

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Getting Outdoors

I have had very limited internet access over the past several days, so I'll write this post now. From Friday to Sunday, I went up to Nevada City to do a program about getting more in touch with nature. I stayed up there with Mom a couple days longer.
It was a very nice program.
The first evening, before the program started, I sat outside, intending to read some of the books the program was based off of. They're by a person named Joseph Cornell. The four I read over the weekend were good books. One has a bunch of activities for getting kids outdoors and having fun. Anyway, that first evening I didn't really read much. Instead I ended up watching a flock of young geese and a bunch of 7 turkeys (with one young one) warring over the grass. It was funny. The turkeys kept chasing the geese away. Then the geese would come back and the turkeys would chase them away again.
Then the second day, I followed a doe and her two little fawns. I went slowly enough that the mom didn't even look at me. The babies looked at me a few times though. I wish I had the good camera with me~
On Sunday, we closed the program. And I spent about an hour picking wild blackberries. They tasted really good~
Then on Monday morning, I found a group of nine bucks. I spent about 20 minutes among them, moving incredibly slow. I've never gotten so near wild deer before. It was really cool. And that time I had the good camera. Maybe I'll put up some pictures. One of them even lay down about 15 feet from me. They were very relaxed. I wish I could have spent more time, but I had to go meet my Mom.
I spent another hour picking blackberries. And then I helped a old friend pick cucumbers and sort fruit from the farm.
And that evening we went swimming in the Yuba River. It's such a beautiful place to go swimming. With all the rocks and caves and tunnels, and big granite boulders to go jumping around on. It makes every pool seem incredibly lame.
It was such a nice trip. I didn't do too much, but I relaxed and spent a lot of time outdoors.

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