Lots of sniffling people in the audience.
But there weren't that many people in the theater with us. I bet if there had been more, we would have heard lots of crying (Like in Les Miserables).
Bigger audiences in general seem more fun. You get to hear all the people laughing, gasping, or crying.
There have been a couple movies recently where I saw them with almost no crowd, and also with a sizable crowd, and the bigger crowd was always a lot more fun. I remember ages ago when I went to See Star Wars Attack of the Clones with my parents. Yoda whipped out his light saber, and the entire crowd started chanting "YODA! YODA!" Heheh. That was cool.
Although with my family, we always tend to go to shows on weekday mornings. So there's never many people. I've missed most of the crowds recently, so I forgot how fun they are. You know, assuming you don't have strangers to either side of you hogging the arm rest, or anyone kicking the back of your chair.

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