Fern isn't the only character that I reuse many times.
Let's see. I'll start with Fang. His full name is Dark Fang. He is a wolf. A black wolf. Now, I came up with Fang a long long time ago. And since that time, I have seen a lot of dogs, wolves, and even black wolves that are named Fang.
Uh... OK?
Lots of Fangs. Not including the winged guy who is in the book I am now reading that Ellen gave to me for my birthday! My birthday was in March, but I have not been reading as fast as I usually do, and there were a couple other books that I had to read too. But I started reading Fang a little while ago. Last night, I was up late reading Fang and before I knew it, it was past midnight. Which is not late for a lot of people. Generally over the summer, I like to have the lights out soon after 11:30. The annoying thing for me staying up past midnight is that I generally sleep in till 11:00 the next morning. Which then results in me being teased by Mom and Dad.
OK, I'm not sure how I got on such a random digression. I think it has to do with me just starting to watch the Vlog Brothers. Nicole told me about them. They're really funny. I'm going to ask her to post on the blog about them.
So, Fang. My fang, the wolf. He's Fern's traveling companion. He's there to fight by her side, or to curl up with while she's asleep, or to talk to when she's feeling down (remember, Fern can talk to animals).
And Ben. I like the name Ben because I don't know anyone named Ben. I mean, I've MET Bens. But I don't really know any Bens. At least, I didn't until a month ago. I'll discuss that after I tell you about MY Ben! So, Ben is Fern's best friend. Generally, Ben is very good at electronics and computers and... technology. Which means he's pretty much the opposite of Nature-Girl-Fern. But he's sweet, funny, and likes to tease.
As of now, Ben is currently in my Pokemon fanfic. He started out as Cara's traveling companion, but now he's studying how to improve electronic devices. They still see each other a lot though.
OK. So here's the weird thing. About a month ago, there was a Pokemon video game tournament. I went to get the free shiny Eevee. Also, the tournament was about 10 minutes away from my house, which was REALLY convenient, considering how far most of those things usually are.
So, in the line that formed before we were allowed into the bulding, I started talking to the people in line around me. In front of me was a girl named Izzi. And behind me was a boy name Ben.
A Ben that likes Pokemon, right? That's not all. This Ben also said that he took apart and put together his DS to try and fix it. A little scary. Pokemon-liking, electronic-doing Ben.
Nick (Squirrel guy) reminds me a lot of Ben, including his major being mechanics.
So, Fern has Fang, right? A few weeks ago, was trying to find a small companion for Fern . She needs a small animal that can either fly around, or climb really well. But I needed to find something really good. I still haven't gone through all of the birds (there's a lot of birds I like, but none of them feel RIGHt you know?)
I did go through all of the primates and the family that houses coatis, raccoons, and such.
I found four possibilities. Here's three of them:
Mongoose lemur

Furry-eared dwarf lemur

Squirrel monkey (my favorite monkey)

But I think so far, I'm leaning most towards a ringtail (of the raccoon family).

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