked up the new Zelda game today! I probably won't get a lot of time to spend on it until wednesday, but I did play some of it today. It's pretty cool so far. I love the birds, of course. ^-^ Except none of them seem to have names. The beginning made me laugh so hard with the delivery bird.
Can't wait to spend more time on it.
I watched the first episode of the animated Zelda series last night. It was bad. Really really REALLY bad. So, yeah. Don't watch it.
I've played almost every single Zelda game now. I'm most of the way done with Link's Awakening. The only one I haven't played at all is Oracle of Seasons. I wonder if they'll release it on the 3DS store like they did with Link's Awakening. I played through the original Legend of Zelda. It's hard. And then when you beat the game, you can replay it differently, and I haven't finished the second run yet. I actually haven't played that in a long time. And I beat the first dungeon in Legend of Link, but that game's FREAKING HARD. A real pain.
Oh yeah. I'm playing through OOT Master Quest on the 3DS. I've only beat the first dungeon so far because I've been working on other games too. The dungeons are quite a bit trickier, and I've died a lot. But so far I've been able to figure them out without going online. We'll see if that continues when I get to the Water Temple and stuff.
And I wanna play Wind Waker again too. And Minish Cap. And maybe Majora's Mask.
Can't wait to spend more time on it.
I watched the first episode of the animated Zelda series last night. It was bad. Really really REALLY bad. So, yeah. Don't watch it.
I've played almost every single Zelda game now. I'm most of the way done with Link's Awakening. The only one I haven't played at all is Oracle of Seasons. I wonder if they'll release it on the 3DS store like they did with Link's Awakening. I played through the original Legend of Zelda. It's hard. And then when you beat the game, you can replay it differently, and I haven't finished the second run yet. I actually haven't played that in a long time. And I beat the first dungeon in Legend of Link, but that game's FREAKING HARD. A real pain.
Oh yeah. I'm playing through OOT Master Quest on the 3DS. I've only beat the first dungeon so far because I've been working on other games too. The dungeons are quite a bit trickier, and I've died a lot. But so far I've been able to figure them out without going online. We'll see if that continues when I get to the Water Temple and stuff.
And I wanna play Wind Waker again too. And Minish Cap. And maybe Majora's Mask.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Kon and Thorn
I actually finished this ages ago. So, this is Kon and Thorn, from Katani's story. I like these two stories. I need to find a way to get them more into the story. Especially Thorn, because so far I don't have a lot of ideas for her.
These started out as two concept sketches, and when I finally colored them, I decided just to stick them on a background together. I tried coloring Kon with colored pencil first, but I couldn't get his skin right, and he looks really ill... so I finally recolored him and colored Thorn (I didn't even try to use pencil to color her). But yeah. Kon looks to happy, and Thorn is just staring off into the distance. But you can get an idea of what they look like. I'm not quite sure Kon's head is right though...

So, yeah. Kon's the leader of the gang, and Thorn's his second in command.
I like how Thorn's shirt came out.
These started out as two concept sketches, and when I finally colored them, I decided just to stick them on a background together. I tried coloring Kon with colored pencil first, but I couldn't get his skin right, and he looks really ill... so I finally recolored him and colored Thorn (I didn't even try to use pencil to color her). But yeah. Kon looks to happy, and Thorn is just staring off into the distance. But you can get an idea of what they look like. I'm not quite sure Kon's head is right though...

So, yeah. Kon's the leader of the gang, and Thorn's his second in command.
I like how Thorn's shirt came out.
Friday, November 11, 2011
So, I've been putting off drawing my dragon for ages, and the others I did a while ago were lame. So I FINALLY redid her.

Yep. Still obsessed with commissions. I like seeing my characters done by good artists, and I like supporting good artists. ^-^
I asked her to draw this about 2 days ago. @_@ That's gotta be a record.

She's so cute, chasing a bluejay. ^-^ Once again, torturing the artists with scales. Heheh.

