I blame Ellen and Crystal entirely because they're amazing artists and when I asked them to draw my characters, they did amaaazingly.
As you know, around the beginning of summer I discovered what a kiriban was and won 2 pictures from wonderful artists on Deviantart, one of which did the lovely picture of my dragon Heyoa (the other is still pending).
And a few weeks ago, I got a paypal account, which has a significant contributing factor in the following events.
So now I've actually bought a couple commissions from artists. And two of them came in todayyyy!!!!!
I asked the artist Sunimo to draw one of my dragons for me. The dragon that's the mascot of my blog. Basically, if Fern were ever to transform into a dragon, this is what she would look like.
Admittedly, it's very different from what I expected, but it's very good.

And then I asked Griffsnuff to draw a chibi of Tyra for me. It's sooooo adorable! I looves her!

I shall most certainly post the next one when it comes on.
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