And it's reminded me of some things I've heard of, and witnessed.
In Bakuman, the characters dreams are to become manga artists.
Except because of the way the system is set up, being a manga artist seems like a rather miserable way to live.
Manga artists have to spend so much time working on their story to meet deadlines that they don't get enough sleep, and can't do anything besides work on manga.
That is not how people are happy. That is how people get sick.
Although it has let people accomplish some amazing stuff (sometimes at the cost of a shorter life).
Which is exactly what happens in Bakuman. The guy works so hard that he makes himself sick. And even in the hospital, he won't take off time to work on his manga.
By the way, his uncle died because he worked too hard on manga.
It's not manga that makes them sick, obviously. It's the system that gives such short deadlines. And it depends on the area too.
I haven't finished reading yet, so I'm not sure the full message they want to get across. The characters want to change the manga system, but they don't seem to mind the fact that they work themselves sick... even though that should not be a normal thing.
People are not built to spend their entire lives sleeping and working. They need to get out and do stuff.
And yet certain industries and places don't seem to care. They expect the people who work for them to be robots.
There was a documentary I watched about how people have happy lives. And a lot of it hadhto do with NOT working too hard. People need time to socialize. They need to keep ties with family. They have to hang out with friends. They need to go for walks, or do something fun, creative, and different.
I wonder if there's some way to make companies understand this...