I started riding it a couple months ago. Not much, but some.
Then my friends conspired to get me to watch the anime Yowamushi Pedal(I like the quiet guy and his friend. They're psychic. ^-^ ).
It was awesome timing, because it made me really excited about biking.
I'd been wanting to try my bike out for the longest time, so I can bike downtown instead of having to drive.
The problem: my house is in the hills. It's a awful place to practice biking. For two minutes, you strain up steep hills. Then for ten minutes you speed downhill. And then for five minutes at the end, is the hill I live on. Anyone who's been to my house knows that my hill is no joke. Especially with a bike.
So there's no middle ground. It's all or nothing. I could take my bike elsewhere, but then I'd need to use Dad's truck to carry it. I don't know how to drive the truck. We have an old bike rack, but I don't know if it fits on any of our cars anymore.
So the first four-ish times I rode the hills, I had to weave back and forth up my street until I arrived at my house, legs made of jello.
Then one day when I was half way up the hill, I decided to try to keep going. And I managed to bike straight up to my house!
Because of the anime, I was so pleased with myself. Heh.
And I've managed to bike straight up my hill each time since then (I even tried singing once. It was a very breathless song, but it was at least a song. I should learn the "Hime" song, huh?).

I've been going a little closer to my library every day I practice. It's way downhill too, so it's very easy to get to. Not as easy to come back. At least those hills aren't as steep as my hill.
I should hold some sort of celebration when I bike to the library for the first time. Actually, I did do it a few times when I was little. But I had to weave all the way back home. So this time I want to build up my strength so I can charge straight up. Well, not charge. I have to take it easy so I can still make it up my hill.