

Saturday, June 28, 2008

People Who Ruin Movies

So, people make good books into movies (and sometimes they make bad books into movies). That's a well-known fact. Sometimes they do an excellent job. Usually that means they follow the book pretty closely. But sometimes a director can improve on one of those bad books. But if a book is good, then don't try to change it around! For example, we just got back from seeing Prince Caspian in the theaters (It's my second time). It's better the second time, but the first time I was pretty disappointed because they screwed up a lot of stuff in the book. For example, they messed up the timeline. A bunch of things happened out of order. They added that whole battle where they broke into the palace. And they made it all war and not as much magic. The end of the book was awesome because they went around gathering all the tree spirits and other people and it described the entire forest rushing at the enemy. In the book, there were about 5 trees. And they didn't really gather anyone. And then they made Caspian and Susan kiss. No, it wasn't a big romance, but still. It wasn't in the book. They have to add in random romance. Those are the two big things directors love to do to movies. Add in random war and random romance. I mean, the movie was okay if you hadn't read the book, but they did mess up a lot of the book. The book was good, so all you stupid directors stop messing everything up! Let the author keep his stuff the way it is! Why do you think you can improve on what the author has done? And if any of you try to make one of my stories into a movie and you change things or add random romances and wars, I'll set my dragon on you!

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