Last week on the train, I noticed that the man that announced our station stops sounded a little unusual. He sounded like Mr. Sulu (from Star Trek) speaking in a voice exactly like the narrator from The Haunted Mansion ride (in Disney Land). Every time I heard "Now arriving at___" I had to fight the urge to laugh.
Today at the train... the person on the speaker sounded like Kermit the Frog with a slightly lower voice.
I'm incredibly curious. Are the conductors trying to make our lives more interesting? Is it one guy who's excellent at imitations? (Because halfway home, the Sulu voice resumed).
Okay, more Nuzlocke stuff. Aren't you excited? I'm mainly doing this as a log to myself because I find it kinda interesting, even though you guys probably don't care about it.
Komali evolved into a Pidgeotto Tuesday night.
Wednesday I went into Ilex Forest. The first Pokémon I found was another Zubat (Female, level 5, Naive. And typically the only Zubat I found in that forest. Wish I'd gotten something more interesting). I named her Nana, after the bat girl in + Anima.
Chu evolved into a Raticate.
After a lot of level grinding (it takes a looong time because the Pokémon here are a low level) we defeated Bugsy and moved on.
I arrived at Route 34, ready to catch my next Pokémon. I sent Hinoe out against a Rattata. The unfortunate combination of Hinoe cutting her HP with Curse and the fact that Rattata knew Bite... Hinoe is now truly a ghost. TT^TT I'm ssoooooorrrry Hinoe! I made another stupid mistake and LOST YOUUUU. I sacrificed my Gastly for a 3rd Rattata. That's the second useful Pokémon I've lost to a stupid mistake. I haven't lost any in an actual touch battle. I need to think more...
So Zabimaru has moved forwards to take Hinoe's place.
I won a bunch of coins at the game corner and got myself a Dratini (female, level 15, Docile). I named her Therru, from Tales From Earthsea.
I took part in the bug catching competion in the National Park. I caught a Weedle (female, level 7, Adamant). I named her Hunny, because bees make honey, so I named her after the boy from Ouran.
Back down to Route 35 where I caught a Nidoran male (Level 12, Naive). I named him Hazel from Watership Down.
Then a guy asked me to deliver a letter and gave me a Spearow named Kenya. Maybe I'll just steal her for fun... (female, level 20, Hasty).
Back to Azalea Town where I used Headbutt to catch another Spearow (male, level 7, Timid). I named him Tanpopo (dandelion) after the little yellow bird in XXX Holic.
When I get the good rod, I'm going back to Cherrygrove and Violet City to fish for some Pokémon. Still not sure if I'm allowed to catch Pokémon from the same in areas with a different Pokémon "roster," but since I have plenty of Pokémon right now, I don't think I need to worry about that.