So, I been thinking lots about Fern recently and her companions.
Fang has been well established for along time.
Then I started thinking about a small companion, and finally settled on a ringtail.
I came up with a name for her too. Her name is now Chi.
But I thought, "Fern needs a bird too!"
Since I work with the wildlife at the humane society (and it's currently baby bird season) there a ton of cute little birds I could pick from (not even starting on bigger birds). Robins, scrub jays, bush tits, gold finches, nuthatches,mockingbirds, grosbeak (there's one there - I've never seen one before. He has a really pretty call. It sounds like a human trying to whistle).
Now I love the little bush tits. I'll see a flock of them occasionally - little gray fluff balls gathering in the bushes.
Even so, I think I'm leaning towards a mockingbird. It just feels right.
He needs a name though.
And once again, my brain went, "but Fern needs a horse! She can't ALWAYS use it, but she might need a horse sometimes.
So, the horse will be female, but I need to think of a name and a pattern for here. There's plenty of beautiful horse colors, so I need to pick a great one.
Maybe I'll stop thinking of new animal friends for Fern now that I've got these four.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
So, Shaydens, are, kind of, based off of Fern's abilities.
Many of the strongest Shaydens live deep in forests, mountains, or away from where most people would ever think of visiting. And these "Deep Shaydens" tend to be very antisocial. They don't speak much to outsiders. Some think it's because they feel superior. They're sort of a blend of all Magic-Folk put together. They're shape-shifters with elemental powers (stronger ones than Ferns).
No, I didn't want this race based off of Fern to be so anti-social. That's why I created the Deep Shaydens. The Shaydens that aren't Deep are more friendly.
Actually, Shaydens were originally based from "Dragons of Element" but they were different and they were called something different (Night Shadows - ?) They were the basis for the somewhat anti-socialness, but the Shaydens did evolve from the NIght Shadow quite a bit.
Did that post make ANY sense?
Many of the strongest Shaydens live deep in forests, mountains, or away from where most people would ever think of visiting. And these "Deep Shaydens" tend to be very antisocial. They don't speak much to outsiders. Some think it's because they feel superior. They're sort of a blend of all Magic-Folk put together. They're shape-shifters with elemental powers (stronger ones than Ferns).
No, I didn't want this race based off of Fern to be so anti-social. That's why I created the Deep Shaydens. The Shaydens that aren't Deep are more friendly.
Actually, Shaydens were originally based from "Dragons of Element" but they were different and they were called something different (Night Shadows - ?) They were the basis for the somewhat anti-socialness, but the Shaydens did evolve from the NIght Shadow quite a bit.
Did that post make ANY sense?
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Upcoming Characters
So, a while ago, I drew some characters that do not yet have their stories written yet. But since the scans of these pictures are sitting on my computer, I thought I'd put them up anyway.
First of all, this is Naethem. His race is from Haminal on the planet Soreina. And his race is called the Aereon.
I really like the way this picture came out. Because it's a close-up of a face that I drew without a model (during class). And considering that it's a close-up of a face drawn without a model, it came out amazingly well. And he's really cute, I think. He's just a kid. Which he may not look like in the drawing, but yeah. I didn't color it cause I knew I'd just screw it up. The scan isn't really dark. Sorry. But you can get the idea. I want to hug him!!

This is a failed drawing of Naethem. But it gives you an idea of what their race looks like. I kinda want to give them a tail just because tails are awesome. But what kind of tail?

ANnd this person has nothing to do with Naethem.
This is a demi-goddess from Magic-Earth . The Goddess of Mercy. She's in charge of those tiny little things that make a big difference, and she protects those who can't protect themselves, and lends a hand to those who need it, ex. A stylized drawing of her (and yes that is a dress - she is not a mermaid).
First of all, this is Naethem. His race is from Haminal on the planet Soreina. And his race is called the Aereon.
I really like the way this picture came out. Because it's a close-up of a face that I drew without a model (during class). And considering that it's a close-up of a face drawn without a model, it came out amazingly well. And he's really cute, I think. He's just a kid. Which he may not look like in the drawing, but yeah. I didn't color it cause I knew I'd just screw it up. The scan isn't really dark. Sorry. But you can get the idea. I want to hug him!!

This is a failed drawing of Naethem. But it gives you an idea of what their race looks like. I kinda want to give them a tail just because tails are awesome. But what kind of tail?

