Friday, February 29, 2008
Boat-house: The bird could use it as a landing site, and the boat could have a glass bottom so they could hang out. Admittedly the draw back is that the glass could get annoying...especially if the bird tried to fly into it...
House by the water: The bird could set up a bird house by the water...hey it'd be a great view! And the bird house could be halfway in the water so that there's like a pool or something inside the house! That'd be pretty cool ^_^
Underground-underwater: So build a house that's like a cave tunnel thing that leads to an underground lake! Even a little grotto or cove could work
Give the bird gills: Enough said
Give the fish a water tank with wings: See above explanation
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Underground Mysteries
But back to the story. Moeka and Shirley were my partners. Moeka drew the pictures, Shirley compiled the information necessary to understand the story (definitions of comples Bio words) and I wrote the story. Usually I would say that I did most of the work for our group, but I liked writing it. And it would have gotten confusing if we all tried to work on the story all at once.
So, the plot. Most other people did it from the point of view of a cell or something like that, or talked about natural selection and stuff. But I wanted to be original. So I didn't do anything like that. I wrote a story about 2 kids, Michael and Sarah. They're in 6th grade (the story was supposed to be geared towards 6th graders for some unknown reason) Michael is a freaking genius in the region of biiology because his parents are biologists, sort of a kid Sherlock Holmes. And Sarah is his friend. She's smart, but not as smart as him. Michael is actually based off a real person, Michael Fagan (That would be funny if he ever ended up reading this)-A kid I met at a marine biology camp (that was really fun). I think just before 8th grade. He knew everything! People thought of him as kind of a geek, and he always wore this bright yellow hat. I told my dad about the hat a few days ago (because I found a slide show from the camp and I was reminded of the hat) and dad said that the hat just sounded like a different way of expressing yourself. But then I showed him the hat (with a really wide brim on the front and a flap on the back to protect your neck, all bright yellow) and dad said "that hat is ugly as sin." And I only saw him without that hat on once for the whole week. So, he and Liz and I hung out for the camp (Liz had kind of a temper problem, and claimed that she gave her brother a first-hand account of what it meant to be a eunich) but we were able to make it through the week without Liz killing anyone. Michael and I were pen pals for a while, but like so many people, he disappeared. He stopped writing.
Right. I digress. Back to the story. I just like to write the inspiration for my characters. So, these 2 kids are at school when suddenly some monster breaks out of the ground in the middle of the field. It's a huge, furry thing with huge wings, and it was apparently sleeping underground for many years.
It flies away, leaving the school in a state of uproar. They hear news about it everywhere, and Michael uses his knowledge to find out a bunch of stuff about this "sky bear" as he calls it. And when the sky bear comes back, Michael and Sarah "befriend" it. He lets them fly on his back, and he takes them out to the Nevada deserts. Inside an abandoned mine, they discover a nest of baby sky bears. All of them were apparently asleep also, in some sort of dormant state. But one of them is missing. So, Michale and Sarah help the father sky bear find his last baby and everyone lives happily ever after.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
On Wings of Wyverns
(As usual, beware of spoilers) The main character is Clara. Her country Wiverna contains wyverns, but no other mythical creatures. She has been forced to live at the palace with a cruel emperor, and she absolutely hates it. So, one day she finds a way to escape. But as the palace guards pursue her to bring her back, a huge wyvern from the forests appears and carries Clara away (For those of you keeping up with the blog, I posted this part of the story a while ago). She thinks the wyvern is going to eat her, but she doesn't. Instead, the wyvern brings her to her nesting grounds, where there are about 20 other wyverns. This wyvern's baby was hurt, so Clara helps it. She becomes very close with this family of yverns over few months she spends with them. She even learned to communicate with them. The wyvern that "Kidnapped" her she named Meadow, and the baby she named Peppermint.
One day, Meadow brings a horse to the nesting grounds to eat. But the gorse still has its saddle. So Clara takes the saddle and fixes it up to fit on Meadow. She rides Meadow back to the city, and the arrange a rebellion to overthrow the terrible emperor. At last the day of rebellion comes. All of the wyverns and all of the rebels take on the Emperor's army. Clara and her army wins, and Clara is made queen.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
But okay. Now to the reason I titled this post "showers." Let me explain. I'm nearing the conclusion of my alien story (still no title for it yet). I knew what was going to happen up to a certain point, then I had no idea what would happen after that. So, for the past few days, I've been trying to think of an exciting conclusion. And the solution came to me less than an hour ago. I guess the hot water of the shower jogged my imagination. This isn't the first time a nice hot shower has helped me think up parts of my stories. So I finally know how my storie's going to end. Nicole and Ellen know I was complaining about the non-existent ending earlier today, so you'll be happy to know that I got it mostly worked out. So, if you ever feel like you've squeezed all the creativity out of your brain, take a bath or shower.
