

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Poem: FMA Tribute

All is one, one is all.

Everything is connected.

Everything is me.

I am everything,

And I am me.

Without one, all cannot exist.

Without all, one cannot exist.

Equivalent exchange

Without the world, I cannot exist.

Without the individual, the world cannot exist.

And you are you.

You are everything,

Everything is you.

Everything is connected.

All is one, one is all.

So I was trying to re-write/edit my Why I Write thing after reading a bunch of other author's short things on why they write. And I assembled it into a bunch of short phrases, which I then turned into some kind of weird FMA tribute or something. I suck at writing poetry, but putting it into a paragraph just seemed wrong. I guess I cant really turn this in, seeing as how most of it is quotation from FMA, but I hope at least you guys can read it an let me know what you think...

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