So I saw the Steven Universe Movie a couple days after it came out.
(I just went back and rewatched the last season, because I wasn't as thrilled with the episodes starting when Greg got kidnapped. But I wanted to see how those episodes line up with the movie.
There are a lot of songs in the movie, to the point where it's kind of tacky. But when I went back and listened to the soundtrack, I really liked almost all of them.
I really liked the music and the emotions of the movie. The plot was probably pretty expected.
It's awesome to see a Steven Universe story that doesn't have to fit into 10 minute segments.
Spoilers from now on.
Steven's voice actor must be happy to be able to talk in his normal voice XD

Dude, he's good at singing high notes.
Shortly after the arc where Blue kidnaps Greg, I told my friend a theory I had. That Steven was getting so many gem allies that he could form his own army to fight the diamonds. In hindsight, that's ridiculous. Steven doesn't win by war. He wins with compassion.
That's what so great about him. He's not like almost all other male characters that have to prove their power to win - not their caring. Steven's plenty strong physically, but that's not his greatest strength.
The Diamonds used to be pretty evil. But they were funny in this movie. They're trying to be better but they still don't have a full grasp on how it works XD
I hope Steven and Lars have an understand about when Steven can come through his hair. I'm sure there's plenty of times Lars doesn't want someone popping up out of nowhere. You know, if he happens to be carrying a plate with a full cake on it.
In this case, Garnet may have given Lars a heads up about Steven's arrival. Hopefully.
It's cool to see all the little details in the background. The stuff in Steven's room includes the Sea Spire statue, the remnant's of Rose's sword, and that crazy painting of Garnet and Steven (there are times during the series where you can even see a bottle of Lon Lon milk in the house! I flipped when I noticed that).
Garnet has a great new song. And a sweet new song. She's awesome as always. (Still my second favorite character ever XD )
Oh my god, Spinel.
Her animation is great. And the voice actor is amazing at being cute and nasty. Spinel flip-flops back and forth between both, pretty dramatically. Maybe just because she's rather imbalanced (And Steven doesn't handle it very well when Spinel starts to get upset after disabling the injector. Which is understandable. He's confused and stressed and exhausted). Most of the changes in her personality are understandable. Though the last one could have been smoother. You can kind of see her resolve cracking during the battle, but it still seemed like an abrupt change.
Despite that, the moment where she stops wanting to fight is powerful.
Pink Diamond has obviously done some not-so-great stuff in the past. She seemed like she was trying to act for the greater good, which required some big sacrifices.
But what she did to Spinel is dropped my opinion of her more than anything else.
If I 'm attached to something, I always try to justify or explain the stuff that is off. So I'm going to try to look at this from Pink's point of view. Here's my speculation:
Spinel was basically made as a toy for Pink. Pink really wanted a colony, and instead the other Diamonds just gave her a "little playmate" to keep her entertained. Since Pink was lonely, she played with Spinel. Maybe she liked her at first and ended up getting bored of her. To Pink, Spinel may have seemed like an insult from the other Diamonds. They gave her something not remotely close to what she wanted - a seemingly empty-headed little gem toy. You can see during the flashbacks that Pink looks reluctant about Spinel.
And if you go by the Jungle Moon episode, Pink looks like she was a bit bratty before she got her own colony (it seems like the colony helped her grow in many ways).
When Pink finally got her colony, she was relieved to leave behind the "little playmate" (even the way they call Spinel a "little playmate" shows how childish a toy Spinel was thought to be). Spinel is kind of annoying too.
Maybe Pink thought someone would come and get Spinel later.
But I think this is more likely. When Pink first got her colony, she didn't care as much about bringing out the full potential of other gems. By the time she realized that Spinel deserved to have more of a chance, it was too late to go back. Just like they were never able to go back to help the people in the human zoo.
So yeah. That's the only way I can justify what Pink did to Spinel.
Oh man. That Drift Away song. That hit hard. When I first watched it, something in the back of my head thought it felt familiar. But I kind of pushed it away, saying that it affected me because it was so sad.
Then I realized that it is familiar. It's like what happened a couple years ago.
You keep on turning pages
For people who don't care
People who don't care about you
And still it takes you ages
To see that no one's there
See that no one's there
See that no one's there
Everyone's gone on without you
Isn't that lovely
Isn't that cool
And isn't that cruel
And aren't I a fool
To have Happily listened
Happy to stayed
Happily watching her drift drift drift away
Yeah, it took me far too long to realize that nothing I did was going to let me keep one of my best friends. That I'd drawn out that torture for no reason at all.
It's not like I want to destroy her and her home, but I sometimes want to make her feel as bad as I felt. And then I have to tell myself that I can't let her make me that nasty.
So yeah. I get how Spinel feels.
I like her a lot. And I did cry along with her a couple times.
It's so great that she ended up with the diamonds. They were exactly what the other needed.
Okay, one more thing. Did Rebecca Sugar play Undertale? Because there are so many things that feel similar between this series and the game.
For example, "your best friend Flowey."
And "Your new best friend Spinel."