Got to go to Fanime a couple days this week!
I worked Wednesday and Thursday, went to Fanime on Friday, worked Saturday, went to Fanime on Sunday, and worked today.
It's been a long, chaotic week. But fun too.
Hopefully I'll be able to get a grip on reality on my day off.
I wore my Yellow costume and bought a bunch of old Pokémon toys at the swap meet.

I wanted to try karaoke. I've never done that in public, and I started to get nervous as I walked toward the stage. Then I found out the wait was over 4 hours... guess I'll have to get there earlier next year @_@
I saw my first Coco cosplays!
I walked through Artist Alley again on Saturday. There was a guy with a speaker in his backpack that was playing an endless look of the "Breath of the Wild" Kakariko theme.
And somehow we ended up traveling through the hall at a near identical pace, so I was listening to that song for a couple hours straight. I didn't mind. It's a soothing song.
At one point I sat down because my backpack was super heavy with dance shoes and stuff. Plus between work and Fanime my feet were walked to pieces, and my shoes decided they wanted to fall apart. A few minutes later the Kakariko music guy caught up with me and I took that as my cue to get up and start walking again.
Yeah, I had the song in my head most of the rest of the day.
I wanted to wear my Elsa costume to the Black and White Ball. But for some bizarre reasons my wrists no longer fit through the sleeves. Of all the parts of a dress to stop fitting, how is it my wrists no longer fit?
Argh, I wonder if I just have to remake that part of the dress...

Well, at least I finally got back to the dance. It took four years. One year I was out of the country, once a staff person lied to me about the shoes I was allowed to wear, and once I was at work. I still haven't been able to wear my Elsa costume to the dance, but it was still a fun night.
It always seems to take me a while to warm up to any kind of performance, even if it's a dance. But eventually I forgot to be self conscious and had a few good dances. It's awesome when you get a partner who knows what he's doing. And while I'm not a great dancer, I can follow some dances decently. A couple of them felt so smooth.
I headed out after a couple hours. I had work the next morning, after all. And as I was walking back to my car, I saw a boba place was still open at 9:30 so I ran in to grab a drink to celebrate the end of my Fanime weekend.
I spent the whole ride home singing loudly in my car (We light it up we wont' come down, and the sun can't stop us now!"). And most of the rest of the night singing quietly in my room, full of energy.
I went to bed at a decent time, considering I had to get up early the next morning for a special tour.
After 1:00 AM, I still wasn't asleep and it suddenly occurred to me that the boba I had was jasmine tea, probably packed with caffeine.
Well, I spent all morning yawning, but I made it. My legs got a major workout this week, but hopefully I can rest some tomorrow XD