I just posted the final chapter of my Pokémon Fanfiction.
Which I suppose means that I won't be posting on fanfiction for a very long time.
I think I already wrote about this, but I don't really have any more ideas for fanfiction right now. Or at least nothing that I want to share. I have plenty of Fern stuff, but I doubt anyone would care about that, and I don't want anyone else to read it.
I delayed on posting this chapter for a very long time, because it seems kind of sad to stop. Fanfiction are fun to write. And my Pokémon one has been going on for so long. But I don't have any new ideas for Cara and her friends to do in the new land of Kalos. And I refuse to drag a story out when I no longer have good ideas. Too many series do that already.
I do actually have a couple ideas, but nothing that would be worth starting an entirely new fanfic over.
I suppose now I'm supposed to spend more time on my original works, huh?
So, farewell to fanfiction! Thank you for all the followers and comments I get! Perhaps I shall return some day.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Character Poems
During my creative writing class this semester, someone did something that I thought was worth imitating.
It was a way of writing an acrostic poem.
An acrostic poem is when you write a word vertically down a page, and then each letter is the beginning of a line of a poem.
For example, "Blue":
Bright vast ocean expanse
Light glimmering the wave tips
Underneath peaceful cool.
Every moment brilliant
I only spent about three minutes on that XP
So don't critique it.
But what the person in class did was to have the word be the name of his character, and the poem was about that same character.
I wanted to try it too. Unfortunately I wanted to try it for all of my characters, and I have dozens of them...
But I did make a list of characters that I thought would make interesting poems.
I've done about four so far.
And as the topic, I always seem to choose the troubled emotions that the characters have, or try to hide... Maybe because it helps me get deeper into the character's head? Or maybe because it's more interesting that writing the characters outward appearance, which is usually what I'm stuck with for a story that follows a single person.
I'm not sure if I'll post any of my poems, but I might end up writing more.
You guys should try it! They're fun to do.
It was a way of writing an acrostic poem.
An acrostic poem is when you write a word vertically down a page, and then each letter is the beginning of a line of a poem.
For example, "Blue":
Bright vast ocean expanse
Light glimmering the wave tips
Underneath peaceful cool.
Every moment brilliant
I only spent about three minutes on that XP
So don't critique it.
But what the person in class did was to have the word be the name of his character, and the poem was about that same character.
I wanted to try it too. Unfortunately I wanted to try it for all of my characters, and I have dozens of them...
But I did make a list of characters that I thought would make interesting poems.
I've done about four so far.
And as the topic, I always seem to choose the troubled emotions that the characters have, or try to hide... Maybe because it helps me get deeper into the character's head? Or maybe because it's more interesting that writing the characters outward appearance, which is usually what I'm stuck with for a story that follows a single person.
I'm not sure if I'll post any of my poems, but I might end up writing more.
You guys should try it! They're fun to do.
Friday, May 29, 2015
Fanime Report
I should write about Fanime, before it sinks too far into the past.
This is the first time I've gone to Fanime for the whole weekend, since my very first time at Fanime.
But that first time, I knew almost nothing about anime. There were about six things that I'd seen that were anime related.
That is not the case now. I understand it a lot more, and there were even more things that I would have liked to do if I had the time.
I met a couple artists that I admire, which is always great (in addition to artists that I've seen at conventions several times).
Heart Song by Goldenwolf on DeviantArt Golden Feather by Goldenwolf on DeviantArt Phloxebutt Super Short Bab Auction CLOSED by PhloxeButt on DeviantArt Yuumei Re-Imagine by yuumei on DeviantArt Coexistence by yuumei on DeviantArt The swap meet went well. I got rid of a bunch of stuff, as did Ellen. And it pretty much funded Fanime for me. But there was still a ton of stuff left over and it was a hassle getting it all home XP. I did actually go home one night, mostly for the purpose of taking the big bags of crud out of the hotel room. Note to self, don't bring so much crud if you ever do this again. I hope I'll be able to go to the swap meet again. I haven't been able to go in years, because it's always the same night that my band has to play at graduation (luckily this year it was a week later - tonight, as a matter of fact). I dressed up as Chihiro with Haku for the first two days. Haku Plushie by Ferngirl on DeviantArt And I was Yellow and Pikachu for days three and four. Yellow Pokemon Special 8 by magicalhansen on DeviantArt Ellen and I went to the Black and White ball for the first time, which was fascinating for several reasons.
There were a lot of people in formal dress - tuxes, gowns, ex. But there were also people in costumes - formal costumes. Like Hans and Anna from Frozen, and also Rapunzel and Eugene (I think the four of them were a group). And there was Roy Mustang, Kenshin, Howl, Hikaru and Kaoru, and the Doctor. Two Doctors, actually.
It would have been fun to dance with any of them XD
Although I didn't do much dancing. I was spending most of my time staring around in fascination (plus my legs kinda hurt).