ANnd this person has nothing to do with Naethem.
This is a demi-goddess from Magic-Earth . The Goddess of Mercy. She's in charge of those tiny little things that make a big difference, and she protects those who can't protect themselves, and lends a hand to those who need it, ex. A stylized drawing of her (and yes that is a dress - she is not a mermaid).

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Breaking the Taboo
Once again, I forgot to write about a fanfic I put up. It's only one chapter long. It's a Harry Potter fanfic. In the last book, the Death Eaters make a taboo on the name "Lord Voldemort." For those of you who don't know what that means, it means that anyone who uses Lord Voldemort's name can be tracked (because only people like Harry and Dumbeldore call him by his name). So, people who say that name are immediately assaulted by a group of Death Eaters.
My fanfic is about a girl who takes advantage of that to mess with the Death Eaters. And it's not only screaming his name and running off. Ooh, she's much more deep than that.
My fanfic is about a girl who takes advantage of that to mess with the Death Eaters. And it's not only screaming his name and running off. Ooh, she's much more deep than that.
Flight of Wyverns
So, remember Nicole's dream a REALLY long time ago about the dragons?
Well, it was like a perfect sequel to my "On Wings of Wvyerns." I wrote about one chapter back when Nicole had that dream. Now that I've finished Under the Masks, I'll start working on my newt wyvern story some more.
So, I know how it ends, and how it begins, but what about the middle?
And I also have to edit Under the Masks, and I'm finally going to start typing up Shadow Split too. It's sat long enough, and it deserves to get on the computer. Oh, it's so long though . It's gonna take me forever to type. Hence me stopping hand-writing long sections of story.
Well, it was like a perfect sequel to my "On Wings of Wvyerns." I wrote about one chapter back when Nicole had that dream. Now that I've finished Under the Masks, I'll start working on my newt wyvern story some more.
So, I know how it ends, and how it begins, but what about the middle?
And I also have to edit Under the Masks, and I'm finally going to start typing up Shadow Split too. It's sat long enough, and it deserves to get on the computer. Oh, it's so long though . It's gonna take me forever to type. Hence me stopping hand-writing long sections of story.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Tsubasa Chronicles
Yes, another post about a anime/manga.
Nicole recommended this one to me, and they had the series at my library so I started checking out and reading the books. I can read them much faster when I have them in front of me. I don't like reading them off the internet if I have another option.
I haven't watched the anime yet, except for the 1st 5 episodes that were on a DVD I found.
I liked the first part quite a bit when they were traveling around. After they stopped searching for feathers, I got really confused. Maybe things will be clarified after I watch the anime. Which I will do after I get through FMA Brotherhood and Tegami Bachi and... yeah. Too many.
There was a family party yesterday, with 4 of my cousins there (triplets who just graduated high school, and an older brother my age). They don't live really close, so I don't see them often, but it's fun to get together with them. Anyway I was talking with one of them about Anime. He recommended one to me, but I can't remember what it was called.
I wonder if I can fish out their emails from somewhere...
So, as sometimes happens, I was thinking. A lot of boys voices in anime are done by women. I thought about that for a while. It's kinda unfair cause it means that boys don't get as much chance to get involved in anime. But then I realized the obvious. Boy's voices change. I guess that's why they use women?
I think it was Crystal that sent me the link to a song sung by the woman who did Ed's voice. And I went O_O Ed is singing.
Another random post. I'm not posting as much about writing as I should. This is turning into an anime blog. I blame Ellen and Nicole.
Nicole recommended this one to me, and they had the series at my library so I started checking out and reading the books. I can read them much faster when I have them in front of me. I don't like reading them off the internet if I have another option.
I haven't watched the anime yet, except for the 1st 5 episodes that were on a DVD I found.
I liked the first part quite a bit when they were traveling around. After they stopped searching for feathers, I got really confused. Maybe things will be clarified after I watch the anime. Which I will do after I get through FMA Brotherhood and Tegami Bachi and... yeah. Too many.
There was a family party yesterday, with 4 of my cousins there (triplets who just graduated high school, and an older brother my age). They don't live really close, so I don't see them often, but it's fun to get together with them. Anyway I was talking with one of them about Anime. He recommended one to me, but I can't remember what it was called.
