Okay, I just can't resist. I've watched both X-Men and Van Helsing. I must say, I prefer X-Men. But I like Hugh Jackman, the actor who plays Wolverine and Van Helsing. It would be fun to meet him since he looks like a nice, funny person. (Actually, he's the only actor who's autograph I have. Heheh.) It's be fun to meet the guy who plays Aragorn in the Lord of the Rings movie too. Heheh. Actually, there's a lot of people who would be fun to meet. Like Robin WIlliams or Sean Connery. Some actors definitely look nicer than others. I bet there's a bunch of them who are stuck up snobs.
So, I digress. Again.
I was talking about X-Men and Van Helsing.
So, in the last X-Men, Jean Gray turns into Phoenix, who is pretty evil. (Actually I don't like that. Phoenix wasn't evil in the comics at first. Phoenix only turned evil after someone screwed with her mind. Until that, she used her awesome powers to do good. I read the first few X-Men comics, but I stopped because they started getting too dark and violent). In the X-Men movies, Wolverine was in love with Jean, but in the end he was forced to kill her because Phoenix was killing people.
And in Van Helsing, Van Helsing needs to become a werewolf in order to kill Dracula. But he starts to lose control as a werewolf, and he accidentally kills Anna, the woman he loved.
Plus both Wolverine and Van Helsing suffer from amnesia about the first parts of their lives. They know nothing before a certain point.
So, the first shot is Wolverine holding Jean just after she dies. The second shot is Van Helsing holding Anna just after she dies. (He's just turning back from a werewolf, so that is fur falling off his back in case you want to know). And I got these off Youtube by cutting out a frame of the movie. They're a bit blurry, I think. There's got to be a better way to find a picture from a movie. I didn't find any on google.

Notice some similarities? It's almost impossible to tell what's what. Both dead ladies are wearing similar outfits. So is Hugh Jackman-no shirt.
As Wolverine says at one point, they like to take his shirt off. Sigh. People seem to like that nowadays. I read a review about the new Wolverine movie (I haven't seen it yet, but I probably will once I'm out of class). It was a very... weird review. I didn't read the whole thing since someone stole the second page of it (Dad) but judging from what I read, I don't think the rest of the review was too important. The last line I read before it was cut off was that the best special effect in the movie was Hugh Jackman's body and that the camera made love to it throughout the movie.......................................
Uh.......... If you say so. I come to the conclusion that that reviewer was rather odd. Again, I haven't seen the Wolverine movie yet so I can't say. But I still think that review was kinda... freaky. I don't understand people's obsession about that kind of stuff.
(Heheh. Hugh is a funny name. Sorry. That was random. Nothing against the name or any people named Hugh, I just think it's a funny name).