

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Teacher Teacher

Tomorrow I'm going to teach an actual class to actual middle school students. About 50 of them, I think.
I hope I'll be able to get them all involved in the lesson without overwhelming myself. XD
I have to teach a class as a project for my Environmental Education class, so I asked the ranch I volunter at. Luckily they had a group of students coming in, that's the age range I was hoping for. It's a lot earlier that most of my classmates will be teaching, but that means I don't have to worry about it later. Tomorrow I'm going down to the ranch for this class.
I'll talk about environmental fiction (books and movies) and I'll also read a short story I wrote. It's actually based of fof the Katani story (~10 years before). It's about when Shanka was a little girl, and how the riot started. It's 2 pages long, so it doesn't talke too long to read. But hopefully it will still be an effective example.
I think it'll be fun. I'll let you know how it goes!

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