

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I was debating about whether or not to post about the Oscars. Mainly because I knew I'd complain about them.
The thing about the Oscars, is that I always vote for the movies I've seen that I like. For example, if I loved a movie that had horrible makeup, I'd be voting for it to win best makeup.
This is the first time I watched the Oscars all the way through.
Best animated picture. Why does Pixar always win? Don't get me wrong. I usually love Pixar. But that does not mean that they need to win best animated picture every single year. I think I actually liked Wreck-it-Ralph better than Brave. Although Brave had beautiful animation, Wreck-it-Ralph was much more creative. I wish Rise of the Guardians was nominated. Though I suppose I can understand why it wasn't.
I'm glad Paper Man won best animated short though. That was a great one. So was the short before Brave.
Ahhhhhh, when the cast of Les Mis started singing One Day More, I started to get really excited. I love love LOVE that song. I thought they were only going to sing Suddenly. How could they not win Best Song after that beautiful performance? TT^TT
Life of Pi got some good stuff. That was a pretty impressive movie too. And the actor that did Lincoln sure did an amazing job. But I was voting for Jean Valjean for Best Actor. It's too bad that Lincoln and Les Miserables came out the same year, or Jackman would have definitely won. I mean, the guy didn't drink anything for THREE DAYS STRAIGHT in order to look so gaunt during the beginning (I've been watching a bunch of interviews from the movie).
Anne Hathaway sure deserved best supporting actress.
I was voting Les Mis for best picture. Sigh. Even though I've never seen Argo, I am annoyed that it won. Aren't I biased? (I still get annoyed when I remember that Avatar didn't win Best Picture).

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