I think it was Ellen that called me a plushie-making machine.
But Mom's away for a couple week and Dad's teaching a winter session. my classes start next week, so for 2 weeks I've had no one telling me what do do! It's amazing! Even when I'm on vacation, Mom's always giving me stuff to do. I've never had so much completely free time to do whatever I want! I've been watching anime. I finished Ouran (Instead of starting a new one, I started watching FMA Brotherhood again). But I have started the second season of Spice and Wolf.
Oh, I checked out the DVD with the 1st 3 episodes of Inuyasha. I'd read some of the books from the library, and I like it so far. And after watching the first 3 episodes, I suddenly want to watch the whole thing! Although I'd like to read it first... I need to get the next book from the library, but it's checked out... Inuyasha has fluffy ears Heheh. His outfit's cool too. I like Shippo. He has a fluffy tail!
And I still can't find Yuyu Hakusho online with english subs. Maybe I can check it out at my school library... I've only seen the 1st 5 episodes.
Reading lots of manga.
Mom taught me to crochet right after Christmas, and I"m making a scarf. I'm gonna try to make another leather mask, and I want to start making a pattern for another project of mine.
I checked out a book from the library. It's supposed to be the best fantasy stories of the year (it's a couple years old). They're pretty good, but nothing that I LOVE yet.
I have to finish this game so I can return Ellen's PS2. I'M SORRY I'VE HAD IT SO LONG!!!!! I'm almost done though. I just have to get over the last set of bosses.
And then there's lots of writing for me to do!
There's so much to do! Break is almost over! Aah! And Mom gets home day after tomorrow! Oh no!
How can people ever get bored over break?
Anyway, here's Shadow Link. Dude, he'd get so mad if he knew I made a plushie out of him. Don't tell, okay?
His hat didn't turn out quite right. It sticks straight out behind him. And I tried to give him a sort of smirk, but when I put the hair on, it covered the smirk up so now it just looks like he's smiling.
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