I wasn't confident in my ability to create baby versions of all my 14 dragon species. I'd tried and failed plenty of times (mostly with Heyoa and Tyra), and the results were always disappointing.
Finally during my flight to Europe, I decided it was time. So I sketched out all 14 babies.
And then at my cousin's house in Italy I inked the lines. My cousins loved this, and both of them drew a ton of their own dragons during my stay.
Back at home I colored them in marker (Probably not the wisest choice, since I usually find some way to mess up marker).
baby dragons

So let me introduce them in order:
Heyoa (sun), Shalia (moon), Nam (dawn)
Nase (frilled), Tania (titan), Koba (lash)
Zane (phoenix), Samara (loong), Tyra (storm)
Menth (earth), Tivoli (wood), Arthem (frost
Mekki (lion), Selven (serpent)
Most of them are from Katani's story.
Heyoa is my dragon.
Shalia is Arith's dragon (Arith's story is getting a re-working)
Tania and Koba were originally in Arith's story. They may still live in that story. I'll see how it goes.
In Katani's story:
Nam - Dominic
Nase - Garrett
Zane - Youka (her main partner is a Sun dragon named Lilio. Zane is another dragon pal of Youka's. Since I drew Heyoa as the example of a baby sun dragon, I didn't draw Lilio here. Sorry Lilio! Maybe I'll draw baby Lilio anyway, so there's the full set. ).
Samara - Saris
Tyra - Katani
Menth - Rishi
Tivoli - Tuan
Arthem - Pavani
Mekki - Melly
Selven - Tri
Actually, for the baby storm dragons, their feather manes should be frizzier and more downy.