I was fun~
There were maybe about 15 booths, and it went for an hour. I also knew several of the people, since it was through Ananda. I think since it was a small craft fair, it was a lot more easy-gong than a big one, which made it less tiring and more fun.
It's fun seeing the other booths! I didn't get anything but Mom got some stuff.
I made some new things for the craft fair and pulled out a ton of stuff that had been sitting around for a while. Mom also added a few things she had crocheted.
I printed out a few little "business card" things. And then I didn't hand them out to people, so I still have most of them. >o< It's nice actually being able to interact with the people who like my stuff. Almost everything else I've sold has been online. I sold 9 things. And 3 people asked to reserve things before the show even started. This one little boy hung around for about 10 minutes, obviously wanting to get some stones that Mom had in little packets. He did get a stuffed cat I made, so that his stuffed dog could chase it XD. He kept asking why everything cost so much. There were a couple things that I was really hoping to sell, and both of them were taken! So I'm glad that they found a nice home. The poor teddy bear is still stuck here though. I guess there are too many teddy bears floating around. I put a bunch of the remaining plushies in Etsy, so maybe they can find homes there.
Now I gotta finish a couple commissions.
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