

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Time to Write

So, here I am at the Writer's Retreat.
We've done some interesting exercises so far, but some of them I won't post until I'm at home, because I need to use my scanner.
But they've also given us plenty of time to do our own writing. And I finished editing chapter 3 of Katani yesterday! Wahahah!
We really only had one main activity yesterday, which was writing about nature. Although I include a lot of nature in my writing already.

This morning, we had two guest speakers. One was an agent, who gave us a lot of advice about getting published. I want to scan the fliers she handed out, and then I'll talk about them. Because there was definitely some helpful stuff in it.
The other woman worked in communication. She talked about how important, and almost essential it is to have some sort of website thing where people can look up stuff about you. Publishers often want to see if you have a blog or twitter or facebook or something, because social networking is so crazy important nowadays. And she talked about how to get more people to follow you. I'm sure I could attract more followers if I started doing different stuff with the blog, and advertised it. But I have fun with it right now as it is. I could advertise my blog on Facebook, or Deviantart or Fanfiction. But I don't know if anyone else I know would actually read what I write.
Which brings up another question. I have 6 followers on the blog, who I've been wondering about for a while. I don't think I know them, so I wonder if they found my blog and thought it interesting. Or if they actually read my stuff when I post it.
I do wonder if people I don't know would actually be interested in reading my blog.

We did some activities just a couple hours ago. We drew sound (blindfolded with our non-dominant hand) and then had to make a picture out of it. To see what we can create out of craziness. I ended up with a bunch of sombrero-wearing guys sitting around a campfire.
We read some short story excerpts and discussed them.
And then everyone got a photograph and wrote a story about it for 15 minutes. I'll share mine when I can scan the picture.

It's actually quite a small group. There's six of us in the program, not including the person in charge and the guest speakers. I'm pretty sure I'm the youngest. I'm also the only one who's really into fantasy. I've told everyone that I take fantasy seriously, since there's so much bad fantasy out there. That I spend a lot of time developing worlds and rules and everything. And that I include a lot of themes, especially environmental ones. Maybe I'm just too self-conscious about writing fantasy since no one else is really working on it. Especially since its young-adult fantasy. Somehow it seems like fiction and nonfiction writers don't take young adult fantasy seriously (because so much of it is so bad). Unless that's just me? What do you think?

Fact of the day:
Only female mosquitos drink blood, and only when they have babies.

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