"Win as Much as You Can"
The class is divided into four groups. There are four rounds, and on each round, each group picks either X or Y.
If all 4 groups pick X, everyone looses a point.
If one group picks Y, they lose 3 points, everyone else gets one point.
If 2 groups pick Y, they each lose 2 points, everyone else gets 2 points.
If 3 groups pick Y, the Y groups lose one point, X gets one point.
So, the obvious goal is for everryone to pick Y so everyone wins equally. But let me tell you the results of my class's game. (Nicole is in my class, but she was absent this day, so she missed the fun).
For the first round, my group and one other group picked Y. The other 2 picked X. So we each lost 2 points, the other groups got 2 points. The next round, no one was to be fooled, so everyone picked X. Everyone lost points.
So, after this round, our teacher let our groups communicate with each other. So, our group swore to put Y, and all the other groups swore to put Y. So, we put Y, and everyone else chose X because they're all lying, greedy jerks. So, for the last round, the teacher made the points 10 timies the value. And guess what. Everyone put X. So everyone lost 10 points, and everyone ended up in the negatives. But our group, the only honest one, had the fewest points of all. Some humans are idiots who only care about themselves. So, if you're one of these people, get a life. Care about someone besides yourself.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
(Warning, uncoming spoilers. Big surprise.)
So, for the wyvern prequal, it's definitely based off her dream. That is, she just finished reading "On Wings of Wyverns" and then she had a dream about wyverns. She told me about it, and it was a perfect prequal to my story! It explains how humans lost contact with wyverns all those years ago. In my story, Nicole's "royal guard" character is instead the queen. The prince is the Queen's brother. The ending of the story is going to fit in with Nicole's dream. Other stuff happens before this, of course. But, the ending. Right. Okay, so the ending is like the caravan in Nicole's dream. They're all riding home and some wyverns are with them. And just as they get back to the palace from the journey they were on, they find that some evil guy (I have to figure out who he is and everything. For now, all I know is that there's a bad guy who'se the cause of all this) has fed the rest of the wyverns some weird drug, so the wyverns start going weird and attacking things, but they can't help it because they're under the influence of this weird drug. Then the Queen, Prince, and the rest of their caravan are attacked. They capture the prince, but the queen, Lenara (remember her?) just barely escapes on the back of her favorite wyvern, Tehanay (remember him?). I won't give away any more of the ending. I do know how it will end, but not really what happens in the middle. I'm just tired right now and I have to finish reading more of this stupid book for English.
Nicole's continuation
Also, it was really long. ^-^
Anyway, so back to the story, but the rest is kinda stupid because it was a dream so at least some of the plot had to be extra-unrealistic and...weird.
So, the dragon decides to land for a while for two reasons. One, the girl is about to fall to her death, and two, he's at the meeting spot for the other dragons! He's early though, so they have to wait around awhile. But then! A weird man appears, it's Mountain Mike or another huge hairy guy who hangs around in random fields with a cliff on one side and a rock slide on another! *gasp* The dragon hides, because he can't reveal where the meeting spot for the dragons is going to be, and the girl is left all alone to fend off this scary guy who is for some reason coming after her! She's too fast for him, but then he sends his monkey's after her, who dart around and are really creepy. Thankfully, they're stupid too, so she finds a high spot and watches them run around and dance or something. Uh-oh, the man is angry now! He's after her again, so she runs around the corner of the cliff and finds: a desert! Oooooo, aaaaaaaah, how did it get there? The world will never know. But it's there, and not only that, there's also a fancy egyptian passage to one side of the cliff that is still there.
Anybody seen Stargate? One of those gou'alds walks out (however it's spelled) but he's all decked up in gold like in the movie. He wants the girl's soul or something, and he wants to put it in these two really awesome and pretty...things. One's like a big gold bracelet and the other is...something else. Anyway! He has a talking cat that's sluicing around. The gou'ald guy uses hypnotism on the girl, or some sort of mind thing, to make her depressed so that she won't want to live or mind giving him her soul. Cuz, come on, she's not just gonna hand it over to him, or let him suck is out of her or whatever. She was a bodyguard! Plus she's ok with life. Ahem.
