As did my thesis defense!
Apparently I'm done with school stuff now.
It doesn't feel like I'm done. I guess it really won't feel like I'm done until I get my diploma.
I guess by that point, the feeling will have sunk in that I'm done with school.
And it's time to move on with my life.
In the meantime, I thought it would be interesting to share an idea that I had during my Spain/Italy trip.
I may have mentioned this, but my roommate during the Spain portion of the trip snored. Very loudly. And she also talked in her sleep. And occasionally shouted in her sleep.
Now, sleep was very important to me during that trip because of jet lag, and really long days filled with walking and learning. So I wore earplugs. Which means that I didn't really get any details of what she was saying.
Except one night.
Even with my earplugs in, she was talking so loudly and clearly that I could hear it for many minutes. Maybe 20 minutes, though it was the dead of night and I was trying to drop back into sleep, so I didn't really pay that much attention to details.
It occurred to me that I was eavesdropping on her dreams. I was listening as she narrated her dream world.

I'd heard that dreams occur very fast, but she was talking at a normal pace, so I'm not sure how that links in. Unless she only narrated a small portion of the dream? I should see how that works.
After narrating one dream for a while (I can still very clearly hear some of the lines from it XP I wasn't sure if I should wake her up because she sounded really upset, and people were dying. Wow, what an intense dream) she switched gears and started talking about how you shouldn't have a dog if you can't take care of it. You should take the dog to the humane society if you can't take care of it.
So the next morning, I told her about the dog, and she said "Oh, I remember that dream!" And then she told me about the rest of it, filling in the gaps around her sleeping narration.
If it I weren't trying to sleep, it would probably be fascinating to listen to people talk in their sleep. It's like surreal storytelling.
It is pretty surreal. And kinda funny too.
As long as it doesn't keep you up all night.