Okay, so I said I'd add summaries of the stories I started in 6th/7th grade. I think.
I said Shaggy. That was my first real story (as pathetic as it was). I warn you, all of these are really lame, although some more than others. Now that I look at them, they seem to be my own versions of books I've read or movies I've seen. Hmmm. If I ever wanted to get any of this stuff published, I'd be thrown in jail for plajairism. I didn't seem to have any original ideas back then. Phooey. Amazing what you can discover from looking at old files of stories you've written( yes, I'm loking through my binder of old stuff I wrote).
Yes, my story ideas have improved quite a bit since I came up with these, so if you're new to the blog, don't think this is the extent of my writing skills.
"Trail to solitude." A girl gets lost in the woods and has to survive on her own. The part I have is pretty much "Hatchet" (the Gary Paulsen book) from a girl's point of view.
A story about a couple girls who have special powers and end up going to a school for people like them (this one's like X-Men).
One was another survival story. Except this one was a whole classroom full of kids getting lost. I completely forgot about that one! I forget what the title was supposed to be too...
One about a race of people that lives with dinosaurs. (Practically copied from Dinotopia).
Ooh, here's one I didn't copy. It's actually a little interesting, even though I only have the first few pages. It was going to be about a 7th grade girl who found an injured hawk and nursed it back to health. That must mean I was in 7th grade when I started this.
Here's one I remember absolutely nothing about... It's called Orange Fort for some reason (orange as in the fruit, not the color). The first three pages I write are about two girls meeting up after school to help each other on homework. I wonder what the plot I had in mind for this was....
This one doesn't have a title, and I didn't copy it from anything. At least I don't think I did. This is the only one I actually finished. It's about a girl (all my characters seemed to be girls back then) who lived at a horse ranch. Then these strange creatures show up and start attacking people. She convinces them to stop. I think it's more complicated than that, but I don't feel like reading it now to refresh my memory. aybe in the future I'll fix it up.
There was on I started writing about a girl who played volleyball.
There's another about a girl who discovers an island way out in the ocean (when her plane crashes) and it mirrors her dreams and wishes. I didn't get very far on it, but I remember what was supposed to happen.
One about a group of kids who has to travel around and capture a bunch of creatures that escaped from a labaratory because something's wrong with them. (I think this one stemmed from Cardcaptors).
Here's a strange one about a girl who lives on a ranch of strange creatures. (I think this one was supposed to be my own pathetic version of Pokemon).
Eventually, I got tired of making fake Pokemon and started a sort of Pokemon fanfic. That is, I made up my own character and sent her away on a Pokemon journey.
Ooh, even the title of this one is pathetic: "Tale of the Talking Rabbits." It's about a girl (yes, another girl) who's staying at her grandparents' house in the woods. She meets up with a warren of rabbits who can actually speak. I forget what the plot was supposed to be. Oh well.
There's a whole bunch of outlines for stories, but I don't understand a lot of them, so I'll just ignore them for now.