So, yeah, she starts to feel like nobody loves her and life sucks, yadda yadda. But, even though she's depressed, she's still a curious little thing, so before she forefits her life she starts asking questions about the gold things her soul's gonna be put into. The cat, who is sterotipically curious in this dream, now likes the girl because she is curious just like her. They have stuff in common! So, she asks to egyptian boss guy dude not the kill the girl. Btw, the creepy mountain man guy had a heart attack or something cuz he is no longer with us. Moving on!
The girl's dragon didn't have a heart attack though, because he does something somehow. A mirage of really weird animal start stampeding across the desert. This distracts everybody, naturally, but also startles the girl out of her depression. The egyptian guy starts accusing her or doing that (for some reason), but she decided to run away while he's ranting. So, off she goes into the desert. And then-!
I wake up.
So yeah. This whole part was weird and had no point, but the first half was pretty good, eh? And I totally got into story mode in some of these parts (plus I was pleasantly sarcastic at times) so I hope whoever read that whole thing enjoyed the ride.
Tara, that was for you, and it took a whole 45 minutes to get everything down. I expect praises tomorrow. Ellen can give me some too.
Nicole's long awaited dream prequel
Yes, yes: finally! I would've done this earlier, but computers bite sometimes.
Ahem. Anyway, here is my dream I dreamed forever ago which turned out to be a prequel to Tara's Wyvern story.
So there's this girl, and she's totally ordinary. Well, she's a royal bodyguard, but other than that, totally ordinary. So her troupe and her are escorting the prince of their country home. He's young, but he was off in neighboring countries trying to work out peace treaties and such. So they're traveling, he's in a carriage, the girl and other guards are on horseback, but there's also dragons accompanying them too. What kind it was, I don't know or care, but I suppose they were similar to Wyverns: huge with long necks. They don't really have dragons of their own, but the girl does have one that she prefers and that prefers her. Anyway, traveling, landscape going by, mountains, plains, etc. Along the way a fairygodmother appears (this was a dream, after all) who makes the journey go a bit smoother and is added protection. They get back home and eventually end up in this stone courtyard on the edge of the palace. There's no big wall, just a perimeter of forest and wild nature (very junglish- vines everywhere, etc.). There's a ceremony thing going on, but during a break (or before or after, whatever), there's a coup. The fairy godmother's a traitor! She poofs away herself and the prince in a puff of smoke, and the people behind the coup start trying to convince everybody that it's the dragons' fault. People start turning against the dragons, so the dragons take off when they sense trouble.
The girl isn't sure what to believe, but she doesn't want to stick around during the coup anyways. She runs into the forest, also hoping that she could find "her" dragon and talk to him. (yes, it was a guy in this; none of that "girl must have a girl dragon for feminism's sake") (Ahem) She runs into him rather quickly, because while the dragons left when accusations were being thrown at them, they still stuck around to see what the rest of the humans were do (most were swayed into believing that the dragons betrayed them and had a hand in kidnapping the prince). She gets on her dragon and they fly away.
Now, this was the best part of my dream, because it was the most realistic dream I've ever had, and I couldn't have chosen a better dream to be that way. I suppose I inserted myself with the girl at this point, because I was straddling the muscular, scaly neck of this great dragon while it flew the air. Wind was tosssing my hair around, the dragon took dips that make my stomach drop and my blood pound with excitement. It was amazing. Then, I started to slip too, and that was also extremely realistic. I couldn't get any purchase on the scales, the neck was too big for me to comfortably wrap my arms around. There might as well have been oil between me and the dragon, because not only was I slipping, I was practically sliding. It was so awesome!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
Other than that, I love dreams. I have been inspired by several of my dreams. And Flight of Wyverns goes the extra mile, because it's based off Nicole's dream. And she still hasn't posted that dream yet. Crazy girl.
A Path of Dreams
I can't say that my daily life is all that interesting, but my dreams are always a source of inspiration, if not wonder. Some dreams you can feel yourself flying by simply flapping your arms, and then glide about like a bird. Others just defy reality in how the world works, how inanimate objects speak, the sky turns impossible colors, and the landscape changes whimsically at your feet. It's a sanctuary, and if you ask it, they will take care of you. Really, it will. I've asked it and it has kept the ills away.
Flight of Wyverns
But I'm in the middle of at least 8 other stories, so I'll probably put this on hold for a while at least until I finish my alien story. It's shorter than I thought it'd be. But I don't like to kill time by adding useless filler. Detail is good, but not spending an entire chapter to describe the shape of someone's eyes. "Lord of the Rings" did that. So did "the Once and Future King." Those kind of have way too much detail, and the story gets bogged down. In my opinion at least. That's not to say they're not good books.
Believe (yes, it's a corny title)
It's kind of frightening how many strange coincidences happen in my life. They come in waves. I've had a lot of them recently. I mean a LOT! I'll be thinking of something just before someone says the same thing. And those are the more tame ones. Here's kind of a funny one. I was in class writing a story (yes, I do a lot of writing during school). It's was my alien story. Reein, my shape-shifting alien, loves banana. I was writing the part where he's having his first ever banana split, and then I started smelling banana. I looked around and discovered that the girl in fron of me was eating banana. I could list more weird coincidences, but the list would go on forever. Whose to say there isn't some strange magic force making all this happen?
Response to "Why I Write"
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Why I Write
When I was younger, I think in about 6th or 7th grade, I still wanted to go on adventures. I knew that magic and REAL adventures weren't real and only happened in books. But I still wanted to do them. So I decided to start writing stories so that my characters could do all the things I couldn't do in real life.
I still feel that a little. I mean, who wouldn't rather go flying on the backs of dragons or diving to the bottom of the sea than sit and do homework? But now another reason is that if I ever become a well-known author, I want to inspire people. I want to help people everywhere do the right thing. I want people to get a buzz of excitement when they finish a book. I just want people to... I don't know. I'm just not sure how to put my feelings into words. I guess that's kind of ironic, considering I love to write. But some things just can't be expressed by words. Oh well.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Nicole is being LAZY!!!!
PS I dont mean to be mean (wow that sounds weird) but you need to post!!!!!! and I know Tara feels the same way so POST ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (you can tell how much I mean it cause of all the exclamation points ^_^)
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Character development
On the alien story I'm working on, I know what's going to happen up to a certain point, but no idea what's going to happen after that. I do a LOT of improvising in my stories. "On Wings of Wyverns" was completely imrpovised. Here's the scoop. Stephanie reccommended a little book called "The Writer's Block." It's literally block shaped. A tiny, fat little book, and on each page is something to spark your imagination. I thought it was cool, so I went out and bought a copy. I opened up the book to a spark word (I think that's what it's called) and it was "polygamy". REALLY weird, but lo and behold, the entire "On Wings of Wyverns" unfolded from that little word. And that story has absolutely nothing to do with polygamy, except that it's implied about once. My alien story has had a lot of improvization too. I just untangled a lot of it two nights ago. I think the alien story was sparked by a little idea that popped into my head. An epiphony. I thought, "what if you had a pet, and one day it turned into something else? It wasn't really the animal you thought it was. So as you're staring at your 'pet,' it says to you, 'don't worry. you're not hallucinating. I'm a shapeshifter.'" By the way, I still don't have a title for this alien story. I'll have to think of one. I'll probably wait until I finish it. That's when I can think of the best titles. And I have to write down lists of words and ideas to come up with really good ones. "Lullaby of Awakening" took me quite a while to think of. And after I thought up the name "On Wings of Wyverns," I decided I didn't like it. So brainstormed some more names and came up with "On Wings of Freedom." But Ellen and Nicole told me it was too corny. So phoo to you (even though I agree). And I changed it back to "On Wings of Wyverns."
Sure, Ellen. I'll read your stories. I like your stories (if you ever finish any of them). And since you've helped me with all my stories, it's the least I can do.
Reply to Tara's reply about my ending issues
Monday, February 11, 2008
Okay, so you think I didn't do a very good summary of my Lullaby story? Fine. I'll re-write it. And by the way, I'm in the middle of at least 7 stories, so until I finish some of those, I probably won't start any others. But The "Lullaby of Awakening" sequal and the wyvern prequal are at the top of my list for future stories to write. I don't want to start too many at once, because like you pointed out, if I have too many things going on at once, they end up not getting finished. Some of them get neglected, and then I feel like abandoning them completely. I don't want to abandon my stories, so I need to spend time with them. Right now the two I'm concentrating on the hardest is my alien story and the werewolf/vampire/ghost story. Plus the one I'm writing with you. And if STEHANIE WOULD ACTUALLY WRITE SOMETHING, I'd probably be working on the story I'm supposed to be writing with her.