I wonder if I can fish out their emails from somewhere...
So, as sometimes happens, I was thinking. A lot of boys voices in anime are done by women. I thought about that for a while. It's kinda unfair cause it means that boys don't get as much chance to get involved in anime. But then I realized the obvious. Boy's voices change. I guess that's why they use women?
I think it was Crystal that sent me the link to a song sung by the woman who did Ed's voice. And I went O_O Ed is singing.
Another random post. I'm not posting as much about writing as I should. This is turning into an anime blog. I blame Ellen and Nicole.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Under the Masks
So, last night at 12:08 in the night, I finished Under the Masks.
I just realized that this thing has been sitting on my computer for 4 years. I've never improvised so much during any of my stories. Amazingly, when I hit a dead end, I'd stare at the screen, and within a minute, I'd know what to write next.
My spirit guides are watching out for me.
So, This story is going to need the most intense of editing. The beginning is all over the place, and the end goes against a lot of some of the beginning.
But I finished it. And I think it's pretty good. Maybe I'll think it's good-er after it undergoes its editing.
I just realized that this thing has been sitting on my computer for 4 years. I've never improvised so much during any of my stories. Amazingly, when I hit a dead end, I'd stare at the screen, and within a minute, I'd know what to write next.
My spirit guides are watching out for me.
So, This story is going to need the most intense of editing. The beginning is all over the place, and the end goes against a lot of some of the beginning.
But I finished it. And I think it's pretty good. Maybe I'll think it's good-er after it undergoes its editing.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Ben and Fang
So, without going into many of the details I just logged in my new "Fern Notebook," I shall now tell you a little bit about Fern's constant companions.
Fern isn't the only character that I reuse many times.
Let's see. I'll start with Fang. His full name is Dark Fang. He is a wolf. A black wolf. Now, I came up with Fang a long long time ago. And since that time, I have seen a lot of dogs, wolves, and even black wolves that are named Fang.
Uh... OK?
Lots of Fangs. Not including the winged guy who is in the book I am now reading that Ellen gave to me for my birthday! My birthday was in March, but I have not been reading as fast as I usually do, and there were a couple other books that I had to read too. But I started reading Fang a little while ago. Last night, I was up late reading Fang and before I knew it, it was past midnight. Which is not late for a lot of people. Generally over the summer, I like to have the lights out soon after 11:30. The annoying thing for me staying up past midnight is that I generally sleep in till 11:00 the next morning. Which then results in me being teased by Mom and Dad.
OK, I'm not sure how I got on such a random digression. I think it has to do with me just starting to watch the Vlog Brothers. Nicole told me about them. They're really funny. I'm going to ask her to post on the blog about them.
So, Fang. My fang, the wolf. He's Fern's traveling companion. He's there to fight by her side, or to curl up with while she's asleep, or to talk to when she's feeling down (remember, Fern can talk to animals).
And Ben. I like the name Ben because I don't know anyone named Ben. I mean, I've MET Bens. But I don't really know any Bens. At least, I didn't until a month ago. I'll discuss that after I tell you about MY Ben! So, Ben is Fern's best friend. Generally, Ben is very good at electronics and computers and... technology. Which means he's pretty much the opposite of Nature-Girl-Fern. But he's sweet, funny, and likes to tease.
As of now, Ben is currently in my Pokemon fanfic. He started out as Cara's traveling companion, but now he's studying how to improve electronic devices. They still see each other a lot though.
OK. So here's the weird thing. About a month ago, there was a Pokemon video game tournament. I went to get the free shiny Eevee. Also, the tournament was about 10 minutes away from my house, which was REALLY convenient, considering how far most of those things usually are.
So, in the line that formed before we were allowed into the bulding, I started talking to the people in line around me. In front of me was a girl named Izzi. And behind me was a boy name Ben.
A Ben that likes Pokemon, right? That's not all. This Ben also said that he took apart and put together his DS to try and fix it. A little scary. Pokemon-liking, electronic-doing Ben.
Nick (Squirrel guy) reminds me a lot of Ben, including his major being mechanics.
So, Fern has Fang, right? A few weeks ago, was trying to find a small companion for Fern . She needs a small animal that can either fly around, or climb really well. But I needed to find something really good. I still haven't gone through all of the birds (there's a lot of birds I like, but none of them feel RIGHt you know?)
