

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Name Collection

I just watched a movie called "The Man Who Invented Christmas." It's about Charles Dickens writing A Christmas Carol

I don't know how many details in this movie were actually accurate. But one caught my attention. Charles Dickens would collect names. If he met someone with an interesting name, he'd make note of it.

I do the same thing. I actually have a list of names- mostly the more fantasy-style names. If I hear something interesting, I'll either write it down or tweak it a bit and then write it down. I also have a book of baby names, which gives origins and meanings of names.

And one other thing about the movie? The main actor also did a certain crazy monkey.

Monday, November 28, 2022

Heading to Alola

Just before I went to Peru, I finally finished the first draft of my next fanfic.

For the last one, there would be a month or two between posts. That didn't seem fair to anyone reading. So this time I wrote out the entire first draft. Now all I have to do is edit as I go along. Hopefully I'll be able to get up one chapter every 2 weeks or so. 

But I have to finish my Peru notes first. TTATT

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Return from Peru

 Peru was awesome! 

I got home a few days ago. It may take me a while to get everything organized for blog posts though. I didn't have internet for much of the trip. Unsurprising, considering we were out in the Amazon. But the rest of my free time was spent taking notes on everything that happened. I just have to organize and tidy them up @_@  

But eventually I'll get some stories up here!

(My delay has absolutely nothing to do with the new Pokémon Violet game)

I'm almost a year behind on zoo photos, so I'm going to throw a bunch of them up the next few weeks. 

I'll start with bears and wolves and some other carnivores.


Mexican Gray Wolves:

Grizzly bears:

Black bears: