So, even though Nicole hasn't posted her wyvern dream yet, I should also say that I finally have a great way to start the prequal to "On Wings of Wyverns." I got the idea last week, but I just came up with names for the characters today. Tehanay is the name of the main wyvern in this story. I'm very picky about pronunciation. (Yes, my tame is pronounces tah-rah cog-lin. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten Terra Coflin. It drives me nuts!) So, Tehanay's name is pronounces tay-haw-nay. The main character is a young queen by the name of Lenara. Her little brother's name is Naren. And they have 2 dogs: and Irish wolfhound named Celta, and a borzoi named Dunya. They're named after two dogs my dad used to have before I was born. So I never met them, but I'd like to use them anyway.
So, pictures. Right. The first one is one is a traditional wyvern design.

Hey, I actually have one of these! I had to get it because you NEVER see any wyvern merchandise. It's not too realistic, but oh well.

Then we got an Irish wolf hound. I have no idea who this guy is since I got this from the internet. But this gives you an idea how massive these dogs are. Celta is more of a sandy yellow color.

And last, a borzoi. Dunia looked like this, I think.

And no, I not making a profit off of any of these pictures. So if they belong to you, just think of it as me advertising you. I don't THINK you can get in trouble for borrowing pictures for a non-prifit blog, but the legal system is all screwed up these days. For all I know, I could be sent to jail for "stealing" pictures.
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