I did go through all of the primates and the family that houses coatis, raccoons, and such.
I found four possibilities. Here's three of them:
Mongoose lemur

Furry-eared dwarf lemur

Squirrel monkey (my favorite monkey)

But I think so far, I'm leaning most towards a ringtail (of the raccoon family).
Fern isn't the only character that I reuse many times.
Let's see. I'll start with Fang. His full name is Dark Fang. He is a wolf. A black wolf. Now, I came up with Fang a long long time ago. And since that time, I have seen a lot of dogs, wolves, and even black wolves that are named Fang.
Uh... OK?
Lots of Fangs. Not including the winged guy who is in the book I am now reading that Ellen gave to me for my birthday! My birthday was in March, but I have not been reading as fast as I usually do, and there were a couple other books that I had to read too. But I started reading Fang a little while ago. Last night, I was up late reading Fang and before I knew it, it was past midnight. Which is not late for a lot of people. Generally over the summer, I like to have the lights out soon after 11:30. The annoying thing for me staying up past midnight is that I generally sleep in till 11:00 the next morning. Which then results in me being teased by Mom and Dad.
OK, I'm not sure how I got on such a random digression. I think it has to do with me just starting to watch the Vlog Brothers. Nicole told me about them. They're really funny. I'm going to ask her to post on the blog about them.
So, Fang. My fang, the wolf. He's Fern's traveling companion. He's there to fight by her side, or to curl up with while she's asleep, or to talk to when she's feeling down (remember, Fern can talk to animals).
And Ben. I like the name Ben because I don't know anyone named Ben. I mean, I've MET Bens. But I don't really know any Bens. At least, I didn't until a month ago. I'll discuss that after I tell you about MY Ben! So, Ben is Fern's best friend. Generally, Ben is very good at electronics and computers and... technology. Which means he's pretty much the opposite of Nature-Girl-Fern. But he's sweet, funny, and likes to tease.
As of now, Ben is currently in my Pokemon fanfic. He started out as Cara's traveling companion, but now he's studying how to improve electronic devices. They still see each other a lot though.
OK. So here's the weird thing. About a month ago, there was a Pokemon video game tournament. I went to get the free shiny Eevee. Also, the tournament was about 10 minutes away from my house, which was REALLY convenient, considering how far most of those things usually are.
So, in the line that formed before we were allowed into the bulding, I started talking to the people in line around me. In front of me was a girl named Izzi. And behind me was a boy name Ben.
A Ben that likes Pokemon, right? That's not all. This Ben also said that he took apart and put together his DS to try and fix it. A little scary. Pokemon-liking, electronic-doing Ben.
Nick (Squirrel guy) reminds me a lot of Ben, including his major being mechanics.
So, Fern has Fang, right? A few weeks ago, was trying to find a small companion for Fern . She needs a small animal that can either fly around, or climb really well. But I needed to find something really good. I still haven't gone through all of the birds (there's a lot of birds I like, but none of them feel RIGHt you know?)
I did go through all of the primates and the family that houses coatis, raccoons, and such.
I found four possibilities. Here's three of them:
Mongoose lemur

Furry-eared dwarf lemur

Squirrel monkey (my favorite monkey)

But I think so far, I'm leaning most towards a ringtail (of the raccoon family).

Thursday, June 17, 2010
I like the white legendary the most, I think. And I agree that the snake is the most interesting of the starters. But I don't get how on earth a snake Pokemon is supposed to have arms and legs...
OK! Fern. I don't know how much I've talked about her on my blog.
Whatever I've said, Fern is my most important character. And even so, she does not have a story of her own. How can my most important character not have a story of her own?
She's a traveler. She moves from place to place. She goes from X-Men to Lord of the Rings to The Last Airbender, to Maximum Ride, and so on. It's a decently sized list of places that Fern has visited. Avatear: Tha Last Airbender is her most recent journey.
What I do, is if I read or watch something that I get really attached to (or that I am not satisfied with and want to change), I stick Fern into the middle of it and have her interact with the characters, and sometimes change things.
Most of these I only do in my head. I don't write most of them down. There was a really long X-Men one that I wrote though. I suppose I could add more to it, but I haven't worked o it in a while. I was debating about putting it on fanfic a while ago, but I probably won't.