Ending issues advice please ^_^
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Lullaby of Awakening
But their magic-Earth is in trouble because the magic is getting "clogged" and unusable to the mages. Brenor (the main character) has to come to technology-Earth and find a special person to bring back with him. This special person is supposed to sing a song to awaken a huge monster. This monster's job is to purify the magic, because every several hundred years, the magic on their planet becomes too clogged to use. So, Brenor travels to technology-Earth and finds Kimia, the girl wo has been selected to awaken the Purity Beast. (I borrowed her name from a girl at school, Kimiya. Thanks for your name, Kimiya. Sorry I changed the spelling a bit.) So, Brenor brings Kimia back, and they travel to the home of the Purity Beast and complete the ceremony to purify the magic. But I don't think I'll reveal the end to this sotry. Too bad. If you want to find out the end, read it.
This story's purpose, in the end, is to tell people not to be too afraid of death. It's sort of based off the concept of reincarnation, so I'm sorry if you don't believe in reincarnation. Even if you don't think our world has reincarnation, his world has it.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
The Magic Flute
Time to write about "The Magic Flute." It's named after a rather famous song by Mozart. I took the name of his song just because it fit so perfectly for what I had in mind. I wrote it first semester of my junior year in high school.
So, first of all, the characters. There's Michael, Liz, Annie, and Alex. Liz is the main character. She's named after a girl who I used to know. When I was a freshman in high school, she was considered the best flutist in school. I didn't know her really well, but I though it appropriate to use her name for this, considering the Liz in the story if a flutist.
Annie is named after a girl who I used to be very good friends with in elementary school. I still know her, but unfortunately we sort of grew apart. Some of my fellow "bloggers" may know her. I know for a fact that Ellen calls her "over achiever." She used to play trumpet, but she stopped after about a year of it.
Michael is a boy I know up in Nevada City. I've known him for years, but only see him when I go up to those parts. The last time I saw him was during a music camp I went to up there. He does play cello. And he likes to wear top hats. He does have an older sister named Lauren, who also makes her debut in this story.
Alex is a boy I knew AGES ago. We used to be friends so long ago that I can't even remember when it was. But he, like so many other people I knew, disappeared. He did indeed have a younger brother, but I don't remember his name. So, I just named his brother in the story Max because it felt right.
So, now for the plot. (spoilers) Alex, Liz, Annie, and Michael all live on another planet. This is sort of a futuristic story. But they all go to a school reserved for very good musicians. Liz especially is a great flutist, but she really doesn't think she's very good because she's 5th flute. (I've noticed that many good artists don't think they're good, so I was commenting on that) They have a legend about a magic flute. Hundreds of years ago, a man had a magic flute. When the world was wracked by giant earthquakes, he played his flute and calmed the land.
There's is currently a war going on between their country and the neighboring country. Just as the four characters are let out for summer vacation, an enemy ship comes and drops a bomb. They barely escape with their lives, but their parents decide that they better get out of the city and go somewhere safer.
So, they fly out to the country, intending to stay at a relative's house. But before they get there, they are forced to duck in cover in the mountains when a wave of enemy ships passes by.
Stuck alone in the mountains until the enemy ships pass, they start to explore. They find a cave that looks as though someone used to live there. There's a carpet, a desk, a music stand, some music, and a flute. All of them immediately think of the legend of the Magis Flute. So Liz takes it and the music sheets outside and starts to play. The sound of the flute seems to reach forever, and the music desolves te war ships. The men controlling the ships drift gently to the ground and listen in awe to the music of the Magic Flute. All desire to fight has left them.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
But it makes me wonder. I love to write, and I love that feeling when you finish a movie/book that is that really great. Will I ever be able to write something that good? Something that makes people feel awesome when they're done reading it? Nicole told me that when she read "On Wings of Wyverns," the ending made her shiver. That comment made me feel so good! And it was New Years Day, so it was a great way to start the year. That's at least a step in the right direction-where someone shivers when they finish reading your book. But will I ever be able to write something that's considered truly great eventually? Something that inspires all sorts of people? Something that's so good that people will be shocked if you tell them you haven't read it yet (Like I was shocked when Ellen told me she hadn't seen Star Wars yet). I know it's a pretty high level to set for yourself, especially when you're still a senior in high school. But one day I really want to write something that's truly GREAT!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Just cause
Hikari e-The Babystars
I think back to the time when my search first began
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there
I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday somewhere I’ll finally
Seek the light I have searched for everywhere
When the summer sun is shining
Shaking the sails of my heart I know
When the world that has been hiding
Has opened up its doors for me to go
Swaying in the troubled waves
From all this despair I can be saved
For the horizon on the other side
Is...is what I am for
And though I traveled far from where my search began
Over seas of green and shores of sand
To the endless everlasting world out there
I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday somewhere I’ll finally
See the light I have searched for everywhere.
