

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Cara and Twilight

Last night I had a sort of epiphany about my tablet. I haven't really had much chance to work with my tablet since class started. I'd used it to color pictures that I'd done by hand. I tried a couple linearts on the tablet, but they never turned out right. The Fluttershy I attempted was all wonky and wobbly. When I realized what I was doing wrong, it was so simple and easy that I wonder why it took me so long to realize it.
So, I was excited to try it out today. And this was the result.

It's soooo much better than the other stuff I've done! Waaaah!! Me paying attention to artist techniques on DA is starting to pay off!
Twilight is sooooo adorable! He needs to be hugged!
Technically that's Cara, not Fern, but I just stuck her in Fern's outfit. They're basically the same person in different worlds.
Auughhhh. I want to draw moooore! But I've spent a huge portion of today finishing this, and I really need to start working on one of my 3 research papers that's due before long.

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