I think the cartoon Yellow Submarine helped. We found it hilarious. But we also loved the music.

I thought Jeremy was cute with his little bunny tail. But as I'm sure you've gathered, animalish people are always a soft spot for me.
I have since seen Ringo Starr perform in Reno. And then Paul McCartney at Candlestick Park.
I currently have about eight days worth of music on my iTunes. I listen to all of it, though it takes a few months. But at the beginning of the year, I only had about five Beatles songs on my computer. I have a ton of their CDs, but they just never made it onto iTunes.
A couple months ago, I thought I'd go through those CDs and add my favorites. Maybe ten or twenty songs.
But now my iTunes Beatles playlist has 92 songs.
Listening to this music dredges up all those old feelings from way back when.
I mentioned my Beatles project to one of my bosses, and he said that everyone's seeking nostalgia these days, which makes sense. We want to escape this insanity and go back to simpler times.
I rewatched the Beatles movies too. Or the three I like, anyway (I don't have Magical Mystery Tour - that one was too weird for me. I wonder if I should try watching it again).
The Yellow Submarine cartoon is oddly comforting. Probably seeing the power of music bring down enemy armies.

And while the Beatles' music defeats the armies, it's the lonely little Nowhere Man that defeats the enemy general. And then he's the first one to welcome him back as a friend.

Anyway, as I was working on this project, I started to think about what my favorite Beatles song is. And I found it a rather complicated question.
First I went through and read the lyrics of most of their songs. Sometimes it's hard to pick out all the words in music. I noticed some things I hadn't before. And of course, I noticed all the "adult stuff" that I knew nothing about as a kid (innocent little thing that I was, I thought they were very clean).
As a kid, I would have told you "Yellow Submarine" was my favorite because it was fun.
Then it might have been "Love me do," because I liked the harmonica part.
Then it hovered somewhere around "Let it be."
But now I think my favorite may be "Across the Universe."
Which was a surprise. I always like it, but it never used to pop out to me. At least not until I read the lyrics. There are some beautiful lines.
"Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box."
I guess it's no surprise that my taste has shifted to focus on the poetry of the song. Considering words are my ally in writing.
I won't mention all 92 of the songs on my Beatles playlist, but I'd like to call out a few more.
"Blackbird" and "Here Comes the Sun" are both very uplifting and pretty.
I love the concept of "The Fool on the Hill." Humans find it so easy to miss how special some people are. Just because someone is different, they think they're a fool. But you don't have to listen to those people. Just be yourself.
I like the concept of "Fixing a Hole" too. Making a place for yourself where you can let your mind wander.
"I'm Only Sleeping" I like because I'm not a morning person. "Please don't spoil my day, I'm miles away and after all I"m only sleeping."
In our High school yearbook, seniors were allowed to put a quote alongside their photo. I picked "I don't care too much for money because money can't by me love." A great line (the irony is not lost on me that they got tons of money).
"Paperback writer" isn't one of my top favorites, but I find it hilarious that this song is everything you should never do in a query letter. I imagine that it was intentionally written that way.
Anyway, if you're not acquainted with their music, check it out! They're classic.