

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A Brief Reprieve, and Curses

So, finished the big test yesterday. I spent the entire day beforehand studying, and several evenings before that to boot. I actually have a couple of the scores already, but I have no idea what they mean. XP they sound good though, I hope.
I'm taking a class this semester, which will make the grad program easier once accepted (and I better get accepted, considering how much money I'm spending to take the class and that stupid test. >:l ).
And I really should be working on my statement for the application... but I think I'll slack off tonight and try to finish this chapter of my fanfic.

Oh, and after months of no ideas, I finally discovered some exclamations and curse words that I can use for my stories. I guess being in band, surrounded by music, helped me think of them? (Probably not, but it sounds nice). Now that I've got the hang of it, I can probably think of some more too. It helped reading descriptions about the explanations used in the Pern series. I checked out the guide to Pern from the library. I like books that explain how fantasy/scifi worlds work. I have a few of them. They're excellent reference and source for ideas. And they help you see what holes need to be filled.
Tomorrow is the first day of the creative writing class that I took last semester. The second semester works different from the first. I'll actually be able to focus on parts of my story to submit. Hope to get some helpful feedback.

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