There was some awesome music. Which I loved because usually the music at dances drives me crazy. They played I'll Make a Man out of You (which everyone sang along with), and the Dark World theme from Legend of Zelda. I think they also played a song from Star Wars (the Cantina song).
One of the highlights was when Ellen and I spotted a girl in a Tardis dress and hat. I told her that she had to go and dance with the Doctor. She asked where he was, so we pointed him out. But he was already dancing with someone else.
A few minutes later, I spotted the Doctor walking past, and I ran up to him. I told him that he had to find the Tardis because she really wanted to dance with him.
And a few minutes later, I saw them dancing together, and I laughed out loud.
That was awesome.
There were also some performance dances. One was with a guy in a wheelchair. That was a really sweet dance. And the last one was really fast and amazing.
I wish I could find a video...
There was also a mixer dance, which was a lot of fun. It started with a few people on stage, who danced for a minute. Then they stopped and ran out into the crowd to pull people onto the stage. Then they danced for a minute, and ran to pull up more partners. This repeated until everyone was on the dance floor, and it was packed.
I want to go back to the ball next year. It would be fun to spend more time there. And I can go in costume!
Maan, I already want to go back to Fanime...
This is the first time I've gone to Fanime for the whole weekend, since my very first time at Fanime.
But that first time, I knew almost nothing about anime. There were about six things that I'd seen that were anime related.
That is not the case now. I understand it a lot more, and there were even more things that I would have liked to do if I had the time.
I met a couple artists that I admire, which is always great (in addition to artists that I've seen at conventions several times).
Heart Song by Goldenwolf on DeviantArt Golden Feather by Goldenwolf on DeviantArt Phloxebutt Super Short Bab Auction CLOSED by PhloxeButt on DeviantArt Yuumei Re-Imagine by yuumei on DeviantArt Coexistence by yuumei on DeviantArt The swap meet went well. I got rid of a bunch of stuff, as did Ellen. And it pretty much funded Fanime for me. But there was still a ton of stuff left over and it was a hassle getting it all home XP. I did actually go home one night, mostly for the purpose of taking the big bags of crud out of the hotel room. Note to self, don't bring so much crud if you ever do this again. I hope I'll be able to go to the swap meet again. I haven't been able to go in years, because it's always the same night that my band has to play at graduation (luckily this year it was a week later - tonight, as a matter of fact). I dressed up as Chihiro with Haku for the first two days. Haku Plushie by Ferngirl on DeviantArt And I was Yellow and Pikachu for days three and four. Yellow Pokemon Special 8 by magicalhansen on DeviantArt Ellen and I went to the Black and White ball for the first time, which was fascinating for several reasons.
There were a lot of people in formal dress - tuxes, gowns, ex. But there were also people in costumes - formal costumes. Like Hans and Anna from Frozen, and also Rapunzel and Eugene (I think the four of them were a group). And there was Roy Mustang, Kenshin, Howl, Hikaru and Kaoru, and the Doctor. Two Doctors, actually.
It would have been fun to dance with any of them XD
Although I didn't do much dancing. I was spending most of my time staring around in fascination (plus my legs kinda hurt).
There was some awesome music. Which I loved because usually the music at dances drives me crazy. They played I'll Make a Man out of You (which everyone sang along with), and the Dark World theme from Legend of Zelda. I think they also played a song from Star Wars (the Cantina song).
One of the highlights was when Ellen and I spotted a girl in a Tardis dress and hat. I told her that she had to go and dance with the Doctor. She asked where he was, so we pointed him out. But he was already dancing with someone else.
A few minutes later, I spotted the Doctor walking past, and I ran up to him. I told him that he had to find the Tardis because she really wanted to dance with him.
And a few minutes later, I saw them dancing together, and I laughed out loud.
That was awesome.
There were also some performance dances. One was with a guy in a wheelchair. That was a really sweet dance. And the last one was really fast and amazing.
I wish I could find a video...
There was also a mixer dance, which was a lot of fun. It started with a few people on stage, who danced for a minute. Then they stopped and ran out into the crowd to pull people onto the stage. Then they danced for a minute, and ran to pull up more partners. This repeated until everyone was on the dance floor, and it was packed.
I want to go back to the ball next year. It would be fun to spend more time there. And I can go in costume!
Maan, I already want to go back to Fanime...
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Two kittens
So Mom and I went to a botanical garden today.
And there were two tiny kittens there. Alone, in the cactus area.
No one knew why they were there, and they didn't belong to anyone.
So Mom and I climbed in among the cacti. The kittens started to move away, but we each grabbed one.
And they SCREAMED. Amazingly loud. But they didn't use their teeth or claws.
I wrapped them up in my jacket, and Mom and I left before we really got to look around the garden. The people there thanked us for taking the kittens somewhere safe. They gave us a box too, which I put them in with my jacket.

