Until then, I was resigned to never playing the game again. After all, I didn't want Sans to get mad at me if I reset their timeline.
Does it count if I'm not restarting the game, but playing it on a whole new file and system?
Well, anyway, I did it. I finished yesterday.

I was so much better this play through! I died a few times, but it's embarrassing how bad I was when I first played Undertale. I think part of it was that it was a different battle style than I'd ever used. And I'm not used to moving with the keyboard. And I was terrible at using my items. But the Switch control was a lot easier. And now I know the game so well that I knew what to expect. I'd played it myself, guided two of my friends through it while watching over their shoulder, and watched many videos on Youtube of the different secrets held by this awesome little game.
And this time I did all the extra little secrets! Well, I did forget to fight one of the secret bosses - the one down the secret pathway. I was too sucked into the game and forgot to look up what date I needed to enter to unlock it. Oops. Well, if there's a next time, I'll get him then. And I haven't yet unlocked the little dog's room. The credits are hard to not touch. TT^TT
But I did get all yellow names in the credits!
So this time I beat Papyrus on the first time! In my first play, he kept locking my in the dog house, and eventually he gave up trying to fight me.
I didn't date him this time either. We just hung out. I tried to do different variations on the things you could do differently.
Hmm. I think this goofy skeleton was my first date. Though an unintentional one. That ended in rejection anyway XD
I think my game had a glitch. I somehow ended up walking through a few things I wasn't supposed to. Although I found something interesting. In Grillby's I accidentally got behind the dog playing poker. I tried to go through the door. It said that the door was a fire escape, and I couldn't go through because I'm not fire.
Then I couldn't get back out. I was trapped in that corner and had to restart the game XD
It almost happened a couple other times, but I caught it before I got trapped in another corner.
This was great timing though, because when I wasn't able to work, I finally made a Sans to go along with my Papyrus!

I mad Papyrus a few years ago, following an internet tutorial. But the Sans tutorial I didn't like as much. So I finally tried making my own Sans. I love how he turned out!