

Monday, September 24, 2012

Comic practice

Lots of posts today.
I was gonna wait and upload a whole bunch together, but I'll just put these up now.
So... I draw in class. Probably too much. Sometimes I draw comics. I've got several comic ideas. But I don't draw them fast enough, so they build up.
I don't know if any of these are funny. That's okay. They're just practice.
The first one I finished probably near the beginning of last semester. It's based off Heart Gold. When I was taking on Team Rocket's base, I got soooo many phone calls from Crystal's mom! It got really annoying after a while.

Here's some stupid thing I thought when I saw these FMA figure.
Two pages.

Here's the second one that I finished maybe last week.
Nothing specific going on here. I guess you could set it on my Magic-Earth. The little girl was Touched, so she got her own wings.
Three pages

So let me know what ya think. I'm working on another one right now, from Katani's story. Art is much better. And It's funnier too. I'll make the dialogue more readable also.

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