

Saturday, February 5, 2011

So... the Weather?

I heard about that Zuko thing! I can't wait till the new Avatar comes out! (I also just learned that the Ghibli Borrowers isn't coming out until NEXT FREAKING YEAR! What's wrong with you people? It's out in the other countries!)
Oh, I was laughing at your dubs partly because I was remembering at how Aang freaked out when a girl played him in that play. And Now girls are auditioning for him too! Ellen, you're hurting Aang's pride!
Oh, and to answer a previous question, I don't have as much free time now that classes have started. Now I actually have homework... And chores too. Those 2 weeks were a blessing with Mom the Task Master gone.

I heard from a friend of mine in a different state that it's snowing. And I said ," that's strange. It's sunny and warm here." Strange but beautiful weather for early February... The plants are all confused too. All of the flowers are blooming. If a storm comes, those flowers will be blown away.
It's really nice out, but we do need rain. Hopefully it will come soon.
Global Warming?

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