Yep. Still obsessed with commissions. I like seeing my characters done by good artists, and I like supporting good artists. ^-^
I asked her to draw this about 2 days ago. @_@ That's gotta be a record.

She's so cute, chasing a bluejay. ^-^ Once again, torturing the artists with scales. Heheh.
Tablet and Shalia
Big news! Leaf is losing her baby teeth!
No, that's not the big news. Heheh. Although it's kinda funny. Her front canines are growing in next to her baby canines, and for a while there were double fangs there. Now she only has one set of double fangs, cause I guess the one baby fang fell out?
Anyhooow, I digress.
So, I did end up getting my tablet today. ^-^
This is the very first thing I drew. An attempt at Fern doing a happy dance. I probably could have made it neater by spending more time on it. Heheh.

Yeah, it's rather bad. I'm still getting used to the tablet. I'm not very good at drawing yet, but coloring's not too bad. Actually at the moment, it's slightly easier to color with a mouse. But only by a little. And I'm sure with a little practice, the tablet will be much easier than the mouse. I'm working on some little pictures of Fang.
I ordered another commission. Heheh. From Whiteweasel. She was having some financial trouble, and she had some nice art, so I got a commission from her. I gave her a choice of my characters to draw, and she chose Shalia.
She was working on this picture throughout a few livestreams, so I got to see it being worked on, and I chatted with her a lot. I'm amazed at how much time she spent on it. She probably put a lot more time and effort into this dragon that most of the artists who do commissions. She spent soooo long on the scales. I'm amazed she made them so small. Another amazing thing: she did it all with a mouse. She doesn't have a tablet. @_@
Shalia has a really cute expression. ^-^
No, that's not the big news. Heheh. Although it's kinda funny. Her front canines are growing in next to her baby canines, and for a while there were double fangs there. Now she only has one set of double fangs, cause I guess the one baby fang fell out?
Anyhooow, I digress.
So, I did end up getting my tablet today. ^-^
This is the very first thing I drew. An attempt at Fern doing a happy dance. I probably could have made it neater by spending more time on it. Heheh.

Yeah, it's rather bad. I'm still getting used to the tablet. I'm not very good at drawing yet, but coloring's not too bad. Actually at the moment, it's slightly easier to color with a mouse. But only by a little. And I'm sure with a little practice, the tablet will be much easier than the mouse. I'm working on some little pictures of Fang.
I ordered another commission. Heheh. From Whiteweasel. She was having some financial trouble, and she had some nice art, so I got a commission from her. I gave her a choice of my characters to draw, and she chose Shalia.
She was working on this picture throughout a few livestreams, so I got to see it being worked on, and I chatted with her a lot. I'm amazed at how much time she spent on it. She probably put a lot more time and effort into this dragon that most of the artists who do commissions. She spent soooo long on the scales. I'm amazed she made them so small. Another amazing thing: she did it all with a mouse. She doesn't have a tablet. @_@
Shalia has a really cute expression. ^-^

Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Since I have to study for a test, I'll probably just cut and paste the journal entry I put on DA. Heheh.
I have some pictures I need to put on the blog also. Maybe I'll get some up tomorrow.
I'm still in my endless debate about whether or not to get a tablet.
It's only recently that I've actually wanted one. Mom pretty much gave me her nice new laptop since she never used it, so now I don't need to use the old one. And since I do a lot of my drawing while watching movies on the TV downstairs, using a tablet on my desk computer never felt really appealing. But when I realized that Mom's ex-laptop has photoshop, I started thinking about it.
But still, it wasn't until 2 weeks ago that I seriously considered it, because two weeks ago I suddenly got money.
But I can't help wondering... will a tablet make me draw by hand a lot less? Will I stop trying to improve with colored pencils? I know I won't stop drawing by hand altogether, but I'll probably color by hand a lot less.
But getting a tablet would be really interesting, and it would make some things a lot easier. For example, it's really hard to erase colored pencil, but on a computer you can easily fix a mistake.
I'm still torn. Sigh.
But since I don't have class Friday, I'm leaning heavily on stopping at the mall tomorrow after class, since the mall's right across the street from the train station. And then I can play with it over my long-ish weekend.
I guess we'll find out tomorrow what my decision was...
I'm watching a livestream of one of my commissions right now. ^-^ I've never got to watch one of them before. So, I'm not really studying for my test tomorrow... bad me!
I have some pictures I need to put on the blog also. Maybe I'll get some up tomorrow.
I'm still in my endless debate about whether or not to get a tablet.
It's only recently that I've actually wanted one. Mom pretty much gave me her nice new laptop since she never used it, so now I don't need to use the old one. And since I do a lot of my drawing while watching movies on the TV downstairs, using a tablet on my desk computer never felt really appealing. But when I realized that Mom's ex-laptop has photoshop, I started thinking about it.
But still, it wasn't until 2 weeks ago that I seriously considered it, because two weeks ago I suddenly got money.
But I can't help wondering... will a tablet make me draw by hand a lot less? Will I stop trying to improve with colored pencils? I know I won't stop drawing by hand altogether, but I'll probably color by hand a lot less.
But getting a tablet would be really interesting, and it would make some things a lot easier. For example, it's really hard to erase colored pencil, but on a computer you can easily fix a mistake.
I'm still torn. Sigh.
But since I don't have class Friday, I'm leaning heavily on stopping at the mall tomorrow after class, since the mall's right across the street from the train station. And then I can play with it over my long-ish weekend.
I guess we'll find out tomorrow what my decision was...
I'm watching a livestream of one of my commissions right now. ^-^ I've never got to watch one of them before. So, I'm not really studying for my test tomorrow... bad me!
Monday, November 7, 2011
Final Fantasy Crisis Core
So as of a few minutes ago, I finished playing Final Fantasy Crisis Core.
WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! How could they do that???!!!
It's like the ending of Okamiden, except more people died in this game...
Trying to get over my sorrow so I can write about the game. I don't know if it's working. It was only a couple minutes ago that I finished...
Yeah, I liked Zack. Crystal says he's her favorite character of all time. She's the one that lent the game to me, and the PSP. I'd never played a Final Fantasy game before. The people who played the other game probably wouldn't be as startled by the ending as I was. Actually, Ellen and Nicole and Crystal mentioned what happened. Those jerks. So I knew it would happen eventually, but I thought it would happen in a different game. Not this one. So not surprised as I would have been if people hadn't given me SPOILERS. Stop talking about this stuff in front of me when you know I haven't finished the game! Like when Ellen told me who Shiek was, and my cousin said that that one district in The Hunger Games gets blown up.
I was also confused by a lot of the game. Crystal helped me understand some of it.
Like what were they doing to Zack and Cloud after the Sephiroth incident? And why did they want to kill them when they escaped?
Why was Angeal acting all evil when he really wasn't?
What happened to Genesis?
I still don't really get why Sephiroth went all wacko. Yeah, he may have learned something weird, but wasn't he kinda... overreacting? Like trying to kill Zack and people who had nothing to do with the incident? I guess he's a bad guy in the other games.
What was with Genesis? Did he turn good at the end or something? And why'd those people take him away? hat happens to him?
Why'd they turn the director into a clone?
I'm not really used to this sort of game play. I did play the first Kingdom Hearts game, which was similar to this. But I play Pokémon, Zelda, and Okami. That's really different from these games. It took me until before the last boss to even try to play with all the items and materia and stuff. It probably would have made it easier for me if I'd looked at it sooner.
Plus they stole Arith's name. I thought Arith was an original name, but apparently not. Although Final Fantasy's Aerith is a girl...
So, yeah. I don't have the console to play any of the other Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts games (I think there might be a couple FF for the DS) but I may watch some playthroughs on Youtube. I do want to know what happens after, with the other characters.

WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! How could they do that???!!!
It's like the ending of Okamiden, except more people died in this game...
Trying to get over my sorrow so I can write about the game. I don't know if it's working. It was only a couple minutes ago that I finished...
Yeah, I liked Zack. Crystal says he's her favorite character of all time. She's the one that lent the game to me, and the PSP. I'd never played a Final Fantasy game before. The people who played the other game probably wouldn't be as startled by the ending as I was. Actually, Ellen and Nicole and Crystal mentioned what happened. Those jerks. So I knew it would happen eventually, but I thought it would happen in a different game. Not this one. So not surprised as I would have been if people hadn't given me SPOILERS. Stop talking about this stuff in front of me when you know I haven't finished the game! Like when Ellen told me who Shiek was, and my cousin said that that one district in The Hunger Games gets blown up.
I was also confused by a lot of the game. Crystal helped me understand some of it.
Like what were they doing to Zack and Cloud after the Sephiroth incident? And why did they want to kill them when they escaped?
Why was Angeal acting all evil when he really wasn't?
What happened to Genesis?
I still don't really get why Sephiroth went all wacko. Yeah, he may have learned something weird, but wasn't he kinda... overreacting? Like trying to kill Zack and people who had nothing to do with the incident? I guess he's a bad guy in the other games.
What was with Genesis? Did he turn good at the end or something? And why'd those people take him away? hat happens to him?
Why'd they turn the director into a clone?
I'm not really used to this sort of game play. I did play the first Kingdom Hearts game, which was similar to this. But I play Pokémon, Zelda, and Okami. That's really different from these games. It took me until before the last boss to even try to play with all the items and materia and stuff. It probably would have made it easier for me if I'd looked at it sooner.
Plus they stole Arith's name. I thought Arith was an original name, but apparently not. Although Final Fantasy's Aerith is a girl...
So, yeah. I don't have the console to play any of the other Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts games (I think there might be a couple FF for the DS) but I may watch some playthroughs on Youtube. I do want to know what happens after, with the other characters.

Friday, November 4, 2011
7 Billion
So, whether or not you know, some time in the last few days or the next few days, the 7 billionth person on the planet will be born.
It's something I really don't know what to say about. I mean, it's too many people. I don't know what anyone's gonna do about it, though. I would never think that killing off a bunch of people would be a solution to anything. Having fewer kids is really important. But tell that to people in developing countries whose children work to help the family survive.
And even if people start having only 1 or 2 kids, population will continue to grow for a while longer anyway. That's because right now there's a lot more young people than old people. It's hard to explain. I kind need a chart to explain. I think I'll wait until someone asks before I try to go into that (as if anyone will ^-^' )
When countries become more developed, and especially when they educate their women, population growth slows. It's something the whole world should be thinking about. All countries need to help each other. Easy to say. Not so easy to convince people of. 7 billion is a lot of people. That's not going to have a small impact on the planet. And it's going to effect everyone. And we need to make life as good as possible for all 7 billion of us.
It's something I really don't know what to say about. I mean, it's too many people. I don't know what anyone's gonna do about it, though. I would never think that killing off a bunch of people would be a solution to anything. Having fewer kids is really important. But tell that to people in developing countries whose children work to help the family survive.
And even if people start having only 1 or 2 kids, population will continue to grow for a while longer anyway. That's because right now there's a lot more young people than old people. It's hard to explain. I kind need a chart to explain. I think I'll wait until someone asks before I try to go into that (as if anyone will ^-^' )
When countries become more developed, and especially when they educate their women, population growth slows. It's something the whole world should be thinking about. All countries need to help each other. Easy to say. Not so easy to convince people of. 7 billion is a lot of people. That's not going to have a small impact on the planet. And it's going to effect everyone. And we need to make life as good as possible for all 7 billion of us.
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