I still don't find it super interesting that they're just remaking the same things they've already made.
But that animation. Up until now, whenever there's an animal that isn't real, I've been able to tell immediately. There's always something off about it.
But I couldn't tell this time. If the animals weren't talking, I would have thought they were real.

It's actually kind of disconcerting. I like knowing that I'm looking at something fake.
It's awesome that they got Mufasa's voice actor back.
For several of the remakes, there's been one character with an iconic voice that you can't really replace. Like Mrs. Potts, or the Genie. This time they didn't try to replace it. They got the same actor back XD
Although to be fair, the new Genie was very good. He didn't try to copy the Robin Williams Genie. He did his own thing.

I liked the Aladdin remake. Although both Abu and Iago are animals from South America. How did they end up on Agrabah?
Also, Jafar looked and sounded kind of too sweet?