The black one was nervous and hissy. The one with the white nose was more docile. But they let me pet them on their heads. The white one sat in my hand as she peered out of the top of the box. And eventually the black one did so too.
They were so cute. TT^TT
We brought them to the humane society (and the story gets a bit complicated and frustrating here, but I don't feel like going through that XP ).
I wanted to be able to foster them, since it's something I've always wanted to do. (Is it weird that I sometimes fantasize about rescuing abandoned baby animals?)
But it doesn't look like I'll ever see these guys again.
I really wish I could have taken care of them, but I guess that would have been very complicated. Especially with Leaf.
Maybe in the future I'll be able to do this.
I hope they find good homes.
Send them lots of love!
And there were two tiny kittens there. Alone, in the cactus area.
No one knew why they were there, and they didn't belong to anyone.
So Mom and I climbed in among the cacti. The kittens started to move away, but we each grabbed one.
And they SCREAMED. Amazingly loud. But they didn't use their teeth or claws.
I wrapped them up in my jacket, and Mom and I left before we really got to look around the garden. The people there thanked us for taking the kittens somewhere safe. They gave us a box too, which I put them in with my jacket.
The black one was nervous and hissy. The one with the white nose was more docile. But they let me pet them on their heads. The white one sat in my hand as she peered out of the top of the box. And eventually the black one did so too.
They were so cute. TT^TT
We brought them to the humane society (and the story gets a bit complicated and frustrating here, but I don't feel like going through that XP ).
I wanted to be able to foster them, since it's something I've always wanted to do. (Is it weird that I sometimes fantasize about rescuing abandoned baby animals?)
But it doesn't look like I'll ever see these guys again.
I really wish I could have taken care of them, but I guess that would have been very complicated. Especially with Leaf.
Maybe in the future I'll be able to do this.
I hope they find good homes.
Send them lots of love!
Friday, May 22, 2015
Fanime Swapmeet
I'm going to Fanime today! We'll be there for the weekend.
Ellen and I are sharing a booth for the swap meet, because we have a lot of crud we want to get rid of. Especially me @__@
I'm going to bring some of the plushies I made, because I have too many sitting around.
That's tonight, so wish us luck!
Ellen and I are sharing a booth for the swap meet, because we have a lot of crud we want to get rid of. Especially me @__@
I'm going to bring some of the plushies I made, because I have too many sitting around.
That's tonight, so wish us luck!
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Creating a Sport
For a long time now, I've been trying to think of games and sports for my worlds. I managed to snatch some ideas of games from games used a long time ago in our world.
But I was never really able to invent a good sport.
Until last week.
It's a dragon-back sport, but it can also be played (in a slightly altered method) by humans on the ground, or by dragons without riders.
I suppose it's a bit like football, in that it involves throwing a ball back and forth and getting past a goal.
But I've resented football since they forced our band to play at a bunch of the high school football games on our Friday afternoons.
So it's not very much like football beyond the goal and the ball part.
What makes this game unique are the different variations of it in the different countries. For example, in Whiverna, there is a very reckless version of the sport. For now, I'll just say that the rider doesn't spend much time in the safety of the saddle.
And it's for this famous and dangerous method of the sport that the name Whiver Ball comes from.
But I was never really able to invent a good sport.
Until last week.
It's a dragon-back sport, but it can also be played (in a slightly altered method) by humans on the ground, or by dragons without riders.
I suppose it's a bit like football, in that it involves throwing a ball back and forth and getting past a goal.
But I've resented football since they forced our band to play at a bunch of the high school football games on our Friday afternoons.
So it's not very much like football beyond the goal and the ball part.
What makes this game unique are the different variations of it in the different countries. For example, in Whiverna, there is a very reckless version of the sport. For now, I'll just say that the rider doesn't spend much time in the safety of the saddle.
And it's for this famous and dangerous method of the sport that the name Whiver Ball comes from.
Friday, May 15, 2015
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Almost Done!
I had my last official day of class yesterday.
I still have a final day next week, where we'll give group presentations. And there are a couple projects I have to turn in online. Hopefully I'll be able to finish most of my research paper tonight.
And I'll try to get the rest of the stuff done before this weekend, so I can start to feel like I've finished.

