

Friday, August 24, 2012

Another great writing blog

I have been AWOL from the blogging/internet world for a little too long perhaps.  But just to prove that I have been doing something and that I do go on the internet here's great writing blog that I found while perusing the vast collection of blogger blogs.

Seeing as this is also a writing blog, I thought it'd be pertinent to talk about this new one.  It's called The Bookshelf Muse and I have to say it's got some pretty neat stuff.

There's an emotion thesaurus, which lists particular traits, actions, or feelings of that particular emotion.  There are quite a few emotion entries and it also comes in book form.

A weather thesaurus, which lists descriptions and emotions associated with weather.

Character traits thesaurus for, obviously, character traits.  For example, diplomatic, courageous, worry wart, etc.

A Colors, Shapes, and Textures thesaurus
Settings Thesaurus
Symbolism Thesaurus
Plus a bunch of links and writing aids
There's also a Zombielicious Resources section

And this is only in the side bar clickable links section.

The actual main content and things that aren't accessible via the sidebar are extremely interesting and helpful as well.  So for those of you who come to this blog for writing stuff I hope you enjoy The Bookshelf Muse.  And for those of you who come from the shenanigans of myself and Tara, well I'll post again very briefly as I've been bad and neglecting the internet.

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