Z: What?
OK, glad I got that out of my system. I've been wanting to do that for a while. That's my favorite quote from the series. Heheh.
So, Nicole, Crystal, and I went to Ellen and Kelly's house today and made plushies!
Ellen's awesome, and she made both Nicole and I Zuko plushies! It took her a long time to finish them. she'd been working on them long before plushie day. And in addition to that, she made bases for the rest of our plushies.
Nicole's choice surprised me, but she wanted this one to pair with her Zuko plushie. So she made Iroh.
Crystal made one of her own characters - a cute little guy named Ferres (spelling?). He has ears and a tail. ^-^
And I made Ling Yao from FMA. I dunno why, but I kinda felt like it (out of my list of possible plushies to make) and he has an awesome jacket too!
So, picture time!
I don't have Iroh or Ferres. Maybe we can get Nicole/Crystal to put them up! Hint hint.
So, my plushie of Ling is first. Final is Ling, the Zuko Ellen made me, and the cute little winged creature that Stephanie made for me for my birthday. She named him Marco.
Just so's ya know, here's Ling.

He's really funny.
Oh yeah! Now I have to post these too!
Ellen, Nicole, and I went to Japan Town recently. While there, I got a pudding keychain (there were many little fake foods, and you never knew which one you were gonna get). So, when we got home, I thought "who should I give this pudding to?" And then I went "Ling!"
Then Ellen said that he should be defending it from someone. So we got this one. Heheh.
Roy: Hand over the pudding.
Ling: Never!
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