

Friday, February 20, 2009


I felt like raving about another movie: Willow. I just watched it, so I'm in a good raving mood. And it's a good movie! Thought up by George Lucas, the Star Wars master.
So, for the summary.
What WIllow Ufgood wants most is to become a sorcerer. But though that's his greatest ambition, he just can't seem to make it. He's an outcast from the Nelwin society, a race of dwarf like people that live in this world. But his life changes when his two children find a baby by the river. A Daikini (human) baby. Her name is Elora Danan, and she is destined to destroy the evil queen Bavmorda that is terrorizing the land. But the queen knows of Elora's existence and is determined to kill the baby before she can fulfill her destiny.
Willow has to take Elora Danan to the sorceress Fin Raziel where she will be safe. And on the way, he meets up with an obnoxious Daikini swordsman named Madmartigan who eventually proves that he isn't the jerk you thought at the beginning.
But when Willow finds Raziel, he finds that Bavmorda got to her first. Because Raziel isn't a human anymore, but a lemur-like animal (who at least can still talk). Willow, Madmartigan, Raziel, and two Brownies (elf-like creatures) team up with a rebelling army to protect Elora from the evil queen.

Elora is SO adorable!!! And she has the greatest facial expressions even though she's just a baby. It's a slightly older movie, so the effects aren't spectacular, but it's great nonetheless. Even if my summary sucks, this is a great movie and you should definitely watch it!

Willow and Elora

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