3,000 Leagues in Search of Mother
Another older series. I heard of this a long time ago as I was looking into some of the Ghibli directors. I finally found it online and got to watch it. It's in the same vein as Heidi: Girl of the Alps, and Akage no Anne. I enjoyed it.

A cool concept. A ghost trying to make her final wish come true.
Death Note
A cool concept, but it got old very fast XD
The two main characters may have been geniuses, but their powers of deduction quickly became unbelievable and overly predicable. I think you were supposed to have sympathy for "Kira" but I never did. I was waiting for him to die.
One Punch Man
A spoof on fighting manga.
I've never been excited about spoofs though.
It grew on me the more I read it. I ended up liking it quite a bit.
Though when they got to the part of cooking for the mafia or whatever, that felt so ridiculously forced. It was like the writers were thinking, "how can we make a manga about cooking more intense? Oh, what if they're going to be killed if they don't win a cooking contest?"
Well, anyway, I liked it overall. There was a second run of this manga, but I could only find the first part. Ah well.
Hell this made me hungry though. Especially for Italian food.
20th Century Boys
The manga started out interesting, with jumps between the present and the character's childhood. It was neat how they drew from their past to try to defeat the big evil villain of the present.
But I read far more than I needed to. It kept dragging on and on. By the time we got to the second time skip, I no longer cared, and I stopped reading.
Bunny Drop
I started out liking this manga a lot. It was a fun story of a guy unexpectedly ending up with a little girl to raise.
But that ending drove me crazy. Married? Are you freaking kidding me? The guy seemed like he only agreed because the girl was so determined about it. Ugh.

Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist
Read the second arc of Yu-Gi-Oh.
I guess mostly because it was really popular when I was a kid? But it's also kinda fun in a ridiculous way. This arc mostly focused on the card games, unlike the variety of gaming in the first arc.

Mary and the Witch's Flower
A beautiful movie, no doubt about that. It was pretty good too.
But maaan, you could see so much Ghibli influence crammed into most of the scenes XD Moving lanterns, blobby creatures, broken broomsticks, following cats, talking flames, there were dozens of little similarities to other movies. I could list all of them, but that would take up too much space.
Anyway, lovely movie. I wish their team the best of luck.

(What pisses me off - those bad guys that were transforming animals? They had mom anteaters with their babies. Those creeps were transforming mothers with babies!)
My Hero Academia
Watching new seasons of the anime and new volumes of manga.
I freaking hate that creepy grape head. I hate him and I wish he didn't exist.
I've generally liked the series so far, but I'm liking it more now. Maybe because I've watched it get popular. Or maybe because I finally picked out my favorite character in it. I think I only realized it after I saw some cute fanart a couple months ago. But I like All Might. Specifically the scrawny All Might. He's so much more relatable when he's scrawny. I also think he looks better XP I never did like those overly bulgy, creepy muscles on characters.

And obligatory zoo photo!

Caiman lizard~