So, Fern. I think that if I had superpowers, I'd be like Fern. That's why I made her. She's a shapeshifter. She turns into animals and can talk to animals and plants (with that ever present telepathy thing that I use).
I could say a lot about Fern. A LOT. A few days ago, I started to chronicle all of the information about her. I've finished most of her background info and general stuff about her and her powers and her main friends (a black wolf named Dark Fang, and a boy named Ben). Now I want to write notes about what she's accomplished in the midst of other people's stories. Just so I can keep the ideas that I've lived in my head.
I kind of want to give Fern her own story. She deserves it. But I don't know what to make her do. She only steals other people's plots!
OK! Fern. I don't know how much I've talked about her on my blog.
Whatever I've said, Fern is my most important character. And even so, she does not have a story of her own. How can my most important character not have a story of her own?
She's a traveler. She moves from place to place. She goes from X-Men to Lord of the Rings to The Last Airbender, to Maximum Ride, and so on. It's a decently sized list of places that Fern has visited. Avatear: Tha Last Airbender is her most recent journey.
What I do, is if I read or watch something that I get really attached to (or that I am not satisfied with and want to change), I stick Fern into the middle of it and have her interact with the characters, and sometimes change things.
Most of these I only do in my head. I don't write most of them down. There was a really long X-Men one that I wrote though. I suppose I could add more to it, but I haven't worked o it in a while. I was debating about putting it on fanfic a while ago, but I probably won't.
So, Fern. I think that if I had superpowers, I'd be like Fern. That's why I made her. She's a shapeshifter. She turns into animals and can talk to animals and plants (with that ever present telepathy thing that I use).
I could say a lot about Fern. A LOT. A few days ago, I started to chronicle all of the information about her. I've finished most of her background info and general stuff about her and her powers and her main friends (a black wolf named Dark Fang, and a boy named Ben). Now I want to write notes about what she's accomplished in the midst of other people's stories. Just so I can keep the ideas that I've lived in my head.
I kind of want to give Fern her own story. She deserves it. But I don't know what to make her do. She only steals other people's plots!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Admittedly there seem to be stranger and stranger pokemon, not all of them good (seriously, the starter pokemon are laaaame, except for maaaaybe the snake), but have you seen the legendaries for the 5th gen? OH. MY. GAWD. They are beautiful. I think the only thing they've been consistent with good quality are the legendaries!
And this pokemon is okay (weird name though):
Legendaries shown here:
And this pokemon is okay (weird name though):
Legendaries shown here:
Monday, June 14, 2010
Pokemon 5th Generation
You know, I wish Pokemon would stop making new Pokemon. They recently released pictures of some of the new Pokemon in the 5th generations. None of them have been at all interesting . The mouse thing was kinda cute, but not in an interesting way.
I thought they could sink no lower than Bronzor: the poker chip with eyes.
I was wrong. Now they have a Pokemon that looks like a gear with eyes.
STOP MAKING SUCH STUPID NEW POKEMON! There weren't even many good ones in the 4th generations. STOP ALREADY!
I thought they could sink no lower than Bronzor: the poker chip with eyes.
I was wrong. Now they have a Pokemon that looks like a gear with eyes.
STOP MAKING SUCH STUPID NEW POKEMON! There weren't even many good ones in the 4th generations. STOP ALREADY!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Full Metal Alchemist Finale
So, I went on Deviantart and saw a picture of Winry hugging Ed and Al. The caption said that FMA was done.
I went O_O
and dashed to the nearest manga sight. Sure enough, the last chapter was up.
The whole time I was reading the ending I was like
But in a happy way!! Aww!
I like the 2nd to last page where they show all the snapshots and you can see what happens in the future. Aww! YAAAAYYYYY!!!!
So, don't look at the pictures if you don't want spoilers. I just had to put them up!!!!!

I went O_O
and dashed to the nearest manga sight. Sure enough, the last chapter was up.
The whole time I was reading the ending I was like
But in a happy way!! Aww!
I like the 2nd to last page where they show all the snapshots and you can see what happens in the future. Aww! YAAAAYYYYY!!!!
So, don't look at the pictures if you don't want spoilers. I just had to put them up!!!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010
There aren't any good cartoons on anymore. Everything on Disney is pretty bad. They should play some of the old Disney cartoons! What else is the Disney Channel good for?
