Aah, Fanime is great.
Random people come up to hug you, people wear amazing costumes (some of them are beyond amazing), you're stopped to be photographed and you stop others to take pictures of them, and zombies sneak up on you to eat your brains.
I dressed up as Midna (I'll post a picture when I get home - I'm going to Reno with Dad tomorrow). Ellen was Dark Link. Her costume was great too (It looked a lot more professional than mine).
Since we were "traveling" together, a bunch of people asked for pictures of both of us. Especially out in the halls, where we had to keep posing as several people in a row asked for our pictures (though at that time we were also in the company of an awesome Skull Kid and Tatl).
There's always so much stuff to see!
But anime stuff is soooo much cheaper in Japan. Heh. If only Akihabara was easier to travel to. And they've got everything anime there.
Aaanyway, I digress.
I saw some of the artists I know from DA and we went for our traditional Chinese dinner in the evening.
But the highlight of the day, beyond a doubt. A girl dressed as a redead scared the stuffing out of Ellen.
I was a few paces away, and looked up just in time to catch it. Ellen was talking to a girl dressed as Shippo. The redead girl tapped Ellen on the shoulder, and Ellen turned to see a zombie face fight behind her head. She froze for a second, then gave a panicked cry and tried to bolt.
She couldn't bolt very far though, because there were people in the way.
Ellen has very deeply ingrained instincts against redeads from so many years of Zelda.
And for a few minutes, the three of us (Ellen the redead and I) stood together laughing (I apologize for laughing so much at you Ellen). It took about that long for Ellen's heart to slow down again, it seems.
I wish I had that on video.
Ellen said if the redead girl ever saw us again, she should jump on Ellen and pretend to eat her brain.
We ran into her once more. But we saw her coming, so she couldn't ambush Ellen to eat her brain.
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