

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Acrostic Poem

I think I'll do one more poem outline.
This time the acrostic poem. You're probably seen it before. Because if you take the first letter of each line, it will spell a word. Often a person. And the poem is about that one word.
I guess I should to an example. Hmm. But that means I'd have to think of one.
Maybe later. I waited too late to write this, so my brain is too sleepy to think poetry. Heheh.

I've got four more plushie orders before I leave for Japan. So that's good. I definitely need the money, and I have time to finish all of them before I take off. And someone bought one of the other premade plushies I put on Etsy. I added a couple of my Pokémon plushies that I made a while ago because I have too many plushies, and I need money. @_@ And not just for Japan. I keep having to buy expensive medicine for Alaska. Her abscess tooth isn't getting worse, but in order to keep it that way, she needs to take 2 kinds of medicine. And I had to buy both of them last week. $80. Holy frack. I wonder if her tooth will ever get better. The vet might be able to take it out, but it's not certain that it will fix everything. And it might create other problems. I'm not sure if I'll be able to do anything about it before Japan... so I just home Mom and Dad can take care of her good while I'm gone.
TT^TT poor bunny. It's sad having an old pet, because she has so many problems now.
And Leaf has been stealing my plushie pieces. I think she stole one of the wings. Mom and I looked everywhere, but can't find it. I'll ask Dad in the morning. The wings are really annoying to make, so I hope I can find it.

Trying to figure out my first day in Japan has been really crazy. In many ways. Because originally I thought I'd be able to get off the plane and on a train to Kyoto. But it turns out that there's no way I'd be able to get to the train station on time. So I was stressing about that for a while and finally decided that the only thing to do was stay in Tokyo for the night. So I had to get a hotel room and cancel one night in Kyoto. But I couldn't cancel just one night. I had to re-book the entire thing and then delete my first reservation. Why does it have to be so hard?
But I'm definitely glad I did it. Now I feel a helluvalot better about the trip.

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