All the cartoons are so 2 dimensional. There's absolutely NO skill involved in their drawing. And the little I've seen of them looks so STUPID. I swear, it's gonna scar the kids that watch them. My cousin said it perfectly: It dumbs kids down.
Hey Arnold
Wild Thornberries (I used to love that cause the girl could talk to animals)
Chalk Zone
Spongebob was OK at first, but now it's just as bad as everything else.
Those were fun to watch! There's nothing like that on anymore. I wish they'd re-run them!
Stupid, mean, immature.
Some level of stupidness can be fun. Same with immature. But these cartoons nowadays are NOT the good kinds of stupid and immature.
All the cartoons are so 2 dimensional. There's absolutely NO skill involved in their drawing. And the little I've seen of them looks so STUPID. I swear, it's gonna scar the kids that watch them. My cousin said it perfectly: It dumbs kids down.
Hey Arnold
Wild Thornberries (I used to love that cause the girl could talk to animals)
Chalk Zone
Spongebob was OK at first, but now it's just as bad as everything else.
Those were fun to watch! There's nothing like that on anymore. I wish they'd re-run them!
Stupid, mean, immature.
Some level of stupidness can be fun. Same with immature. But these cartoons nowadays are NOT the good kinds of stupid and immature.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
The Smallest Dragon Boy
I read this short story, "The Smallest Dragonboy," in 7th grade. It was in a big textbook full of short stories. I think it must have been tweaked slightly to make more sense since it was based off a long series of books (The Dragonriders of Pern).
This story, I think, is the roots for me being so much into dragons. I never disliked them, but that story really fascinated me. And it took a while after it for me to REALLY love dragons as much as I do now. (I'm not sure what the exact turning point for THAT was, but it was only a few years ago).
I haven't read many of the Pern books. I read that short story, the harper series, and then the first 2 books in the main series. I've heard that the books bog down after that, though I'm not sure. The one about the white dragon seems interesting.
Back in middle school, I started planning to steal the color-scheme setup of the dragons. I had planned to steal a LOT of stuff back then. Blatant thefts. Not even discrete ones (Most authors do minor thefts). But anyway, I have my own dragon system now! Take that! And no, I didn't steal the telepathy thing from Pern. I got it straight form the source - the Animal communicator that I know.
It was a couple years ago that I decided to go on a search for "The Smallest Dragonboy." I looked it up and found it in a book of short stories. I bought it. I don't like any of the other short stories, but at least I have "The Smallest Dragonboy!"
I recommend it and the harper series. The harper series starts a bit slow, but it's interesting.
This story, I think, is the roots for me being so much into dragons. I never disliked them, but that story really fascinated me. And it took a while after it for me to REALLY love dragons as much as I do now. (I'm not sure what the exact turning point for THAT was, but it was only a few years ago).
I haven't read many of the Pern books. I read that short story, the harper series, and then the first 2 books in the main series. I've heard that the books bog down after that, though I'm not sure. The one about the white dragon seems interesting.
Back in middle school, I started planning to steal the color-scheme setup of the dragons. I had planned to steal a LOT of stuff back then. Blatant thefts. Not even discrete ones (Most authors do minor thefts). But anyway, I have my own dragon system now! Take that! And no, I didn't steal the telepathy thing from Pern. I got it straight form the source - the Animal communicator that I know.
It was a couple years ago that I decided to go on a search for "The Smallest Dragonboy." I looked it up and found it in a book of short stories. I bought it. I don't like any of the other short stories, but at least I have "The Smallest Dragonboy!"
I recommend it and the harper series. The harper series starts a bit slow, but it's interesting.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Manga vs. Books
I just had an epiphany for the ending scene of my mask book! It's been bugging me for a while because I didn't know what the heck to do with the climax! So, I was sitting, staring at the computer screen for a couple minutes, and all of a sudden, BLINK! There was the idea!
I thank my guardian spirits, and even my imaginary friends! Hahah! My Idea Spirits.
Oh, at fanime, I got a REALLY good idea for a story too! As usual, I'm really excited to write it, but there's so much I'm working on right now that I won't start anything until I finish up some stuff.
So, what I'm currently working on: The Mask Story.
My Pokemon Fanfic
My Zelda Fanfic
And once I finish "Under the Masks," I'm going to need to do some MAJOR editing one it.