A current of repetitive days and mundane clouds floating in the sky
I see in you a bright future you can’t possibly realize
Even if I change my dreams just to avoid pain and sorrow
That would leave me without any dreams or even hope so-let’s just go
Why am I searching these open seas? What is it that I desire?
The answer is surely somewhere up ahead
Within this ever-changing world, forever more my heart will seek adventure
Concealing from the world my true power
Why am I searching these open seas? What is it that I desire?
When there is the yet treasure to be found out there?I wonder with this burning passion driving me, where we’ll go and see.
Right now it’s impossible to know.
I think back to the time when my search first began
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there
I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday somewhere I’ll finally
Seek the light I have searched for everywhere
Past the horizon
We should really get some guys to posst. But the problem is that all the guys I know aren't the type who...would...actually...post something in a blog.........
Mistletoe Poem
This is a poem my friend Keshava and I wrote. Hope you guys like it.
Mistletoe poem
Mistletoe have been met by cheer
Now little boys look up to the mistletoe and shiver with fear.
There once was an oak tree in the backwoods
Mistletoe is more common than caned goods
Down came the good fairy and she said:
If you don’t cut the mistletoe, it will become widespread.
So we come and cut the mistletoe down
Or it will turn a sickly brown
Down came the good fairy and she exclaimed:
If you don’t cover the mistletoe with plastic it will become inflamed
We all climb the oak tree again
And put all the plastic on all that remain
Down came the good fairy and she said to them:
Thanks for cutting the mistletoe, and now I will give you a gem.
The pine looked over to the oak and saw the mistletoe, and said
“ Yo, bro you got quite the fro!”
The human climb the tree, he climbed it with great glee
But he had a job to do, and to the mistletoe he said “adieu”.
wyvern update
So, even though Nicole hasn't posted her wyvern dream yet, I should also say that I finally have a great way to start the prequal to "On Wings of Wyverns." I got the idea last week, but I just came up with names for the characters today. Tehanay is the name of the main wyvern in this story. I'm very picky about pronunciation. (Yes, my tame is pronounces tah-rah cog-lin. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten Terra Coflin. It drives me nuts!) So, Tehanay's name is pronounces tay-haw-nay. The main character is a young queen by the name of Lenara. Her little brother's name is Naren. And they have 2 dogs: and Irish wolfhound named Celta, and a borzoi named Dunya. They're named after two dogs my dad used to have before I was born. So I never met them, but I'd like to use them anyway.
So, pictures. Right. The first one is one is a traditional wyvern design.

Hey, I actually have one of these! I had to get it because you NEVER see any wyvern merchandise. It's not too realistic, but oh well.

Then we got an Irish wolf hound. I have no idea who this guy is since I got this from the internet. But this gives you an idea how massive these dogs are. Celta is more of a sandy yellow color.

And last, a borzoi. Dunia looked like this, I think.

And no, I not making a profit off of any of these pictures. So if they belong to you, just think of it as me advertising you. I don't THINK you can get in trouble for borrowing pictures for a non-prifit blog, but the legal system is all screwed up these days. For all I know, I could be sent to jail for "stealing" pictures.
Grip of Faith
Okay, so back to the story.
It's about these two kids, a boy and a girl, who get sucked to another dimension. Here there are no humans, but instead all the creatures that we have in our fairy tales such as fawns and griffins. They learn from a griffin that the boundaries between dimensions are breaking apart. In addition to Earth and this fantasy world, there is also an evil world where all of the purest evil is banished. Some of the creatures from that dark word are seeping into this fantasy world. So the griffin takes the girl and boy to the "bridge" where all the worlds cross. They have to find a way to shut the doorway to the dark world. They do so, but in the process, the griffin (SPOILER ALERT, if anyone ever intends to read this story, don't read the next few words). is killed.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Cliff of No Return
This was sparked by a video game, actually. At the final stage of this game, you face multiple foes in a row. If you lose against the very last enemy, you have to come back later and you can fight him again without going through the whole thing. But he talks to you and goes through this whole speech about how he thought you wouldn't come back. But I don't really remember. I only lost once, and that was a while ago. I lost on purpose too. I don't lose by accident against a game. Against other humans, sometimes. But not against the game. It's called "Colosseum." If you've played it and know what I'm talking about, tell me.
But yeah. My story basically consists of an evil bad guy plotting to wipe out a bunch of people. Then a kid shows up almost out of nowhere and...er... dispenses with him. It's as simple as that.