I also have band and creative writing, but those are more fun classes.
Although I want to try to turn in one more Ashes chapter, and I'm running out of time...
I still have a final day next week, where we'll give group presentations. And there are a couple projects I have to turn in online. Hopefully I'll be able to finish most of my research paper tonight.
And I'll try to get the rest of the stuff done before this weekend, so I can start to feel like I've finished.

I also have band and creative writing, but those are more fun classes.
Although I want to try to turn in one more Ashes chapter, and I'm running out of time...
Friday, May 8, 2015
Ugh, I got sick at the beginning of the week.
It's a weird one, because most of it seems to be making my brain fuzzy and tired, so I don't really feel like I can do anything of any value.
And the rest involves my hacking my chest apart.
Which is bad, because my final project is due in less than a week, and I still have a ton of research articles to read for it, along with write a lot of it, but that won't take nearly as long as going through articles.
I think it's on the way out, so cross your fingers. Then I'll be able to work faster.
It's a weird one, because most of it seems to be making my brain fuzzy and tired, so I don't really feel like I can do anything of any value.
And the rest involves my hacking my chest apart.
Which is bad, because my final project is due in less than a week, and I still have a ton of research articles to read for it, along with write a lot of it, but that won't take nearly as long as going through articles.
I think it's on the way out, so cross your fingers. Then I'll be able to work faster.
Monday, May 4, 2015
At one time, in middle school probably, I had a favorite author and a favorite book.
Now I no longer know who and what will hold those titles.
It's kind of sad.
Although I guess I don't really have a favorite movie.
But I do have a favorite character (Kenshin).
And I suppose Miyazaki would be my favorite film creator.
And I have a favorite anime/manga (FMA).
Considering how much I read and write, I should have a favorite book and favorite author.
For a long time, Watership down was my favorite book. And I suppose it could still be my favorite book. I probably read it about five times, but I haven't read it in several years. I'd really like to re-read it before I call it my current favorite book.

And in middle school, and probably part of high school, my favorite author was Tamora Pierce.
I loved her earlier books. The series about Alanna, Daine, Kel, and the Circle of Magic.

(Art Link)
But I think around the Tricksters books, I started to lose my attachment to her writing. It lost a lot of the fun-ness and got too romantic and technical and everything.
There are a few books recently that I've liked very much, but they have all been part of a series. Uglies, Seraphina, The Name of the Wind. Perhaps when I finish reading those series, I will have found a favorite book? Or maybe even a new favorite author.
I think I've been thinking about this too much recently...
I want a favorite book and author!
Now I no longer know who and what will hold those titles.
It's kind of sad.
Although I guess I don't really have a favorite movie.
But I do have a favorite character (Kenshin).
And I suppose Miyazaki would be my favorite film creator.
And I have a favorite anime/manga (FMA).
Considering how much I read and write, I should have a favorite book and favorite author.
For a long time, Watership down was my favorite book. And I suppose it could still be my favorite book. I probably read it about five times, but I haven't read it in several years. I'd really like to re-read it before I call it my current favorite book.

And in middle school, and probably part of high school, my favorite author was Tamora Pierce.
I loved her earlier books. The series about Alanna, Daine, Kel, and the Circle of Magic.

(Art Link)
But I think around the Tricksters books, I started to lose my attachment to her writing. It lost a lot of the fun-ness and got too romantic and technical and everything.
There are a few books recently that I've liked very much, but they have all been part of a series. Uglies, Seraphina, The Name of the Wind. Perhaps when I finish reading those series, I will have found a favorite book? Or maybe even a new favorite author.
I think I've been thinking about this too much recently...
I want a favorite book and author!
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Kicking Myself
Kicking myself because I forgot to do more posts last month. I cringe every time I see that I have less than ten posts a month. Sometimes I've done nine, but this April I only did eight!

I had topics to write about, but I guess I lost track of the days I had left in the month...
I suppose I've had an excuse.
It's the end of the semester, and I have a lot of big projects due. One class has an individual research paper, as well as a group project and presentation.
I've also been trying deserately to organize my advisers to get my graduate exams ready... which is proving a lot more complicated and frustrating than I'd expected.
And I need to work on my graduate project.
Plus I have 2 comissions I need to get done.
And 2 pictures that I'm working on as another project that has a deadline coming up. @_@
As well as plenty of other extra things to do.
So I guess I'm off to read more research articles.
I've got almost 70 sources to get through, and narrow down. I'll probably to eliminate a lot of them, but it will still take a while.
And then I can start writing my actual paper...

I had topics to write about, but I guess I lost track of the days I had left in the month...
I suppose I've had an excuse.
It's the end of the semester, and I have a lot of big projects due. One class has an individual research paper, as well as a group project and presentation.
I've also been trying deserately to organize my advisers to get my graduate exams ready... which is proving a lot more complicated and frustrating than I'd expected.
And I need to work on my graduate project.
Plus I have 2 comissions I need to get done.
And 2 pictures that I'm working on as another project that has a deadline coming up. @_@
As well as plenty of other extra things to do.
So I guess I'm off to read more research articles.
I've got almost 70 sources to get through, and narrow down. I'll probably to eliminate a lot of them, but it will still take a while.
And then I can start writing my actual paper...
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