There was a little booth set up for the students, where they were giving out healthy snacks for free.
They had a few fliers about eating healthy.
And they were giving out little tubs of flavored yogurt, granola bars, little bags of carrot sticks, trail mix, fruit, water, and iced tea.
Except I don't think half of the stuff they gave out was actually healthy...
For example, granola bars are often full of sugars and calories.
The yogurt had that fruit flavoring, which is sugary and can have fake sugar in it.
The trail mix had m&ms in it.
I've heard that those little carrot sticks that you buy pre-packaged are doused in chemicals to keep them from going bad.
The fruit was probably good. And I don't know what was in the iced tea. And water is good too.
I don't really have anything against these foods (except the packaged carrots). I just found it amusing that this was the school's attempt to teach people about healthy food.
Granted, it's probably better than what a lot of people eat, and might be a step up for them.
And earlier that morning, at a differed part of school, a club was giving out free juice. I took one because I like juice. And then I saw in the label "contains 10% juice."
Great. What's in the other 90% of the drink?
It was one of those drinks that makes your mouth feel funny after you've had half of it...
And I didn't finish it.

(In case you're wondering why I have dinosaurs on this post, it's because this part of Fantasia always made vegetables look really tasty to me when was a kid.)
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