

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Wolverine Again

Wahahah! I just couldn't resist posting again. I just got an email from Nicole (the first time in ages!!) and she said she saw the Wolverine movie too.
Sorry, Nicole, but I have to post this. It was too funny!
A direct quote from Nicole's email to me:

Also, i've seen the newest x-men, and there's a similar scene in that one too! crazy crazy. AND the camera did make love to his body! *drool* it was...wow. just wow.

Nicole!! I never knew you were so into Wolverine!
And yeah. The camera did kinda make love to his body. There were a couple scenes where he ran around and wasn't wearing anything...
Ahem. Thank goodness for censorship. I like him, but not quite that much. Ahem.

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