And then (Or at the same time) I need to start typing up Shadow Split. Since I finished Shadow Split, I haven't written more than a few solid pages of story. I don't mean notes, but actual text. It's convenient to have a binder that I carry with me when I'm writing, but to hand write a whole story that's over 200 pages... and then to have to type it up and edit it, well, that's just too much. I'm not going to hand write any more stories like that anymore. It's too much. If I'm really inspired, I'll write a few pages. That's find. Just not 200.
SOO, to the title of my post.
A couple days ago, I started thinking. And I blame this entirely on Ellen and Nicole, who started it! Manga and Anime. First of all, what is it that gets people so hooked on them? Well, anime aren't like a solid movie. Since they come in episodes, they keep you going and into the whole thing for a much longer period of time than any movie or series of movies. And unlike a lot of american cartoons, a lot of anime follow a general plot as opposed to being entirely episodic. Also, anime tend to have really awesome characters! That goes for manga too. Manga, instead of "competing" with movies, "compete" with books. Now, books come in series too. But they don't have pictures with them! (I've heard that the idea for american comic books was taken from manga! Hahah!)
So, like I said, a couple days ago, I started thinking. Writing books, and writing manga. Manga can be so enthralling! They're so different from normal books. For a moment, I thought that manga would be a better thing to work on than books. I should get into that instead of writing. I sort of mentally gave myself a smack . Of course not! First of all, I would NEVER have the patience (nor likely the skill) to illustrate an entire thing like that. And the only real writing that is shown in the manga is the dialogue. The rest is shown in the images.
But more importantly, I really LOVE to just write! To try to place my images and thoughts down for others to see and be touched by. Yes, good manga can be really good. But they're not books. Books are good too! They cna br great! And they also allow the reader some degree of freedom to let their imagination roam.
I like to write books. That's what I'm sticking with.
However, if anyone ever wanted to turn my stories into manga, that would be awesome too! Assuming they did a good job. Like Ellen, who started doing a couple of pages of "Moon Dragon" in manga form! You should do more of that!
And the manga version of Maximum Ride was really good too.
I thank my guardian spirits, and even my imaginary friends! Hahah! My Idea Spirits.
Oh, at fanime, I got a REALLY good idea for a story too! As usual, I'm really excited to write it, but there's so much I'm working on right now that I won't start anything until I finish up some stuff.
So, what I'm currently working on: The Mask Story.
My Pokemon Fanfic
My Zelda Fanfic
And once I finish "Under the Masks," I'm going to need to do some MAJOR editing one it.
And then (Or at the same time) I need to start typing up Shadow Split. Since I finished Shadow Split, I haven't written more than a few solid pages of story. I don't mean notes, but actual text. It's convenient to have a binder that I carry with me when I'm writing, but to hand write a whole story that's over 200 pages... and then to have to type it up and edit it, well, that's just too much. I'm not going to hand write any more stories like that anymore. It's too much. If I'm really inspired, I'll write a few pages. That's find. Just not 200.
SOO, to the title of my post.
A couple days ago, I started thinking. And I blame this entirely on Ellen and Nicole, who started it! Manga and Anime. First of all, what is it that gets people so hooked on them? Well, anime aren't like a solid movie. Since they come in episodes, they keep you going and into the whole thing for a much longer period of time than any movie or series of movies. And unlike a lot of american cartoons, a lot of anime follow a general plot as opposed to being entirely episodic. Also, anime tend to have really awesome characters! That goes for manga too. Manga, instead of "competing" with movies, "compete" with books. Now, books come in series too. But they don't have pictures with them! (I've heard that the idea for american comic books was taken from manga! Hahah!)
So, like I said, a couple days ago, I started thinking. Writing books, and writing manga. Manga can be so enthralling! They're so different from normal books. For a moment, I thought that manga would be a better thing to work on than books. I should get into that instead of writing. I sort of mentally gave myself a smack . Of course not! First of all, I would NEVER have the patience (nor likely the skill) to illustrate an entire thing like that. And the only real writing that is shown in the manga is the dialogue. The rest is shown in the images.
But more importantly, I really LOVE to just write! To try to place my images and thoughts down for others to see and be touched by. Yes, good manga can be really good. But they're not books. Books are good too! They cna br great! And they also allow the reader some degree of freedom to let their imagination roam.
