If my advisers (one is rather hard to get an email response from...) approve my project, then I'll have to take my exams.
No one else in the program takes these exams. They're specifically for the Plan B Project, which is what I'm doing.
Something one of my advisers said makes it sound like the exams might happen this coming week? Although I'm not sure if that is likely, or just a possibility depending on what the other two advisers have to say.
Since I'm not sure if the exams will happen or not, I'm pretending like they might happen, and I've been reading through the many pages (hundreds) of articles and chapters that I'll need to draw from to write my exam essays.
I can do them at home, but considering how much reading there is, I really should go through as much as possible to get as big a head start as possible. I've read most of it before, but that was long ago.
Except in about three weeks, I'm going out of town. Well, out of country. Mom and I are joining a group that's going to Spain and Italy. We'll be away for a month, since we'll be staying a little longer to visit my cousins who live in Florence. I'm excited and nervous, because I've never been away from home for more than two weeks.
And it didn't take more than a week in Japan to make me cat sick. I hope Leaf does okay while we're away. And I hope Dad's able to take care of our vegetable garden, and get along without us. He's paranoid that someone will try to break into the house, for some reason. Even though he'll be there the whole time.
Aaanyway, the next few weeks are very fuzzy for me. I don't know whether or not it's even possible for me to get to my thesis defense. OR even my exams (thesis defense comes after the exams). So I still don't know if I'll have to do another full semester of college or not.
So, I'll just keep reading.