I like to write books. That's what I'm sticking with.
However, if anyone ever wanted to turn my stories into manga, that would be awesome too! Assuming they did a good job. Like Ellen, who started doing a couple of pages of "Moon Dragon" in manga form! You should do more of that!
And the manga version of Maximum Ride was really good too.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Thanks, Steph.
We're gonna come and visit you at the restaurant! I've convinced Mom and Dad (or at least Dad) to come since Ellen and Nicole aren't out of school yet. Anyway, I really want to try ramen, because the only ramen I've ever had is the one packaged brand, which is pretty good. What kind of ramen would you recommend? (I don't like miso in soup though, so not that). And we even got Japanese food when we went down for fanime! There was ramen on the menu, but I didn't get it. And now I wish that I did.
Fanime was fun! I like to look at all the booths. But I can really only stand about half an hour of masquerade before I start feeling really BLA and wishing I were elsewhere. Except all the shops close, so I can't look around and I didn't bring a book while Ellen, Nicole, John, Daniel, and co were at Masquerade. So I had to sit and feel really ugh. I don't like loud (and immature) stuff for too long, and most of the skits in masquerade are exactly that.
Anyway, except for that, I did have a lot of fun! One day was plenty for me. The whole weekend (last year) was a bit of an overload. And this year I knew more anime things, so I wasn't QUITE so lost.
I got an Ed figurine. And after I got home I realized that it was the first time that I bought a figurine of a human. Almost all of my figures, statues, plushies, pictures, etc, are animals or strange creatures, or even animal-ish humans (fairies, ex). There have been occasions where I've bought a pack of things that had humans in it, but I didn't get the pack for the human figures I got it for the other figures.
So, my Ed figurine is a first. In the figure he's not wearing his jacket though. Which is too bad. I really like his jacket. They had Ed's jacket for sale there at fanime, but it was over $60. Sigh. Where would I wear it, anyway? Even if it is really cool!!
So, yes, I'm rambling about fanime. And it's taken me several days to post because I just got back from Yosemite today with my family. It's very pretty up there! I need wings to fly up to all the peaks! I have decided that the Magic-Earth Yosemite will host flocks of Anjels (the winged bird people) in one of my upcoming stories. I dunno which yet though. I just really want to do it! Though dragons would be awesome there too!
Thanks, Steph.
We're gonna come and visit you at the restaurant! I've convinced Mom and Dad (or at least Dad) to come since Ellen and Nicole aren't out of school yet. Anyway, I really want to try ramen, because the only ramen I've ever had is the one packaged brand, which is pretty good. What kind of ramen would you recommend? (I don't like miso in soup though, so not that). And we even got Japanese food when we went down for fanime! There was ramen on the menu, but I didn't get it. And now I wish that I did.
Fanime was fun! I like to look at all the booths. But I can really only stand about half an hour of masquerade before I start feeling really BLA and wishing I were elsewhere. Except all the shops close, so I can't look around and I didn't bring a book while Ellen, Nicole, John, Daniel, and co were at Masquerade. So I had to sit and feel really ugh. I don't like loud (and immature) stuff for too long, and most of the skits in masquerade are exactly that.
Anyway, except for that, I did have a lot of fun! One day was plenty for me. The whole weekend (last year) was a bit of an overload. And this year I knew more anime things, so I wasn't QUITE so lost.
I got an Ed figurine. And after I got home I realized that it was the first time that I bought a figurine of a human. Almost all of my figures, statues, plushies, pictures, etc, are animals or strange creatures, or even animal-ish humans (fairies, ex). There have been occasions where I've bought a pack of things that had humans in it, but I didn't get the pack for the human figures I got it for the other figures.
So, my Ed figurine is a first. In the figure he's not wearing his jacket though. Which is too bad. I really like his jacket. They had Ed's jacket for sale there at fanime, but it was over $60. Sigh. Where would I wear it, anyway? Even if it is really cool!!
So, yes, I'm rambling about fanime. And it's taken me several days to post because I just got back from Yosemite today with my family. It's very pretty up there! I need wings to fly up to all the peaks! I have decided that the Magic-Earth Yosemite will host flocks of Anjels (the winged bird people) in one of my upcoming stories. I dunno which yet though. I just really want to do it! Though dragons would be awesome there too!
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